Days Short Recap Thursday, October 17, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ brought Fiona to a cell near Brady. Smugly he told Brady that he’s still a suspect. He decided to leave them alone so they could figure out the truth. Brady looked at her and wondered how he could be so wrong about her. He wasn’t concerned with himself. How could she hurt Sarah the way she did. Fiona cowered in a corner. Sarah found Xander staring at Victor’s portrait. He wondered how Victor’s son could be so gullible. Fiona disappointed him for his entire life. When Fiona showed up for their wedding, he became the boy who wanted his mother. He couldn’t believe that he didn’t see that she was the same drunk she’s always been. It broke Sarah’s heart that Fiona hurt him. Xander rushed to her side saying that his pain was nothing compared to what Fiona did to her. He talked about her getting charged with perjury for protecting him from killing Brady for nothing. Sarah reminded him that Fiona confessed. He informed her that she only confessed to them. She could have told the police anything. They had to set the record straight because he’s innocent and that’s the only way Kristen will give them the serum to help her walk again. When Sarah was better, Xander planned to make his mother pay. Abby talked to Mark on the phone in the bathroom. He didn’t tell her about Clyde’s orders, but she was sure he would be able to take care of it. She planned to marry Chad and get Clyde his money. After she got off the phone, she looked at herself in the mirror. She was convinced she could go through with the plan for her mother. Chad looked at his wedding album. Across the room, Kayla sent Chad a text message letting him know that the woman he was with wasn’t Abby.

Fiona told Brady that she panicked the night she hit Sarah. Her mind was racing, and she didn’t know what to do. She saw him and he looked innocent. Fiona informed him that she did research before arriving in Salem and knew Maggie was framed the same way. Brady told her that she didn’t just frame him. She put him through hell. It was her turn to suffer. She needed to rot for what she did to him. Brady continued to read her the riot act for what she did to him. Fiona admitted that she cared about him. The only person she detested was herself. He never wanted to see her again. Fiona slumped down in the cell. Sarah and Xander met with EJ at the station. Xander didn’t care what happened to his mother, but he wanted Brady to be released. EJ thought there was a reason why Sarah changed her story. They seemed desperate to get Brady released from jail. Until he knew the truth, Brady wasn’t leaving. Sarah and Xander pled with him to release Brady. Chad embraced JJ. He saw Abby and asked if he remembered him. She said she didn’t remember him, but he felt familiar. JJ and Chad told her that he would marry them. There were no words to describe how much it meant to him to see his sister get married. Jennifer had a hard time accepting reality, but deep down she’s happy for them. Holly arrived with flowers for the wedding. Abby saw Chad’s phone and noticed Kayla’s message to him. She deleted the message from his phone. Thinking quickly, she told Chad that his phone was dead. JJ started the ceremony. Abby cried while reciting her vows. Chad stared at her lovingly. They kissed and were officially married. Her memories didn’t rush back, but she felt closer than ever to Chad. After he hugged her, her joy turned to worry. Xander wondered if he and Sarah should have told EJ everything. Sarah didn’t trust EJ to tell him that Kristen was blackmailing them. She prayed that EJ would do the right thing. EJ decided to drop the charges against Brady. Brady stared at Fiona before walking out of his cell. JJ made a toast to Chad and Abby. He apologized to Abby for not getting in touch with her sooner. Holly flashed back to Abby saying she was on the phone with her brother. Holly asked if they talked on the phone last night. JJ and Chad looked at Abby for answers.

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