Days Transcript Thursday, October 3, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


So that’s it, then. It’s just over between us?

[soft dramatic music] You know what? You’re obviously too much of a coward to just tell me the truth, so I’ll save you the trouble. Yeah, it’s done. We’re over, Tate. So you and Sophia, you guys can have a happy life together. You two totally deserve each other. Goodbye, Tate.

[tense music]

You better hope the justice system works fast when your brother is concerned, Eric. Otherwise, I’ll have no choice but to take matters into my own hand.

Xander? What are you doing with that gun?

Thanks for coming, Marlena.

Oh, Brady. Your father and I are so worried about you.

I’m worried about him. And I haven’t– I haven’t–put him through all of this and all the pain this is causing him, I mean, just because I screwed up so– screwed up doesn’t even– it doesn’t even cut it. It’s more like what I did was unforgivable.

Let me make this very clear. We love you so much.

[tender music] And we will be here for you, now and always.

I just saw EJ leaving. What was all that about?

Our illustrious DA just came to gloat. Yeah, no surprise there. He made sure to let me know that he’s definitely going to keep me in prison this time and that there’s nobody that’s going to be able to save me, not even Kristen.

What happened to the tunnels? It’s like a bomb went off down there.

Well, that’s exactly what happened, actually. Rolf, you shouldn’t be here. You’re wanted for a long list of crimes. And if the police catch you–

I’m well aware of the risks, Kristen. But I have news of the utmost importance, news that I felt must be delivered in person.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

I’m sure you understand, Maggie, that, well, I’m Victor’s heir now and CEO of Titan again. There’s a huge target on my back. I keep this gun in the office for, uh, protection.

Come on, Xander. This building has tons of security.

And yet you were able to gain access without my knowledge. No warning, no escort. What if you’d been packing heat, Maggie?

Fine. You made your point.

Well, assuming you’re not here to assassinate me, what brings you by?

Ah, yeah. Well, I have something to speak to you about, alone.

Oh? Am I in trouble?

Not yet. But perhaps, um, trouble can be avoided if you take my advice.

Which is?

Well, now that Sarah has identified Brady as being the drunk driver who hit her, he’ll probably be going to prison for what he did. So, Xander, I’m asking you to please, please, could you drop this vendetta against Brady?

It sounds like EJ is pretty upset with his sister for making your car disappear so it couldn’t be used as evidence.

Yes, he is.

And I’m–I’m angry at her for doing it in the first place, as you know. Marlena, she’s– she’s determined to get me out of this mess.

What does that mean?

She–she visited earlier. She offered to do something pretty extreme to ensure my freedom.

I’m afraid to ask. – You’re going to make Sarah disappear? That’s your big plan?

It wouldn’t be the first time. Just say the word, Brady, and I will have Dr. Sarah rolling around the DiMera Island compound by tomorrow afternoon.

Oh–oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Or–or I could, uh, take a page out of Connie Vininski’s book and just toss her in the basement and set off a bomb.

OK, OK. Kristen, you’re not doing this. I think it’s better that you just don’t know about it.

Well, is it something illegal?

I told her. I told her, you need to lay off. You need to stand down immediately.

Well, I hope she listens to you. Because whenever Kristen gets involved in somebody– in somebody’s problems, she can make them worse, a lot worse.

All right, Rolf, you have my attention. What is this urgent news that you risked life and limb to share?

Well, as I’m sure you recall, Kristen, you, uh, reached out to me shortly after you were named CEO of DiMera Enterprises. You asked me to work on scientific innovations that could be developed and monetized on behalf of the company.

Yeah, I wanted you to score me a win, something that would cement my place at the top, prove those naysayers wrong. Of course, I did have my reservations about bankrolling a known fugitive.

Well, I’m happy to say your gamble paid off. There’s been a monumental scientific breakthrough, thanks to me, that will make you and your board members very, very rich.

Wow, that was intense.

I can’t believe it. Holly and I are– are over.

Tate, I’m so sorry.

Are you really?

Of course I am. Why would you even ask me that?

Come on, Sophia. You two were just at each other’s throats. I think that maybe you’d enjoy watching my relationship with her blow up.

Tate, I admit that I have my issues with my former BFF, but I know how much you care about her and how hard you fought to be with her. So, no, I’m not enjoying this. In fact, I feel really bad that it’s all falling apart, mostly for your sake.

I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have doubted you. I just–I’m upset, obviously.

Of course you are. Holly broke your heart. But honestly, after the way she betrayed your trust, the way she used you to try to get evidence against your dad, I truly think you’re better off without her.



[footsteps approaching]

Holly. Hey.

Oh, my God. Please, I literally can’t right now. Just leave me alone.

I know you’re still mad at me. I just want– I want you to know that I love you. And I’m always here for you if you need to talk.

Fine. You want to know why I’m so upset, Eric? Well, it’s because Tate and I just broke up, and it’s all your fault.

Holly, I’m sorry that you and Tate broke up. But how is this my fault?

You and your brother are the exact same. You just get drunk, you run people over, and you don’t give a damn about the consequences. And for some bizarre reason, Tate still insists on defending both of you.

I don’t know why he’s defending me, but I know that Tate loves his father. He’s scared that he’s going to go to prison.

Which is what he deserves.

Holly, I know this situation really hits home for you. You and Tate–


You and Tate need each other.

Just stop.

Especially right now.

No, stop. Don’t act like you care about me or what I need.

Of course I do.

No, you don’t. So don’t pretend to.

I do.

You don’t care about me, Eric. And neither does my mom.

You know what, Sophia? You’re–you’re right.

What, you mean you agree that you’re better off without Holly?

No, no. About what you said about how Holly and I had to work really hard to be together. You know, lying to my parents, sneaking around behind their backs for months, pretending I went to lacrosse camp just so we could hang out. And we did all of that, and now it’s just over. It’s like it was all for nothing.

That really sucks. But I hope you know that none of this is your fault, Tate. You tried to work things out with Holly. And I’m sorry, but she went a little psycho.

Sophia, come on.

What? It’s true. I mean, I know she’s got a lot going on, but she didn’t have to take it out on you. And the stuff with your dad, Tate? I hate to say it, but this isn’t the first time she screwed you over. She also took her sweet time clearing your name after her overdose, which was so awful, you going to jail and then to that rehab place.

Yeah. Yeah, that was rough.

Sorry. Now I’m making things worse. I shouldn’t have brought that up. Tate, is there anything I can do for you?

No, thank you. I think maybe I should just head home.

How about we take a walk instead? You shouldn’t be alone when you’re this upset.

Don’t you have work?

My shift doesn’t start for a while. Come on. It’ll be better than moping around at home by yourself.

All right. Maybe you’re right.

I think you might be exaggerating just a wee bit, Maggie. All I’ve wanted is for Brady to be brought to justice for what he did to Sarah, not some vendetta against him.

Hmm. Well, then, can you explain to me why you wanted to break his legs? That’s right. Fiona told me that you went after him with a baseball bat.

At the time, I was very frustrated that Brady was a free man, that he got away with paralyzing Sarah. You can’t blame me for wanting him to pay for that.

I do blame you, Xander, for taking it so far, or at least intending to. And thank God Fiona was there to stop you.

Did she tell you why she intervened?

Oh, you mean that she slept with Brady? Yeah, she told me.

Another reason my anger is justified.

Why? Because from what I understand, Brady didn’t even know Fiona was your mother when they first met.

Right. After he figured it out, he kept seeing her, probably just to stick it to me.

Stop it. Now, Xander, you’re the one obsessing over Brady. It’s not the other way around. I think it’s high time that you focused more time on being with your wife and less time on getting back at Brady.

No, I–I agree %. I mean, Kristen–Kristen would just make my situation worse. Although, I’ll be honest with you.

[sighs] I’d much rather her be fighting with me than against me.

I do understand that. I mean, the two of you have been involved in some incredible fights over Rachel.

Which may be coming to an end, finally. Not just because I might be going to prison, but because Kristen said she’s willing to revisit our custody arrangement.

She told me that.

I–I think it was just an incentive, you know, for me not to give up, you know, after the accident.

You know what? I think she might have had a–a different motivation.

Like what?

When we spoke, she told me that she still loves you.

Yeah. Yeah, she–she told me that, too, earlier.


What is?

You didn’t say that you never wanted to be involved with that psycho again.

No, I didn’t say that. But the truth is, I– I wish that I did feel that way. After all the awful things that she has done to you, to me, to so many people that we care about– when she says, I still love you, Brady, it should–it should– it should mean nothing. It should–it should be pathetic because I’m never going to return her feelings.

You say you wish you felt that way? Don’t you?


[clears throat] Hmm. Rolf, all these equations and formulas, am I supposed to understand any of this?

No, of course not. That is why I am here! Hmm? I have a whole presentation prepared to explain my research to you in layman’s terms. It will only take an hour or two of your time.


[laughs] You know what? Rolf, I really, really appreciate your hard work and– and your enthusiasm, but, um, currently, I don’t have the bandwidth for this. The father of my child could be going to prison, and, well, I need to focus my energy on trying to find a way to save him.

But this is the scientific discovery of the century. And DiMera stands to make millions, if not billions.

OK, I get it. I get it, Rolf. I really, really do. But I mean, can we just put this on the back burner for now? Until I can get Brady out of trouble.

I can’t believe what I am hearing. This is–this is the future of the company, the future of the world. And you are still wrapped up in your very unhealthy obsession with Brady Black!

Watch it. Don’t forget who’s in charge here.


Your father, too, had his obsession, his Queen of the Night, Marlena Evans. But Stefano always understood when he needed to put his personal matters aside for the good of the company.

Hmm. Did he, though?

He at least made an effort to multitask. And I believe that is what your father would want you to do in this situation.

[tense music]


[sighs] Fine. Lay it on me.

Holly, please. You got to believe me. Your mom and I hate that you’re in so much pain. Your mom really wants to help you.

Then where the hell is she? If I’m so important to her, then why doesn’t she just come home? Or is visiting her only daughter just too inconvenient?

You know that she would be here if she could. Jude, he’s got a head cold and an ear infection. And so she doesn’t want to put him on a plane. But maybe you could go visit her instead.

You know what really gets me is– is how Holly is so completely in the wrong, and she blames everybody else, including you.

Well, she and I haven’t been getting along for a while now, so sort of an easy scapegoat.

Yeah, it’s just not right. I mean, she’s way out of line. And, I mean, all you did is you called her out for– for using me, right? My God, for her to hit you?

Well, I don’t have to steal Tate from you, Holly. You’re handing him over gift-wrapped just by being the same broken, hot mess you’ve been since we were kids. And not just a hot mess, but obviously sexually repressed.

Shut the hell up right now.

I’m just saying, you not putting out for the guy is kind of an advantage for me since he’s raring to go, and I can’t wait to get him into bed and to satisfy him like you refuse to. Although, I’m guessing even if you did put out, you wouldn’t be able to satisfy him like I can. Like I will. I have to be honest, Tate. Holly didn’t hit me because I called her out. She hit me because I admitted I have feelings for you.

[suspenseful music]

Wait a minute. What are–what are you talking about, Maggie? I’ve–I’ve been there for Sarah %. I was by her side at the hospital. And then I brought her home. And since then I’ve– well, I’ve been–I’ve been spending as much time with her as I possibly can.

I know you have. I’m not talking about physically. I’m talking about emotionally. Sarah is going through so much, and you have been spending so much more time and energy focusing on ways to punish Brady.


[sighs] Maybe you’re right, Maggie. I just– I just don’t know how to help her. She–she’s always putting on such a strong front, insisting everything’s fine, but it’s–it’s not. She is not fine. I hear her crying when she thinks I’m not around, and I saw how sad she looked when she couldn’t chase after Victoria at her birthday party. It just– it makes me feel so damn helpless, watching her suffer like this. I can’t help Sarah regain the use of her legs, but I can help her get justice.

Well, now that Brady is facing judgment and you’re going to get your justice, Xander, it’s time. It’s time to let it go. For your sake and for Sarah’s sake.


[scoffs] Why do I feel like I should be lying on the couch in your office?

Am I acting too much like a therapist?


[sighs] No, you’re not. More like a concerned parent.

Good. Answer my question, please.

OK. You know, I’ve always felt this pull towards Kristen. Even when times are bad, I can’t get her out of my system.

Understandable. You share a daughter.

No, Marlena. It’s– it’s like an addiction. It’s–it’s– it’s just an addiction. But this one’s different because of Rachel. I can’t– I can’t go cold turkey because I have to be in contact with the woman because of my daughter.

Yeah. Let’s try another metaphor. Are you in danger of falling off the wagon when it comes to Kristen?

No, no, I’m just– I’m just still burned from what happened with Theresa. Besides, even if I was ready to love again, it’s a moot point because I’m going to prison.

What is this?

I thought you might like to follow along as I give my presentation.

Huh. You thought wrong. Uh…

[clears throat] Just give me the gist, and make it snappy.

All right. So a crude summation will pale in comparison to the elegance of my discovery.

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

All right, fine, fine. Do you remember the Chorvat prisms?

Of course I do. They contain all sorts of advanced scientific properties. You and Megan used one of them to cure Bo’s brain tumor.

We also used one to create a fountain of youth serum derived from that rare jungle orchid.

Oh, my God. Rolf, you perfected it? Why wouldn’t you have led with that?

Look at my face, Kristen. Does it look like I perfected a fountain of youth?


[sighs] I guess that’s a no.

Even though the ISA now has possession of the prisms, I was able to work off my extensive notes, and I was able to come up with a new serum that will revolutionize the field of medicine!

Yeah, this is where you get to the gist part.

It has incredible regenerative properties, far beyond what we can currently do with stem cells. For instance, you could regenerate a failed organ or regrow dying tissue. Essentially, just about any damage to the human body can be reversed!

What about a spinal cord injury?

[dramatic music]

So you admitted to Holly that you have feelings for me?

Which I do. You can’t be that surprised, Tate. You knew I was into you before. That’s why you asked me to prom.

Yeah, but you–you said that you just wanted to be friends. I–I thought we were past all of that.

I know. And I meant it. I really did. And I’ve tried to put my feelings aside, tried to be supportive of you and Holly. But I guess deep down, I’m still not over you.

[soft music]

I’m sorry I didn’t realize.

Don’t be sorry, please. I don’t want it to be weird between us. And I kind of didn’t realize it either. But then Holly kept suggesting that I was trying to steal you away. So I had to admit that while I wasn’t doing that, I do still like you.

And that’s why she hit you?

Like I said, she just thinks I’m trying to take you away from her. Look, I admit that I flirted with you at the Horton cabin last summer. Actually, I guess flirting is an understatement. I kind of suggested we have sex. You’re not saying anything. Surely you remember that.

Uh, yeah, I–I do.

But no comment?

It–it was awkward.

I know. And I was obviously out of line. But then you totally rejected me anyway, which was actually pretty humiliating. But after that, I decided I needed to have some self-respect and back off. Which I have, haven’t I?

Yeah. Yeah, you have. Definitely, yeah.

Sorry. I’ve made this all about me, which I didn’t want to do. It’s just after what Holly did to you, I want everything to be out in the open between us, Tate. No deception.

So you want me to fly to Paris in the middle of my senior year?

We could go for a long weekend. You wouldn’t miss much class, and this is really important.

And so is applying to college, which, by the way, my mom’s not here to help me with either.

And she can help you with that. You can do a video chat.

No, you know damn well that’s not the same as being with someone in person.

Holly, she asked you to move with us.

But when I said I couldn’t, she could have made me a priority and stayed. But she didn’t. She didn’t stay in Salem. She chose to do what you wanted, Eric, instead of what her daughter needed.

Holly, your mom is terribly concerned and wants to see you.

Yeah, whatever. It’s pointless, anyway. I don’t have anything to say to her.

So what? You’re just going to shut her out?

[somber music]

[sighs] Holly, I am the one who was responsible for your father’s death, not her.

True. She just lied to me about it my entire life.

Then give her a chance to explain, a chance to tell you why she came to that decision. Don’t you think you owe her that much?

Brady, as far as you going to prison, that’s not a foregone conclusion. Justin’s a very good attorney. He–he may be able to pull off a miracle.

Marlena, we’ve been over this. I’m not looking for a miracle.

I know you think you deserve to be punished. Darling, please, let Justin do his job.

I am. I am letting him do it, out of deference to Dad. OK, if it wasn’t for him, I would just assume– just–just get this whole damn thing over with. I–

[laughs] I’m responsible for Sarah being in that wheelchair, probably for the rest of her life, OK? It’s my fault that she has pain and she has suffering, and I am willing to– no, I’m not willing. I need to take responsibility for it.

I hear you, Maggie. And look, I haven’t only been sitting around thinking of ways to punish Brady. I’ve also been looking into specialists. I’m trying to find anyone that can help Sarah walk again.

And what have you found?

So far, everyone agrees with Sarah’s current doctors. And they’ve admitted that things aren’t looking promising.

Well, then I guess it’s time for us to face reality…

[sighs] That Sarah’s paralysis is most likely permanent.

The serum wasn’t specifically created for spinal cord injury. Though I suppose it’s not out of the realm of possibilities that it could be used thusly, given some re-engineering, that is. Why do you ask?

Because Brady is currently facing prison time for a hit and run. And Sarah Kiriakis, she’s paralyzed and may never walk again.

I see. Well, I’d have to take a look at her charts to determine if the serum would be appropriate for her particular case.

But in theory, it is possible that the serum may get Sarah back on her feet again?

Yes. Yes, I believe it– possible.




Well, then, Rolf, you need to get working on this right away. I’m going to get you a lab. You’re going to revise the serum. Oh, my God. I mean, if Sarah starts to walk again–

Kristen, I know you spent a lot of time with Sarah on this island when she thought she was your dead sister. But I hadn’t realized you cared so much for her.

Oh, believe me, I don’t.

Then there must be some ulterior motive here, huh? Something perhaps to do with–

I have my reasons, Rolf. And if you want your funding, you want your lab, you want the glory of the scientific breakthrough, then you’ll leave it at that.

[suspenseful music]

I’m not ready to just– to give up hope, Maggie.

Nor am I. But if it turns out that Sarah’s condition is permanent, we mustn’t forget that Sarah can still have a full and productive life.

Of course.

And she will. That’s if you and Victoria are in her corner. Right?

Right. Thank you, Maggie, for– for helping me get my priorities straight.

So does this mean–

Yes, I’ll focus all my attention on my wife, and I will stop obsessing about Brady Black.

You know that Eric felt the same way you do. After what happened to Daniel, he was– he was tormented by it. But he found there are other ways to atone for mistakes besides going to jail.

I get that. And I’m glad that Eric has found a way to make peace with the fact that he took a life. I guess I’m luckier. My situation is better because Sarah is still alive. But, Marlena, unlike Eric, I am– I’m not there. I am not ready to make peace with what I did.

I hope in time you will. Please know that I am always, always here for you.

Thank you.

As is your father.

I know he is. Again, I just–I just– I feel really bad about the pain that I’m causing him. I think he’d be better off if he just accepted his son’s fate.

He can’t do that. And neither could you. Last year, when your son was in so much trouble, there was no way you couldn’t be there for him.

He was innocent.

And would things have changed if he hadn’t been innocent?

No, I–I probably would have stood by his side anyway. Just the way he’s standing by my side now. Which, by the way, is costing him a lot.

How so?


[sighs] He and Holly, they– they had this big fight. And it was all because of–of me.

Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.

Me too. I had all these reservations about the two of them being together. But now that they are, I would really hate it that I was the reason that they didn’t work out.

Well, thank you for being honest with me. I know that probably wasn’t easy for you.

Well, it was easier telling you than Holly.

Again, I am so sorry that she hit you. That was totally wrong of her. But, hey, at least it didn’t leave a mark, right?


[laughs] Thank God. I was not looking forward to explaining that to my parents. They would have totally lost it.

Right. I get it. You know, but now, with, you know, my mom going to prison and my dad maybe joining her… I don’t know. I just–I kind of miss my parents being up all in my business, you know? Is that crazy?

No, no, not at all. And hey, if you ever need your fix of nosy parents, feel free to come by my place. My parents will gladly give you the third degree and then tell you exactly what to do.

Right. I think I might skip that, thanks.


[laughs] Yeah. Yeah, you should. So, Tate, are we still cool? I mean, after me telling you that I have feelings for you?

Yeah. Yeah, we’re still cool. And actually, I’m glad you told me that.


Yeah, it’s good that something like that is out in the open. You know, I don’t want you to feel like you have to hold anything back with me.

Well, in that case–

[tense music]

I really wish you wouldn’t make me speak on your mother’s behalf. But since you won’t talk to her, I want you to know something. She needs you. She needs to see you.



She misses you terribly.

I have a hard time believing that. She could have stayed here.

Holly, she had her reasons. And they were…

[sighs] Big decisions.

Yeah, I know.

You know, you don’t have to stay very long. I’ll even buy you a plane ticket on the next flight.

[soft dramatic music] All you have to do is go home, pack your things.



Fine. I’ll go to Paris. I mean, there’s nothing keeping me in Salem anyway. Not anymore.

Um, I–I– I–I’m sorry, I– I don’t know, I think maybe you misunderstood. I–I’m really–just I’m not, uh, ready to move on yet.

Oh, my God. I’m so embarrassed. I totally misread the situation. You must think I’m pathetic.

No, no, no, no. Not at all. You’re–you’re great. You’ve–you’ve been totally, uh, understanding and supportive. I just– I’m such a mess right now. I think maybe I should just head home, you know?

Are you sure I didn’t screw things up?

I am positive. Uh, text you later, OK?

OK. Yeah, yeah. You should go home and– and take it easy. Talk soon.


[soft suspenseful music]

Science is a cold mistress. But she is calling me.

[sighs] You appreciated my brilliance once upon a time. But your progeny, that’s a different story.

[tense music] Your precious Kristen blew out of here looking like the cat who ate the canary. I wonder what she’s up to this time.

[knocking on door]

Well, hello there, Xandy.

Ugh. Maybe security here really is a problem.

I’m sorry. What?

Nothing. What the hell do you want?

You might want to change your tone. Believe it or not, I am here to help you.

Brady, take care of yourself. We’ll talk soon.

Thank you for coming, Marlena.

You know, I can’t help but wonder what Kristen has in mind when she’s talking about helping you.

Honestly, please, don’t even worry about it.

How can I not worry about it? This is Kristen DiMera we’re talking about. And when she sets her mind to something, well, there’s no telling what she might do to follow through.

Wait, so you’re– you’re saying that Rolf’s new serum can make Sarah walk again?

Well, I mean, he still needs to fine-tune the formula, but when it is all done, it’ll be all yours.

Oh, my God.

Yeah. There’s just one teeny, tiny favor I might ask in return.

Which is?

Make sure that Brady goes free.

[tense music]

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