B&B Transcript Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Hope: You always know how to make me feel better, Finn.

Finn: Look, you don’t have to pretend with me, Hope. I can see you’re reeling,

Hope: But should I be?

Finn: So you have to forfeit your right to be upset because he’s marrying someone else? No. Look, your feelings are justified.

Hope: Thomas and Paris’s engagement really caught me off guard.

Finn: [sighs] Well, maybe you were hoping that he would come home and pick up with you.

Hope: You really do know me well.

Finn: We’ve been sharing a lot lately. Look, and I hope you know that I’m saying this to you as a friend, but I do think that Thomas is truly committed to Paris. And look, that’s a good thing, okay? Not only for him, but especially for you.

Thomas: Hey, buddy, show your aunt those pictures you took in the Luxembourg Gardens.

Douglas: They’re just practice.

Thomas: No, they’re not just practice, they’re amazing.

Douglas: Dad’s just saying that because most of them are of Paris.

Steffy: Oh, I like this new hobby.

Douglas: Paris said it’s a great way to get to know a place. We go out exploring. She even lets me use her cool camera.

Paris: And you take some awesome photos. His natural composition is so, so impressive. You can tell he’s an artist, the way he sees the world. And I know Steffy’s gonna love them.

Steffy: I’m sure. But you know what else I love? I love this. This beautiful little family. And the smile on my brother’s face. I can see how excited you are about the future. And I’m really thrilled how close you all become.

Eric: Well, I have to say, it makes me very, very happy that my grandkids are– are willing to carry on our family traditions. There you are.

Brooke: Weddings in this house are always beautiful.

Eric: I was very touched that he wants to do it here. I can’t wait to get started.

Ridge: All right, we don’t know when that’s gonna be.

Brooke: Thomas and Paris may have a long engagement.

Eric: Maybe. But whenever it is, I’m thrilled that it’ll be here in this room.

Ridge: Same.

Donna: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we all want Thomas and Paris to be happy and satisfied, but, I mean, come on. Are you guys all buying this whole wedding thing? Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against Paris or their relationship, I– I just have to wonder if Thomas is over Hope.

[theme song playing]

Donna: Look, I’m not trying to stir anything up.

Brooke: No, you’re just concerned.

Ridge: But why? What are you concerned about? I talked to Thomas. I discussed it with him. And you saw him with Paris today, right?

Donna: Yeah. Yeah, sure. They were cute, and everyone is happy for them, so of course he’s gonna deny his feelings for Hope.

Ridge: He’s not denying his feelings for Hope.

Eric: No, he’s not, is he?

Ridge: No, he’s not. He will always have feelings for Hope. There’s gonna be a part of him that will always love her, and the same with Thomas. They’re always gonna be a little family together. But he’s with– with Paris now. This is what he wants. And I think they’re good for each other.

Thomas: Is my sister giving us the stamp of approval?

Steffy: You don’t need my approval but I will say that I am elated.

Paris: Ah, so are we.

Thomas: Yes, we are, and we’re even more excited to share the good news.

Steffy: You have more news?

Douglas: What is it?

Paris: It’s about the wedding.

Steffy: Oh, the wedding. I mean, are you thinking about eloping? Because if you want to, you could probably, you know, do it here. Douglas and I, we could be your witnesses.

Thomas: As fun as that might be, we wouldn’t want to disappoint great granddad.

Steffy: Granddad? Why?

Thomas: Well, we’d love to do the wedding at his house, make it a traditional Forrester family wedding.

Hope: Finn, I appreciate your support more than I can say.

Finn: Oh, I feel a “but” coming.

Hope: But I still think it is way too soon for an engagement, let alone planning a wedding.

Finn: Hope, no one is pushing them.

Hope: Steffy is.

Finn: Does she even know about the ceremony?

Hope: I don’t know if she knows about the ceremony, but she knew about them being together and said nothing, so Steffy would do anything to keep me and Thomas apart. And she certainly, I guarantee you, is probably pushing Thomas and Paris together.

Finn: Yeah, I don’t think she is. Yes, she believes in them. But you know what? I believe in you. And no offense to my brother in law, but I really mean it. I think you can do a whole lot better than Thomas.

Donna: Look, I’m not questioning Thomas’ love for Paris. I’m just curious about the timing of this wedding.

Ridge: Don’t be too curious about that. We don’t even know when they’re gonna do this.

Donna: But then why did he have to stand here and announce–

Ridge: Because he’s in love with somebody, wants to move on with his life. What is so hard to–?

Eric: I understand this here. Thomas’ feelings for Hope do complicate things.

Ridge: [sighs]

Donna: You think? Really? Because Hope had to leave the room. I mean, is she even okay?

Brooke: She was rocked by this.

Ridge: And I get that. I’m not insensitive to it, I’m– I’m sorry for what she’s going through.

Brooke: What she shared with Thomas was very special to her, and when it ended that way, it knocked her completely off her feet. Look, I am not lobbying for them to be together. I’m not. She’s my daughter, and I’m concerned. She’s lost, and she’s– confused by this. Do you think that maybe Steffy might be playing a part here? Maybe she is pushing Thomas and Paris together to keep him away from Hope.

Steffy: Wow, Douglas, these photos are incredible.

Douglas: We had a lot of fun taking them.

Thomas: Yeah, and Paris is a great subject.

Paris: Hey, I give all the credit to the photographer, though I must say, the selfie is my favorite.

Steffy: [laughing] I’m impressed you could do that with this camera. You’re really good. I’m really surprised, actually. You almost look as happy as you do right now.

Douglas: I’m excited about the wedding.

Thomas: Yeah, but it’s gonna take a little while to plan, right? We want everything to be perfect.

Douglas: As long as we’re all together, it will be.

Thomas: [chuckles]

Douglas: I miss my mom and my little sister, but I like my life the way it is now. Paris makes dad really happy. That means a lot to me.

Paris: Oh, and you and your dad mean so much to me. You make me feel very special.

Steffy: Having the three of you here makes me feel really special, too.

Paris: It’s good to be back.

Steffy: I’m so glad that you’re back, my goodness. It’s been way too long. Oh, hey, um, Kelly and Hayes, they’re playing in the guest house if you want to go join them.

Douglas: Yeah.

Steffy: See you in a minute.

Douglas: Bye.

Thomas: [sighs] Thanks for having us over, sis.

Steffy: Are you kidding? All the times we’ve texted and spoke on the phone, I finally get to see you face to face. It’s so nice. Here, let me get you a refill. Um, Douglas? I mean, how sweet and– and just a kind, smart boy in the way he talked about the two of you. It’s really beautiful.

Thomas: I know, I know. And we’re so proud of him. He’s so mature. He’s always just right there.

Paris: Yeah, he really knows how to express himself.

Thomas: Yeah.

Paris: I just hope that he can talk to Hope and actually get through to her.

Steffy: Talk to Hope about what?

Paris: I think she still wants to be with Thomas.

Finn: Thomas and I, we get along, and my kids love their uncle. I just– I don’t think he’s the right guy for you.

Hope: Well, I think that’s a bit of a moot point now.

Finn: You’re having a hard time with his engagement. I understand.

Hope: Oh, you do? You understand? Because I don’t understand any of this. It wasn’t long ago, he left town, and then he comes back engaged. It just–

Finn: Look, I can only tell you what I’ve heard from Steffy, but Thomas and Paris are in love, and they want a life together.

Hope: Why?

Finn: Wait, why do they want a life together?

Hope: No, I just, I keep asking myself that. Why did I turn him down?

Finn: Well, I can’t answer that question, but I do think it’s the right one to ask.

Hope: I can’t say yes. I don’t know what is wrong with me. I mean, Thomas proposes. I say no, but I don’t want to lose him. But the idea forever absolutely terrifies me. It’s just like– I don’t know what is happening to me.

[birds chirping]

Ridge: Steffy didn’t push Thomas and Paris together.

Brooke: She did tell Thomas that he can’t trust Hope.

Eric: Paris is not someone that Thomas just met. They used to live together.

Donna: Yeah, look, we all know that. But they weren’t lovers.

Brooke: They were roommates.

Eric: They were friends.

Ridge: Yes, they were friends. And then they fell in love with each other. Isn’t that amazing? No one forced them together.

Brooke: Okay, look, I’m not saying that’s the only reason. It’s just Thomas does value his sister’s opinion very much.

Ridge: Okay. [chuckles] Thomas is excited about his future with Paris, and so is Douglas. He loves Paris. And I’m– I didn’t even know what to say to this. I’m sorry about Hope. I’m sorry she’s going through this. But Thomas has moved on, not because of Steffy, but because of what he wanted. He’s moved on. And maybe your daughter can do the same. Maybe… she will find someone else, somewhere else.

Paris: I wasn’t gonna bring this up around Douglas.

Steffy: You have an issue with Hope?

Paris: No. No, I just– I’m aware of her feelings for Thomas.

Steffy: Well, she hasn’t exactly been hiding them. She may say that she’s worried that this is going way too fast, but I know that’s not the truth.

Thomas: That’s right. When it’s right, you know. You know, we just, we popped in over there. We dropped the news on everyone, and so it’s a very new thing.

Paris: Yeah, and it’s gonna take a little bit of time to adjust, but I’m not feeling insecure about it at all. I’m completely confident in our love for each other.

Steffy: You should be. I haven’t seen Thomas this happy and content in a very long time. And if Hope truly cared about him, she would see it, too.

Thomas: Steffy–

Steffy: I’m not wrong. The way Hope has been acting lately… makes me wonder what’s really going on with Hope.

Hope: I don’t know what this is.

Finn: It’s a shock.

Hope: No, shock… I would understand. Envy, even regret. But this, what I am feeling, it– It doesn’t make any sense. If I wanted Thomas, if I really wanted Thomas, all I had to do was say yes.

Finn: Yeah, but you didn’t.

Hope: No, I turned him down. And I am starting to wonder, is it just because I can’t have him?

Finn: Oh, like, I– I don’t know about that. But one thing that I do know is that you will find love again. Okay? People are drawn to you, Hope. All right? People want to be around you. And someday, someone is gonna show up and make you feel the same way. I assure you, Hope, There is life after Thomas.

Ridge: You don’t want to go down the pool with dad and Donna?

Brooke: No.

Ridge: Might clear your head on.

Brooke: [chuckles] Could take a lot more than fresh air to make me feel better about this.

Ridge: I’m sorry. I think Hope is gonna bounce back.

Brooke: You do? She’s all over the place right now.

Ridge: And I am sorry about that. I am. But it doesn’t change the situation. Thomas has moved on, he’s– He’s found some joy in his life. Hope’s gonna find somebody. Someone special to share her life with. Okay?

Brooke: Okay.

[distant birds squawking]

Thomas: Paris and Douglas are taking a little walk on the beach.

Steffy: She really is incredible with him.

Thomas: She is.

Steffy: And he absolutely adores her.

Thomas: We both do.

Steffy: So, uh, a wedding at Granddad’s.

Thomas: Yeah, well, you know, feels like, at some point, you gotta keep the tradition alive.

Steffy: What better way than to become a Forrester?

Thomas: That’s what I was thinking. Though I hope I didn’t make it weird asking granddad in front of everyone.

Steffy: Oh, you mean in front of Hope.

Thomas: [sighs] She’s struggling, Steff.

Steffy: She turned you down, Thomas. She didn’t want a life with you. You know who wants a life with you?

Thomas: [clears throat]

Steffy: Paris. She wants to be your wife. I mean, more than that. She’s just fantastic. She’s wonderful.

Thomas: Yeah, she really is.

Steffy: And I can really see how much you and Paris love each other and I know Douglas sees that, too.

Thomas: Yeah, well, he’s definitely her biggest fan.

Steffy: Well, I don’t blame him. Like I said, she’s wonderful. She’s kind. She’s sweet. She’s beautiful. Like I could go on and on.

Thomas: Yeah, she’s all of those things and more.

Steffy: I can really see how much she lights you up. I haven’t seen you this free and at ease in a very long time, probably since you started wanting Hope. Look, I don’t want to put all of it on her, but you were never enough. And as hard as you tried, you could just never measure up. And that’s not right, Thomas. And it’s not fair, because I know you, and I know that you’re an extraordinary man. All right, let’s, let’s put all of this behind us, okay? Put Hope behind you. Take Paris, take Douglas, and go to Europe and live a spectacular life. ‘Cause I’m telling you, when you come back, Hope will have moved on. She’ll be on to another man.

Finn: You and Thomas were more about timing than anything.

Hope: Timing?

Finn: Yeah. I mean, he offered you something that you needed in that moment, a one woman man. And I understand that kind of appeal and that kind of security and why it would have a huge impact on you.

Hope: Well, then why did I reject his proposals? People do have long engagements, and we were committed. So did I let the right guy go? We had incredible chemistry. I mean, did I make a mistake?

Finn: No, Hope, listen, the– the right guy for you is still out there.

Hope: Except I shouldn’t have to hear that. I have a wonderful life. I have a happy family. I have a great career.

Finn: You want love, too, right? And if anyone deserves it, it’s you. People look up to you. Hope you have a message that affects people all over the world, but you gotta be your best self. Don’t let these guys get you down. Right? You thought it was… Liam, and it never really was Thomas. But when you least expect it, the guy that you are meant to be with is gonna be standing right in front of you.

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