Days Update Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

EJ is at the hospital on the phone with Harold, assuring that Gabi will be fine. EJ says she’s in the ICU but is expected to make a full recovery, so he will let her know that he called as they hang up. Holly then arrives and tells EJ that she heard about the explosion at the mansion so she ran right over. Holly hugs EJ, thankful that he is alright.

Tate is at home and calls Holly, leaving a message that it’s the third time he’s called and he knows she’s pissed about EJ not charging Brady with Sarah’s hit and run, but he hoped they could talk things out. Sophia then shows up at Tate’s door, surprising him.

Eric runs in to Brady at the Pub. Eric talks about finishing the photoshoot for Body & Soul as a favor to Abe and Kate. Eric asks how Brady is doing. Brady says he’s as good as can be expected and that he was just checking on Ava after she got attacked by a maniac who tried to slit her throat. Eric is shocked and asks if she’s okay. Brady confirms that she is. Eric says that’s good to hear but notes that he didn’t realize Brady and Ava were friends. Brady responds that they actually got close on the night that he fell off the wagon as they got wasted together. Brady knows he must be questioning why she would do that when she knows he was in recovery. Brady adds that Ava tried to stop him but knew there was no way she could. Brady then remarks that maybe if he listened to Ava that night, Sarah wouldn’t be in a wheelchair.

Xander helps Sarah in to bed while Sarah complains about wanting to make the move on her own, insisting that she has to learn to do things on herself. Xander says he wants to cater to her every wish, so Sarah asks him to promise not to go after Brady again.

EJ tells Holly that he is touched by her concern and assumes that means he’s back in her good graces. Holly says just because she didn’t want to see him blown to bits doesn’t mean she’s over him lying about Jude’s paternity. EJ says he deeply regrets the choice, but he was desperate to save his marriage. Holly gets that being desperate can make them do awful, stupid things. EJ calls her kind and empathetic. Holly notes that EJ was kind and empathetic to her finding out that Eric drove drunk and killed her father. Holly then asks what EJ is doing to make sure Brady pays for what he did to Sarah.

Xander tells Sarah that he can’t tell her he’s done going after Brady after he just confessed to mowing her down and walking away free, questioning where the justice is in that. Sarah knows how unfair it is but complains that Xander is obsessed with making Brady pay and with revenge, even though she has repeatedly told him that what’s best for them is to move forward. Sarah reminds him that Victoria needs their full attention. Xander is sorry that him being upset makes her upset, but she’s the reason he can’t let it go. Xander argues that he wants justice for her but Sarah says she doesn’t want it and it’s only causing her anxiety. Sarah declares that what’s important to her is figuring out how to get around without the use of her legs, so she can be there for their daughter. Sarah adds that if Xander really wants to be there for her, then he will forgive and forget for their sake. Xander swears to do whatever it takes to help her figure out how to be there for Victoria, but declares that he will never forget what Brady did to her and he’s never going to forgive him.

Eric tells Brady that he can’t punish himself for the rest of his life because of what happened to Sarah. Brady complains that he crippled her and how she won’t be able to help Victoria take her first steps. Eric says that Brady made a mistake, but insists that Sarah will find a way to have a good life, so he needs to do the same. Brady continues to complain about running over an innocent woman and paralyzing her for the rest of her life. Brady asks how he’s supposed to just have a good life, knowing he ruined someone else’s. Brady says he may not have to pay for it in court, but Xander is not going to let go of it. Eric asks if he threatened him. Brady explains that Xander came after him at Basic Black with a baseball bat, but Fiona showed up and stopped Xander from crippling him.

Maggie and Fiona eat together at the Bistro. Maggie thanks Fiona and talks about not remembering when she last got out of the house. Fiona encourages her to allow others to help her. Maggie talks about Xander catering to Sarah’s every need. Fiona notes that Xander has been quite upset with her lately which Maggie questions. Fiona reveals that’s why she suggested they have dinner as she wanted to explain before she hears from anyone else, why Xander is not pleased with her. Fiona is sure Maggie won’t approve either and will likely be appalled. Maggie says to just tell her, so Fiona reveals that she and Brady met shortly after she came to Salem at the Pub and one thing led to another. Maggie questions what she is trying to tell her. Fiona then informs Maggie that she slept with Brady.

Sophia brought Tate BBQ sliders from the Bistro. Tate is surprised she was paying attention to know his favorite. Sophia says she always pays attention to him. Tate thanks her for bringing him dinner as Sophia says she knows how upset he’s been with Holly freezing him out and that he could use some TLC as she touches his hand.

Holly still doesn’t get why EJ let Brady go. EJ reminds her that there wasn’t enough evidence to charge him with a crime with no eye witnesses or Brady’s car. Holly complains that she can’t just let it go. EJ knows that Holly cares deeply about Sarah, but worries about her level of anger. EJ asks if this is about wanting justice for Sarah or about wanting Eric to pay for what he did to Daniel.

Eric gets that Xander is angry but argues that it doesn’t give him the right to take the law in to his own hands. Eric asks if Brady reported this to the police but Brady says he felt he deserved whatever Xander did to him. Eric disagrees and says that Brady suffered from a disease. Eric asks about Fiona stopping Xander from attacking him, assuming she wanted to keep her son out of prison. Brady says that’s part of it but she also didn’t want to see him hurt. Eric questions why when she doesn’t even know him. Brady then reveals that he and Fiona slept together, shocking Eric.

Maggie questions Fiona taking Brady to her bed out of all the men in town, pointing out that she said she didn’t even know who he was. Fiona apologizes for misleading her but she found the whole situation awkward. Maggie brings up Brady being Victor’s grandson. Fiona points out that they didn’t know about the family connection at first. Maggie questions how it happened and if Brady was drinking at the time. Fiona confirms that he was but she didn’t know about his alcoholism and that he was just charming. Maggie asks if they are still sleeping together. Fiona insists that it’s over and that she’s horrified over what he did to Sarah, calling it unforgivable.

Eric tells Brady that he tries not to judge, but questions what he was thinking. Brady says he was on a bender and he did not know Fiona was Xander’s mom when they first got together. Eric asks if he ended things after finding out. Brady admits he didn’t, but it’s over now after paralyzing her daughter in law. Brady wants to change the subject and asks about Eric talking to Holly as he was going to tell her the truth about Daniel’s death. Eric reveals that he wanted to, but Tate beat him to it.

Sophia asks Tate if Holly still isn’t talking to him. Tate confirms that she is not responding to his calls, texts, or DMs. Sophia doesn’t understand why Holly doesn’t see that he’s trying to be there for his dad. Tate talks about how it’s a lot since Holly doesn’t have a dad. Sophia wishes they were still close, so she could be there for her. Sophia talks about Holly not having a father because of Eric, who is living with her mother in Paris. Sophia calls it awful, sad, and depressing which Tate agrees with. Sophia tells him that her heart breaks for them.

Holly guesses there is some truth to what EJ is saying, that she’s transferring some of her anger towards Eric to Brady. Holly talks about Eric getting away with killing Daniel and now Brady getting away, all because they thought it was okay to drink and drive. EJ insists that he wants to hold Brady accountable. Holly tells EJ to say the word and she’ll do what she can to help. EJ reminds her that it’s a matter for the police. Holly refuses to sit by and watch history repeat itself. Holly complains that Eric is living his best life with Nicole and never really paid for what he did. Holly declares that Brady must pay one way or another. EJ says they are on the same page with that which Holly is glad to hear as EJ jokes that they are kindred spirits. Holly decides she should get going, so EJ tells her to take care of herself as she exits the hospital.

Maggie questions Fiona meeting Brady on the night of Xander’s wedding. Fiona repeats that Brady was drinking but she had no idea he was in recovery. Fiona brings up Xander tearing in to her about keeping him being Victor’s son a secret, so she was in a bad place but had no idea who Brady was. Maggie asks why Fiona is telling her all of this now. Fiona explains that when she found out about the bad blood between Xander and Brady, she thought she should keep quiet after just getting back in to Xander’s good graces, so she didn’t want to take the chances that an affair with his nephew would ruin things. Maggie asks if Xander knows which she confirms. Maggie says she can imagine Xander’s reaction to finding out. Fiona admits that he was completely thrown but some good came from it, as Xander was so shocked by the news that it stopped him from attacking Brady with a baseball bat.

Sarah asks Xander to drop his vendetta against Brady. Xander gets a text and says he has Titan business to tend to. Sarah questions it being at this hour. Xander says it’s with the markets in China. Sarah brings up that the last time Xander left on Titan business, he went after Brady with a baseball bat. Xander says he can’t promise to drop the vendetta against Brady, but he promises he’s not leaving her now to go confront him again. Sarah says she’s trying to believe him. Xander suggests she work on her upper body strength while he’s gone and says he won’t be gone long as he kisses her and then exits.

Maggie tells Fiona that in spite of the shock about her and Brady, she is relieved that she stopped Xander from hurting Brady. Maggie says Sarah needs Xander by her side, not in prison for assault. Maggie adds that she’s disappointed in Brady and angry at his choices, but she doesn’t want him to be hurt. Maggie admits that she can’t bear to look at Brady right now, but he’s family and had a lot to deal with in his life including alcoholism. Maggie remarks that Brady is a kind and decent man, when he’s sober.

Brady asks Eric why Tate would tell Holly that he was the drunk driver who killed Daniel. Eric explains that Tate thought she already knew. Brady asks how Holly is dealing with it. Eric says she’s angry as hell at him and Nicole for lying to her for her entire life. Brady understands they had their reasons but Eric worries that those reasons weren’t good enough. Brady encourages him to give Holly some time to process it as she knows there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for her and she will come around eventually. Eric prays that he’s right. Brady decides it’s time for him to go to an AA meeting, so he then exits the Pub.

EJ makes a call about the investigation in to Sarah’s hit and run. EJ warns that he wants Jada to find concrete evidence against Brady or he will suggests to Paulina that they make significant changes to who is running the police department. EJ remarks that maybe he should take Holly up on her offer as she can’t be any worse than the Salem police department.

Sophia tells Tate that she wishes Holly could understand that while he has his dad’s back, he’s on her side too. Sophia points out that Tate is the guy that Holly loves, but Tate says he’s not really sure anymore. Tate just wants Holly to know that he’s there to talk. Sophia talks about how if she was lucky enough to have him as a boyfriend, she wouldn’t push him away. Sophia praises Tate and calls him a total catch and amazing. Holly then shows up at the door and is shocked to see Sophia inside with Tate.

Maggie tells Fiona that she’s glad they talked and says they’ve both stepped up to be there for their children. Maggie adds that she’s come to consider Fiona a friend, so they wouldn’t want them to keep any secrets. Maggie mentions bringing Sarah her favorite dessert. Fiona says she will stay behind and have her favorite here. Maggie tells Fiona that she will see her at home. Fiona thanks her for not thinking too ill of her. Maggie acknowledges that Fiona has been there to help and support her, Xander, and Sarah so they are very grateful to her. Fiona is grateful for her understanding as they hug. Maggie then exits the Bistro.

EJ goes to the Brady Pub and confronts Eric, who asks what he wants. EJ talks about never understanding the appeal of the Pub and asks why Eric is so glum. EJ then says he knows the answer as not only has Eric’s alcoholic brother crippled Sarah, but he’s having to relive the misery and shame of his own crime which was much worse considering he actually killed someone. EJ adds that Holly now also absolutely despises him since that someone was her father.

Sophia tells Holly that she and Tate were just talking about her, as she was just telling Tate that she really hopes things work out between them because she hates that they are fighting. Sophia says she should get back to work and she just brought Tate some food. Holly remarks that it’s too bad Sophia doesn’t have anyone to blackmail in to working for her anymore. Sophia then exits. Tate tells Holly that it’s not what she thinks. Holly says she doesn’t want to waste time talking about Sophia as she came over to apologize for not answering his calls or texts since she’s been dealing with a lot over the situation with their families. Tate knows it’s been rough on her. Holly doesn’t want to talk about that either and asks if they can just spend time together which Tate says he would love. They say they missed each other as they hug. Holly then asks to use the restroom to freshen up and says she’ll only be a few minutes. Holly instead sneaks in to Brady’s bedroom.

Sophia goes back to work at the Bistro, where she takes Fiona’s order.

Xander meets with a man in the park and asks if he has what he needs. The man presents him with a gun, assuring it’s completely untraceable and says he knows exactly what he needs him to do. He remarks that the guy won’t know what hit him.

Eric tells EJ that Holly doesn’t despise him and he knows she has every reason to be hurt, but he knows she will come around. EJ admires his optimism but says he’s certain that Holly is not going to trust Eric or Nicole ever again. EJ adds that it’s good that she has him to lean on.

Holly searches Brady’s room and goes to break in to his briefcase but Tate catches her and questions what the hell she’s doing.

Brady walks through the town square and runs in to Xander’s associate.

Sophia brings Fiona a cheesecake and a martini which Fiona begins drinking.

Maggie goes home to bring Sarah dessert, but finds it very odd that she’s gone and wonders where she could’ve gone to this late.

Xander stands in the park with his gun and turns around to see Sarah arrive in her wheelchair. Xander questions how she got there. Sarah reveals that she had Henderson bring the car around as soon as he left and she followed him. Sarah says so much for Titan business and questions what he’s really doing here.

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