Days Transcript Thursday, September 12, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[soft music] * *

Oh, hi. Honey, what a surprise. Come on in.

Your secretary said you were in between patients. Do you have a moment?

For you? Always. Have a seat.


Oh. What did you come to see me about?

It’s about Holly.

OK, what about Holly?

She knows I killed her father. [tense music] * * [phone ringing]

Hello, darling.

Hi. Is our little girl down for her nap?

She is indeed. That party really tired her out. Tired her dad out too.

And her mom as well. Baby, that party was perfect, wasn’t it? Mm. Our little girl’s first birthday.

Yeah. Let me get that.

Mmm. Oh, my gosh, that feels so nice.

Yeah? It’s not too rough?

Mm-mm. No, it’s perfect.

You are.


But I didn’t come up here just to check on you and give you a perfect shoulder massage.


I just wanted to remind you that we do have that appointment in a little while.

Right. Yeah, I know. The hypnosis.

Yeah. I hope you’re still up for it because now that that coward EJ is no longer pursuing the case, the only way to put Brady away is for you to remember that night and who was driving. [tense music] * *

You wouldn’t imagine that a few one-year-olds could cause such chaos, would you? Our granddaughter certainly had fun. Wish I could say the same for myself. It was impossible for me to enjoy that party, for obvious reasons. Please don’t look at me like that. It’s not as though I went through with it, smothering Sarah with a pillow. And anyway, if you’re so outraged, why don’t you tell me how I should stop everybody from finding out that I was behind the wheel that night, hmm? That Brady’s an innocent man? * *


Ah, Kristen.


Thank you for waiting.

Yes, and waiting and waiting.

Yes, well, the wheels of justice sometimes grind slowly.

Yeah, not that slowly. Well, it is a pity that your trumped-up charges against Brady didn’t stick.

Mm, it is indeed a pity that we had to let your former paramour go. But that’s actually why I’ve summoned you down here.

Hm. What, to give me the opportunity to gloat?

No, definitely not. And I doubt there’ll be much gloating when I tell you, since I couldn’t send Brady to prison, I think I’m gonna send you instead.

Hmm. * * [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.” * *

Now, I was under the impression that you actually had to commit a crime to be sent to prison. So unless you can disabuse me of said impression–

Oh, I can– I can do that easily.

Hmm. OK.

And I’ll start by expressing my extreme frustration over having not been able to charge Brady Black due to lack of evidence, namely his car, which has conveniently disappeared.

Hmm. I recall Brady saying that it was stolen.

Oh, is that how he put it?

Yeah, it sounds like you have a ring of car thieves on your hands. You ought to check it out.

Yeah. Maybe I should–


Especially since this so-called ring of thieves apparently couldn’t wait to get their hands on a damaged car with an incriminating license plate that happened to be a major piece of evidence in an ongoing investigation.

I really don’t have time for this, so just spit out whatever it is you have to say, hm? I mean, what is Brady’s car disappearing have to do with me?

Oh, I thought it was obvious, since you were the one who disappeared it. * *

Brady, your ears must have been burning. I was just telling your grandfather how you’re a free man.

Yeah, well, it wasn’t my choice to be free. Apparently, my cousin Justin argued to EJ that he had to drop the case because the car is missing. Therefore, the only evidence he has is my confession, which is pretty worthless considering I can’t remember a damn thing.

[sighs] I see. So what are you doing here?

[sighs] I’m here to see Sarah.

Brady, I don’t think that’s a very good idea.

Oh, Eric. I can’t even imagine how hard that was for you to tell Holly that you had caused her father’s accident. Not–

She– Mom, she didn’t hear it from me. I wasn’t the one who told her.

Oh, I thought you and Nicole had agreed you were going to let her know?

Yeah, we did. And I was on my way to tell her but… Tate, he broke it to her.


Just right before I arrived, Tate apparently broke the news to her. He thought she already knew.

Oh, my gosh. How–how–how did she take it?

She’s beyond upset. I should’ve– I should’ve told her, Mom. I should have told her a long time ago. She had every right to know.

Darling, don’t be so hard on yourself. You were trying to protect her.

Yeah? Well, Holly sure as hell doesn’t see it that way. And she is angry at Nicole and me and she has every right to be. [phone ringing] [beep]

Look, Mom, I have nothing to say to you, so you might as well stop calling me. [beep]

I can tell you were talking to your mom.

Yeah, she–she keeps calling and texting me. But it’s like, what’s she gonna say? “Gee, sorry I lied to you your entire life”? Like, how am I supposed to answer to that? Oh, it’s OK, no biggie. It’s just about my dad dying before I was born, all because the man that she loves and adores and worships drove drunk and killed him. [scoffs]

Holly, I understand this is, like, really, really hard for you and that you were shocked to learn the truth about your father and his death, especially finding out the way you did from me. But maybe if you give your mom a chance to explain–

What for? She’s just gonna go on and on about how she did this for my own good. Same lame excuses Eric came up with.

Wait, I’m sorry. You talked to my Uncle Eric?

Yeah, right after I saw you. And get this–he claimed that he was just about to fill me in himself.

[sighs] And you obviously don’t believe him.

Please. No. He had no choice but to act like he was about to come clean once he realized I knew the truth. But I knew it was just another one of his lies. And I sure as hell wasn’t buying it.

Oh, Eric, my heart is breaking for you. I know how much you love Holly and– and how it must– it must be upsetting you to see how upset she is right now. I also think that you and Nicole have to make a plan for how you’ll handle this going forward.

We haven’t, not yet. I know that Nicole, I know that she’s trying to reach Holly. But Holly won’t even– she won’t take her phone calls. She won’t even respond to her texts.

Well, what if– what if Nicole were here? What if they could see each other person to person?

Yeah, well, that was my first thought too. But, Jude, he’s had a head cold for the past few days. So, Nicole, she doesn’t want to put him on a plane.

Yeah, well, it’s– it’s a long flight from Paris. Darling, would you like me to talk to Holly?

I thought about that too. Her first question to you is, “how long have you known the truth?”

And I would have to tell her that I’ve known from the very beginning and then she would be upset with me as well.

Exactly. And her walls would go up.

I only wish you’d gotten to talk to her first, you know, tell her the truth. You have–you have such a way. You know, you’re just so caring and compassionate. You might have been able to tell her in a way that she would have been able to hear it better.

Yeah, well, I’d like to believe that. But I’m not so sure. It’s– Nicole and I, we were so naive. We deluded ourselves.

So you think that if you had waited to tell her until she had grown up, it might have been easier, that she wouldn’t have been so upset and angry at hearing the truth?

Yeah, yeah, that’s what I meant.

Well, maybe it was naive. But hindsight is /. There’s no sense trying to go back. You and Nicole have to find a way to go forward. You have to create a relationship. Look, you both love her so much. And you love each other. And when there is love and there’s a will, there is always a way.

Wow, what an active imagination you have, EJ, truly, truly, to think that I can make Brady’s car go poof and disappear.

[chuckles] Was my active imagination at work when an officer on duty told me that he overheard Brady talking about how you made his car, poof, just disappear?

Yeah, well, either the cop is just stirring up trouble, or maybe Brady was drinking again.

Brady was at the PD at the time, where I’m quite sure they only serve coffee and water and the occasional prune juice, perhaps.

Ha, ha, ha. Hilarious. You know what? I got to be going. Busy day.

And to get more specific, this particular cop was on duty when Brady had a visit with John. Apparently, the walls are paper-thin at the PD. And said cop heard Brady tell his father that you got rid of his car to protect him from prosecution. So you see, dear sister, I have you, as we say in the legal trade, dead to rights. Pow.

Well, Victoria dropped right off. She is exhausted still from her party, obviously.

I’m sure she is. Maggie, would you mind keeping an ear open for her? I’m just going to take Sarah to her appointment.

Oh, of course. I’d be happy to.

I’ll have Henderson bring the car around, yeah?


Sure. Oh, wow, what a lovely celebration for our little angel. A year old now. Oh, my goodness. It’s gone by so fast.

Gosh, it sure did. I was so proud of how chill she was, too.


She clearly loved the attention. She was smiling at everyone.

Well, she’s an extrovert like her mom.


And such a sweetheart.

Like her nana.

Well, whatever, wherever she gets her traits, I love that child with all my heart.

Yeah, she’s a keeper, that one. [chuckles]

Sarah, that session that you have scheduled with Marlena, are you sure you’re up for it?

I am. Yeah, and Xander thinks that the sooner I do it, the better chance I have at remembering if it was Brady behind the wheel.

Sweetheart, you know Xander. He’s bound and determined that Brady pay for what he did to you. But how do you feel about it? I mean, do you want that as much as Xander does?


Why shouldn’t I see Sarah? I’m–I’m not gonna tell her that we were together the night of the accident, if that’s what you’re worried about.

I appreciate that.

I also am not going to say anything to Xander. I’ll keep you completely out of it.

Thank you. I assumed you would. Because, well, it would hurt Xander and Sarah even more. And that’s not what I mean. The accident is still fresh in Sarah’s mind. And she’s very fragile emotionally. I’m sure you can understand that she’s not ready to see you, Brady. It would be too triggering.

Fiona, what you don’t know is that Sarah and I had a good relationship before all this happened. She understands addiction because of her mom. Her mom is my sponsor, for God’s sake. I don’t expect her to be forgiving. I just want to tell her that I’m sorry.

To ease your guilty conscience?

You think I’m– I’m being selfish?

Yeah, I do, actually. Because like I said before, Sarah is in no way ready to see the person that put her in that wheelchair. And it’s not just Sarah I’m worried about. It’s Xander. He’s furious with you! And if he finds you here, he’s gonna tear you limb from limb. [tense music] * *

Darling, Holly is like a daughter to you. So you–you feel her pain as acutely as she does. I know you know that expression, “you can only be as happy as your least happy child?”

It’s so true.

Well, yeah. It is, and it isn’t. You know, I’ve raised a few children. And I’ve learned a few things along the way. And I’ve learned that you can’t be strong for your kids if you’re tangled up in all their sorrows. And you have to remember that you must not suffer along with them.

Mom, how can you not suffer along with them?

Because of what I’ve just said. You have to be strong. Look, you’re going to have failures along the way. You will feel in your heart that you have failed them. And there will be times when something you have done is what has actually caused the problem. But you just have to tell them that you did what you thought was best in the moment. Remind them that you love them and have compassion for them. And then, you just give it time.

Right, time. Compassion and love. * *

Holly will come back to you. She loves you. She’s part of your family. And she will be back.

Oh, my god. I just– I wish so much that I hadn’t told you about your dad and the accident, that my Uncle Eric caused it. Like, why couldn’t I have just kept my mouth shut?

Tate, Tate, Tate, hey, hey, hey. It’s OK. None of this is your fault. I know you didn’t mean to hurt me. And like I keep saying, my mom and Eric, they should have just told me a long time ago.

I thought about calling to check in on you last night.

Really? Well, I thought about calling you too.

Then I got distracted. My dad came home and then it became about–

Wait. Your dad’s home? I thought his arraignment wasn’t until this morning.

It was and it just got canceled.

Canceled? Why?

Because EJ decided to let him go. He’s not pressing charges.

Brady behind bars, I mean, does it solve anything? Does it get me walking again? And what is it gonna do to you? You’re his sponsor. You care about him a lot.

I care about him, yes. But that shouldn’t be a consideration. I want you to do what’s best for you.

I do want to go through with the hypnosis.


But not for the same reasons that Xander wants me to do it, not to ID Brady for the police.

Well, then why?

Because ever since I had that memory, that blurry image, it’s just, it’s been nagging at me. I need the clarity. I need to know what happened that night.



I see you’ve met my mother.

Yes, I was just telling your cousin to leave. He’s not wanted here.

I’ll– I’ll go. I just wanted– I wanted to see Sarah and apologize, Xander.

Are you out of your mind? I’m not gonna let you anywhere near Sarah after what you did to her.

I told your mother. I just want to say that I’m sorry.

Well, you’re gonna be a lot sorrier soon, Brady. Sarah has an appointment with your stepmom. I’m taking her to the hospital right now.

She’s seeing Marlena?

She is. Dr. Evans is gonna hypnotize her so she can remember seeing your drunken mug behind the car that mowed her down and left her paralyzed! And as soon as that happens, my wife’s gonna get the justice that she deserves ’cause EJ will have no choice but to nail your sorry ass to the wall.

You enjoying yourself, EJ?

Ooh, what do you think?

Oh, I think you need to get yourself a hobby. Maybe pulling the wings off flies, something that you’re good at.


Because, honestly, you’re not very good at being a prosecutor.

Oh. I’m about to show you just how good and talented I am.


[clears throat]


You see, tampering with evidence is a serious charge, Kristen. So is obstructing an ongoing investigation. But perhaps you’re not too concerned about spending the next ten years behind bars. Understandable, since Statesville is practically your home away from home.

You’re such a bastard, EJ.

You can say goodbye to that cushy job at DiMera. I know! Everything you have worked so hard for just, poof, gone in an instant. Well, maybe everything you manipulated and schemed for. And then there’s Rachel, my adorable niece. Well, you can forget those mother-daughter tea parties you’re so fond of. You see, by the time you get out, you’ll be lucky to see her graduate from college. And all of this for a man who has thrown you to the curb, I don’t know, how many times? But good news, sister! I am willing to cut you an immunity deal. The terms are simple. All you have to do is throw Brady under the bus. * *

I’m sorry you’ve come home to all this chaos. But I know your brother appreciates it, especially since he’s home now too.

I’m relieved Brady’s not going to prison, even if he isn’t.

Yeah. Well, he would prefer to go to prison. He’d like to atone for what he’s done. He thinks that’s a punishment he needs.

I know the feeling.

I know you do.

I can think of many other ways that Brady can atone.

I’m sure he can too. And I’m sure we can help him with a few ideas.

I’ll do whatever I can. I’m sorry. I know you have work to do. I just– thank you, for listening, for being so wise to me. I just thank God for you.

As I do for you. Remember: patience and compassion. Holly will come around.

Yeah. All right.


All right, EJ, let’s assume, for argument’s sake, that I’d actually done what you are accusing me of, that I disappeared Brady’s car. How would that throw Brady under the bus?

Well, since I doubt you just decided to get rid of the car for the fun of it, I’m guessing that Brady cried on your shoulder, drunkenly, no doubt, and confessed to the whole terrible incident. So my aforementioned offer is clear. Testify against Brady in open court and I won’t charge you with any crimes. No “mummy and me” lunches with Rachel under the watchful eye of a prison guard. So… What do you say, hm?

Well, EJ. You can take your offer and you can shove it.


EJ’s just dropping the case? Why?

Because there isn’t any evidence against my dad.

Yeah, but your dad literally confessed.

Yeah, but apparently that isn’t enough. And since he can’t remember what actually happened, there’s no proof that he caused the accident.

Oh, my god. So your dad’s just going to get away with what he did to my Aunt Sarah? Is that what you’re saying?

Xander, I thought you were gonna go get the car?


He was just leaving.

I will, I will. I– Sarah, I just wanted– I just wanted to say that I was sorry, to both of you. I’m not expecting forgiveness, Sarah. I didn’t come here for that. I’m– I’m never gonna forgive myself anyway. It’s not an excuse, it’s just a reason, but I’m an alcoholic. I was depressed and very weak that night, and I–I relapsed. I’m very ashamed of that. But I’m even more ashamed of the fact that I– I drove drunk. Not that I remember getting behind the wheel, because I don’t– that’s how bad it was. I remember being at a bar and I was drinking but I– I woke up the next morning behind the wheel of my own car. The fact–the fact that I hurt you like this and that I must have left you lying on the road, Sarah, I– I’ll never have the words to even express the shame that I have. And I don’t want EJ to– to drop the case. I want to be punished. I need to be. Um, but apparently, my confession isn’t enough, as you know. Um… I wish I could– I wish I could go back and make up for the mistake. I wish I could trade places with you right now, Sarah, but I can’t and I’m sorry. And I just wanted to say that I was– I’m sorry. I’m gonna regret it for the rest of my life.

Holly, this isn’t my dad’s fault, I swear. I mean that he got off on those charges. I keep trying to tell you, he wanted to be held accountable.

Right, yeah. I’m sure he’s really broken up about not going to prison.

Yeah, he is, actually! Like, why do you think he confessed in the first place? It’s not his fault that EJ couldn’t use it.

Well, it sure as hell is his fault that my Aunt Sarah is paralyzed, that she’s now gonna be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life, while– while your dad just gets to keep his freedom!

Holly, are you sure that this is just about my dad?

Who else would it be about?

I don’t know. I’m just thinking maybe that this is really about how mad you are at my Uncle Eric, and you’re just taking it out on my dad?

Don’t you dare tell me how I feel or who I’m mad at.

All right, that’s not what I’m trying to do. Honest. I’m just worried about you. [school bell ringing] Come on. That’s the bell. Last period.

Yeah, well, I’m not going to last period.

So you want me to shove my offer, even though, if you don’t take it, I’ll have no choice but to prosecute you?

Please. You may be the lawyer in this family, but I have been in and out of my share of courtrooms to know that what that cop said is hearsay. Maybe you skipped class that day they covered it in law school.



Is that a bet you feel safe in making?

Nice try, EJ. But we both know that if what the cops said was admissible, you would be using his statement against Brady in court and not me. So, are we done? Hmm? Uh, or do you have another bluff up your sleeve?

So you’re happy to let Brady get away with having paralyzed an innocent woman, having run her over and then just left her lying in the street like some roadkill?

All right, you know what? I am sorry for what happened to Sarah. But the one person that I care most about in this world is my daughter. And she will suffer if her father goes to prison.

[chuckles] Well, yes, you may be able to sell that motherly devotion spiel to the PTA, but I’m as skilled at spotting a bluff as you are.

Meaning what?

Meaning, you’re obviously still in love with Brady.

I– I just want to say, Brady, I appreciate you coming by and saying all that you did. And Lord knows I’m in no position to judge. I mean, if anyone can understand how insidious this disease can be, it’s me. But I am heartbroken as your sponsor that you didn’t come to me for help. And I know that there is no point in looking back. We all need to just move forward. And I have no doubt that you regret about what happened that night. It’s genuine and it’s heartfelt.

[sniffles] I should have called you that night, Maggie, when I relapsed. I’m–I’m ashamed that I didn’t do that. I really should have called you ’cause you’ve always been there for me. You’ve been supportive and kind and loving and everything. And I– I don’t expect you to say anything to me. You don’t have to. I just wanted to say that I was very, very sorry to you.

All right, that’s it. I let you have your say out of respect for Sarah and for Maggie, who I know would get angry at me if I didn’t let you grovel. But we have an appointment to get to, so. After Sarah remembers that night, you can do your groveling to the DA. Come on, darling.


Uncle Eric?

Tate, hey.

What are–are you here to give me a ride home?

Sorry, no. Actually, I was– I’m hoping to find Holly.

Oh. Uh, yeah, I don’t think that she’s gonna want to talk to you. She’s actually– she’s pretty upset.

Yeah, I know that.

And not just with you and her mom. She and I just got into this argument. She’s upset because she found out my dad was getting released from jail.

I see.

And then she just took off before last period. I have idea where she went.


EJ, hi. Your assistant said I could wait in here for you.

That’s OK. Everything OK?

No, everything’s not OK. I heard you let Brady Black go free.

I’m sorry, Holly. I just didn’t have the evidence to prosecute him.

What if I help you find some? [intriguing music] * * [soft knocking on door]

Kristen. What–what are you–

I just came to warn you. You know, just because you’re free doesn’t mean you don’t need to be careful. EJ is out for blood, and he’s out for yours. He is bound and determined to prove that you were the one driving the car.

So is Sarah in with Dr. Evans right now?

She is. With any luck, soon she’ll remember whose face she saw behind that wheel. * *

I have asked my assistant to make sure that we are not disturbed.

Thank you, Marlena. I imagine that you’re a little bit conflicted about this, since Brady’s your stepson.

No. If I were conflicted, I wouldn’t be doing this. My interest is in finding out the truth about what happened the night of the accident. OK. Ready to see what happened that night?

I’m ready. I need to know. I need to know who was behind that wheel. I need to know who hit me. * *

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