Days Transcript Monday, September 16, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


[relaxed music]

Something wrong with your burger?

It’s fine.

You’re not hungry?

I don’t know.

You don’t know if you’re hungry or not?


I am sitting right here with you, but you are a million miles away.

[sighs] I’m sorry, babe. I just can’t stop thinking about my visit with our not-so-deceased niece.

Uncle Steve is not going to be as easy to fool as Abigail’s other relatives. No. Mark, I’m telling you. OK, the dude wouldn’t stop grilling me about what he said his daughter overheard me say to you.

[suspenseful music] I– I tried the amnesia card. It was abundantly clear that Uncle Steve thought I was lying to him. What if he figures out that his precious little niece isn’t back from the dead after all? I–


I’m freaking out.

Oh, good, you’re back. So you’ve been sitting here all alone?

No. Eric actually stopped by.


He came to see Holly, but we had a really nice little chat. Where’s Victoria?

She’s asleep.


[clears throat] So don’t keep me in suspense. How was your session with Marlena?

[tense music]

It was kind of a bust. Yeah. I kept trying to see Brady behind the wheel, but even with hypnosis, I just couldn’t see his face.


Think of your wife and your daughter. They need you.

I’ll just get a good lawyer. Isn’t that what you did, Brady?

Fiona, just go.

Xander, stop! Stop! I have a confession to make.

Confession? What could you possibly confess that would stop me from beating the living daylights out of this son of a bitch?

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Listen, I know how strange it is to be around Abigail right now, especially in the beginning because she looks so different. You have to keep reminding yourself that it’s really her.

Strange is one word for it.

What exactly happened during your visit with her?

I just wanted to know why she told Stephanie that she was talking to you on the phone when she obviously wasn’t.

Please tell me you did not grill her.

I just asked her a few questions.

And what did she say?

She said she was talking to some other doctor about her treatment plan who she confused with you.

Well, that’s plausible, isn’t it? I mean, she does have a lot of specialists right now. She could get the doctors mixed up.

I suppose so.

I know that look. You don’t believe her, do you?

[relaxed music]

Hi. Chad, I didn’t hear you come in.

Yeah. Well, you know.

[feet tapping] I’m light on my feet, so they say. Uh, who were you talking to?

Oh, I was ordering delivery, sushi. Well, failing miserably at ordering just sushi for delivery. That’s what I was doing.

Yeah, well, I heard you say you were freaking out.

Oh, yeah, because I forgot the address here, and then I realized that I didn’t have a credit card, and then I remembered the estate manager–


Harold, thank you. Harold said there were restaurants that have a running DiMera family tab, and I forgot the pin code. And so I was just–

You were freaking out.

Freaking out.

Got it.


Oh, I can text Harold, and he can order you something. He knows what you like.

Yeah. Thank you. Please. Um, hi. Hello. Why are you stopping by? What’s up?

Well, the kids went down early, so thought I’d come by and see how you were doing.

Oh. Well, that was thoughtful.

And I saw Stephanie, and she said the two of you had a nice visit.

Mm. Really?

[soft dramatic music]

You didn’t?

Well, I just assumed she would have told you that I lied to her.



Hi. Come on in.

I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to the memorial that you held for Everett.

Oh. It’s totally fine. I know that you didn’t really know Everett.

Yeah, but still, Steph, I wanted to be there for you.

Well, you’re here now.

[tender music] You want to stay for a drink? I mean, unless you have some lines to memorize for “Body and Soul” or some pushups to do or something.

[chuckles] Pushups? No. A drink sounds great.

Marlena put me under, and she took me through the events of that night, but as hard as I tried to remember the details of the accident, I just couldn’t.

Xander must have been very disappointed though because I know how much he wants you to remember.

Yeah, especially because there’s no hard evidence against Brady.

So where is that husband of yours, anyway?

The office. I guess there’s some sort of work emergency.

[tense music]

I can’t let you do this.

Don’t worry, Mum. I’m not gonna kill him. I’m just going to do to him what he did to Sarah.

Xander, no!

You really should leave before this gets ugly, Mum.

Alexander, you don’t understand.

Don’t understand what?

Brady and I slept together.

Look, Steph didn’t think that you were necessarily lying about the phone call.

But she did mention it to you.

Yeah, she just said she was confused that you said you were talking to her mom when she talked to her mom, and she said that you weren’t.

I was the one that was confused. I mean, I mixed up Dr. Johnson with many other doctors that I have. But honestly, I feel like it should be illegal to have Dr. Johnson and Dr. Johansson working in the same hospital at the same time.

Yes, it should be.


They’re very similar.

Especially considering the fact that I have to refer to my phone half the time when I’m trying to remember my own name.

I know– listen, we’re trying to shove years of names into your– you know, into your brain. It’s normal that a few of them are gonna get jumbled.

So then you believe me?

Of course I believe you.

OK. Good. I’m glad. I’m not sure that Uncle Steve does.

[soft dramatic music]

Listen, I’m not trying to play bad cop here, but Abigail’s explanation about who she was talking to on the phone seemed a little thin.

Thin how?

Seemed like she was covering.

Code word for lying.

I didn’t say that. But just for argument’s sake, what possible reason could she have for lying about who she was talking to?

I don’t know.

And if she wasn’t talking to some other doctor, what was this plan that she was referring to?



Why don’t you just say it? You don’t believe that the woman you were talking to is Abigail.

[relaxed music]

How did Xander seem after the session?

He was upset for sure. I just was really in my own head, so I went to the ladies’ room to splash some water on my face, and when I came back, he was gone. Fiona drove me home.

Mm. She’s been such a help.

Yeah. Yeah, definitely. And hopefully she can help Xander get past his rage at Brady.

Yeah, I hope so too for both of you.


You don’t think it’s possible?

[soft dramatic music]

I think Xander is not gonna be at peace until Brady’s punished for what he did to me, and I really don’t think that anybody can say anything to change his mind.

Mom, why would you say something so vile?

Because it’s the truth. Don’t you remember? I told you that I was seeing someone.

The man’s underwear I found in your hotel room. Those were his?

Fiona, you don’t have to–

Shut your mouth!

Alexander, yes. They belonged to Brady. He spent the night.

No. No.

Alexander. Alexander. It really wasn’t–

I was actually happy for you that you’d found someone. I suggested that you invite him to our wedding. And all the while, my own mother was sleeping with my nephew?

[tense music] That’s it. I changed my mind. I am gonna kill you.

It wasn’t enough that you drove drunk and nearly killed my wife. You had to bed my mum.

It wasn’t like that, Xander.

We didn’t know about the family connection when we met.

Oh, he knew exactly what he was doing, didn’t you, Brady? What is this? I shot your mum, so you shagged mine?

No. Come on. I would never do that to a woman, let alone your mother.

Why should I believe one word that comes out of your drunken mouth?

He’s telling the truth, Xander. Brady and I were both in a bad way when we got together the first time.

First time? How many times were there?

What does it matter? We were two lost souls looking for a soft place to land. That’s all it was.

Wait a second. Were you both drunk when you hooked up?

[tense music]

Jada came with me to spread Everett’s ashes. It was really nice having her there, even if we were technically mourning two different people.

Hmm. Well, I hope that brought you some closure at least.

A little.


Steph, I’m really sorry. I know how much you cared about him.

[tender music]

When he first came back into my life, I was– I really thought that we were meant to be, that we finally had our second chance at happiness. If only I’d known what he was suffering from. I mean, everyone keeps telling me that there’s nothing I could have done to help him, but still it just breaks my heart that he was so tortured and that he ended up being so destructive to others and to himself.

Steph, I’m gonna tell you again, just like everybody else has told you, there was absolutely nothing you could have done to help him, especially because you– you said it yourself. You had no idea what he was suffering from.

I don’t mean to be glib, and maybe I shouldn’t even be saying this at all, but you are definitely going to find love again. You’re beautiful, you’re brilliant, and you’re successful. You are the whole package.

Any guy would be crazy not to want to be with you.

Thank you for saying that.

So Steve was here?

He stopped by earlier this morning.

Well– I mean, I’m sure he told you, you two were very close before you–

Before I died?



I’m surprised he didn’t come here sooner to see you with his own two eyes.

His own eye, you mean? Oh, my God, was that insensitive? I’m sorry.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That was–

Oh, I got a high five.

Yeah, you got a high five. That was good, and I’m sure Steve would have liked it. I’ve just never heard you make a joke like that before.

Yeah. It’s like I’m doing a lot of things that I didn’t use to do before, like not remembering which doctor is my actual own aunt.

Wow. I’m OK with this not being a straight line.

I hope so. Because I don’t feel like everyone is.

Well, I’m sorry that Steve upset you. I’m sure that’s not what he wanted.

Just treated me like I was a suspect.

Well, yeah. He’s a detective. You know, comes with the territory. But he loves you a lot. And I’m sure it was just like, you know, what happened with your mother, where it’s just they get overwhelmed, you know, because it feels too good to be true.

[soft dramatic music]

Um… is that how you feel?

I feel like this is the miracle that I prayed for every single night since you left me.

That’s how I feel.

[relaxed music]

OK. I’m not sure if I believe that she’s Abigail or not.


Here’s the thing. When I walked into the DiMera mansion, she was talking to Stefano’s portrait and saying something about her brother.


Well, that’s what she said when I asked her about it, but why would she be talking to her dead father-in-law about a brother she doesn’t even remember?

What was her explanation?

She didn’t really have one. That’s when I took the opportunity to tell her about a time when I believed I was someone else.

And how did she respond to that?

Well, she was kind of defensive. And she made a point of reminding me that she had passed that DNA test.

Well, the DNA test did confirm that she was Abigail.

Yeah. And as I keep pointing out, how many times have DNA tests in this town been tampered with?

And I told you that the only people who had their hands on that test were Dr. Greene and me.

OK, I get that. But can we talk about the new face? I mean, what’s up with that? Abigail was stabbed in the abdomen. Why in God’s name would she need reconstructive surgery on her face?

She was in an accident that she doesn’t remember.

I know. That’s what she says.


Listen, I know this is not what you or Chad or Jennifer or Jack want to hear, but I have a lot of questions.

That’s not unreasonable.

Good. Because I want you to run another DNA test, but this time, we keep it just between us.

I’m gonna just check in with Xander, make sure he’s–

Not now.

Why not?

Oh. I think you’ve had enough worrying tonight, sweetheart. I think you need to focus on your recovery and on that beautiful little girl upstairs.

But, Mom, I really hate that Xander’s having a hard time.

I do too, yes. But he’s a grown man. I mean, he’s a husband. He’s a father. I mean, he’s gonna have to learn to manage his emotions on his own. You– you have enough to deal with.

[soft dramatic music]

You’re right. At least Xander patched things up with his mom. Just in case we have to talk him off a ledge, be good to have Fiona as reinforcements.


Were you drinking, Mum? Did you fall off the wagon and land on this jackass?


No. I was drunk, OK? I was drinking when I met your mother. I was drowning my sorrows about Theresa, and she was having a rough night too.

It was just after you threw me out of your wedding. I was very hurt.

Oh, so you’re blaming me for this?

No. No, not at all. I just want to explain why I can’t let you hurt him.

Oh, good God. Please don’t tell me that you have feelings for Brady Black.

[tense music]

Wait. We should stop.


Mm. Because you’re in mourning.

[soft dramatic music] And I’m not completely over Theresa.

Steph, hey, I know. I just said that any guy would be crazy not to want to be with you. But I’ve also come to realize that there is nothing more valuable than a friend. And I really wouldn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that. And I hope you wouldn’t either.

You’re right. You’re right. You’re right. What was I thinking? Oh.

Trying to make the hurt go away. Who could blame you? Whew.



You. I was just thinking about how much you’ve changed since you first came to town.

The old Alex would have jumped right into bed with me without giving it a second thought.

[clears throat] Yeah, yeah, that’s definitely true. But the new and hopefully improved Alex has come to learn that there is nothing more valuable than a good friend.

Well, he has definitely improved.

You think so?




I’m trying.



I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. You wanna order takeout, watch a movie?

Sounds like a plan, pal.

I am not going to perform a medical test on Abigail so I can give my husband the results of it without her consent.

Why not?

Well, aside from my personal reasons, it’s a huge violation of her HIPAA rights.

Come on, Kayla.

No. That’s your argument? “Come on”?

Sweetness, listen.

No, no, no, no. Don’t you sweetness me, Steven Earl Johnson.

Uh-oh. Now I’m getting the middle name.

Yeah, yeah, deservedly so. Look, I understand that you are suspicious. It’s your job. It’s your nature. I certainly know better than to try to talk you out of anything. But you are just gonna have to find some other way to get the answers that you are looking for.

[relaxed music]


All I want is for you to feel comfortable and to feel how loved you are by so many people, including me.

[soft dramatic music] That means a lot to me.

What’s in your bag that you brought?


[chuckles] Uh, it’s our wedding album.


Yeah, I was going through Doug and Julie’s attic, and they keep a bunch of mementos up there, you know? So I was looking through, and there’s a bunch of our wedding stuff. So I thought maybe we could go through it together.


I mean, no pressure, right? It’s just thought maybe it could help bring back some memories, the good ones.

Yeah. No, yeah. I’d love to.

OK, cool.

Oh, here.


[clears throat]

Oh, Thomas and Charlotte were there?

Yeah, well, this was actually our third wedding.

Oh, we were married three times.


Yeah. We had our fair share of ups and downs. It’s either bad luck, bad timing, but we always found our way back to each other, kind of like now.

Small wedding, huh? The guests get tired of coming after the first two?

We decided we wanted it to be an intimate wedding, just the family. Julie did the ceremony. And then right after, we took off to Paris.

Paris? Wow. That sounds like an adventure.

Yeah, well, our whole life has been an adventure together.

You know, I… memorized our vows.

Memorized them?

Yeah. Yeah, memorized them. You wanna hear ’em?

Yes, I do. Yeah.

I was worried you would say that.


[clears throat] So I– this.


[tender music] You are so beautiful.

Every time I look at you, our children, our family, I see a future, a future that I almost lost.

I doubted you. You never doubted me.

Your love for me has always been unwavering, absolutely unwavering.

You know, someone asked me a long time ago what it is I thought you wanted– a house, job, things. Eventually, I realized that all you really wanted was me, just me.

You’ve always fought for your health and for us.

I will cherish you. I will protect you. I’m yours. And I’ll never doubt you again. Because it’s true. A love like ours really does only come once in a lifetime.

Chad, that’s the most profound, beautiful thing I–

no one’s ever said anything like that to me before– That I remember, I mean. Um… um…

Well, it’s true.

And we exchanged rings. And then Julie told me that I could kiss my bride.

[tender music]

[phone ringing]

I’m sorry.


[phone continues ringing]

Oh, it’s– hi, Julie. Is everything OK? Is she OK? OK. Yeah, I’m on my way.

Is everything all right?

It’s Charlotte. She had a nightmare. She’s upset, and she’s asking for me.

Oh, poor baby.

I should probably go.

Of course. Go take care of our little girl.

[soft dramatic music]




Thanks for bringing the photo album and sharing the vows. I– I was a lucky woman.

I was the lucky one. Still am.


[relaxed music]

OK. How did Chad and Jack discover that Abigail was alive in the first place?

Clyde told them.

That’s right. He blurted it out when Chad was about to kill him. And Poplar Bluff was his old stomping ground where Abigail was found, where Clyde Weston allegedly took her. So if anyone knows if our so-called niece is on the up and up, it’s him, right?

I don’t like where this conversation is heading. Nothing good ever comes from you being mixed up with Clyde Weston. And what makes you think he’s gonna tell you the truth anyway?

Because if he doesn’t, I’ll threaten to finish what Chad started.

I’m going to see how Cook is coming along with dinner. You wanna join me?

No. I’m OK. I’m gonna go check on Victoria.

You want some help?

Mom, I’m fine. I’m getting used to the stairlift, so–

OK. Do you know if Fiona is joining us tonight?

I don’t, no. She left shortly after she brought me home from the hospital, but maybe I should call her.

[dramatic music]

This isn’t about my feelings for Brady. Yes, I was fond of him at first, but when I found out what he’d done to our Sarah, I ended things immediately.

But did you know that he was a drunk?

I knew he was drinking, but it’s not like we were exchanging drunk-a-logs.

So two alcoholics just happened to hook up, and booze wasn’t involved?

Like I said, only on my part.

You’re lucky that my mother showed up when she did. Otherwise, you’d be a cripple right now.

Xander, I’m gonna say this to you one more time. I am so sorry for what happened to Sarah.

Shut up, Brady. There is nothing that you can say or do that will ever make things right between us. And I’m not gonna stop until I see you get what you deserve. Now pack up your crap, and get the hell out of my building. You’re fired.


Mmm. So the talking teddy bear smokes weed too?

Have you never experienced the majesty of “Ted”?

I guess not. I didn’t think it was up my alley.

Oh, my God. How about now?

And now I’m really glad I subscribed to Peacock.


[chuckles] This is some funny stuff.

Hmm. Well, thank God. Because if you didn’t approve of “Ted,” I’d probably have to disown you as a friend.


Truly. I mean, the guy’s a personal hero to me. He’s an icon. He’s a guru.

Oh. OK. That explains so much.





[soft dramatic music]

I needed this.

You needed a raunchy stoner teddy bear?

No, I meant–

I know what you meant. Me too.

You want to run another episode?

Let’s do it.




Um, what are you doing here all alone?

Well, Mom is checking on dinner, and Victoria is upstairs asleep. Why do you have a bat?

I saw Brady.

Xander! You didn’t hurt him, did you?

[sighs] I wanted to, and I came very, very close. But my mum showed up and stopped me.

What do you mean?

She stopped me by telling me that, um, she’s been sleeping with Brady.

Thank you. I suppose I owe you, possibly saving my life.

No, thank you for covering for me on my drinking.

Well, Xander’s lost so much already. I didn’t really want to be responsible for him losing his mother.

I appreciate that more than you know.

Fiona, you know, your son has every right to want to hurt me because of what I did to his wife.

Brady, I… I’d better be getting back.


I’m afraid this is goodbye. We really shouldn’t have anything to do with each other from now on.

I understand. Bye, Fiona.

Bye, Brady Black.

You know, I really hate you talking about murder so casually.

I said I was gonna threaten to finish Weston off. I didn’t say I was gonna go through with it.

But you didn’t say you weren’t either.

[relaxed music]

Listen, the ball will be in his court. He can either decide to do the right thing or not.

You know, there’s one little problem with your plan about getting Clyde Weston to tell the truth.

What’s that?

Well, the last I heard, he is in a maximum security prison with no access to visitors. Chad and Jack both tried to see him with no luck.

I heard.

So why do you think that you’ll be any different to get in to talk to him?

I’m sorry. Have we met?

[groans] Unfortunately.

Hey. Have a little faith, sweetness. Where there’s a will, there’s always a way.

[soft dramatic music]

[sighs] I can’t. I can’t. I can’t.

I don’t think I can do this anymore.


[phone beeps]

[ominous music]

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