GH Transcript Wednesday, June 26, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim


Trina. Come on in. Hi, Mr. Corinthos. Um, Ava sent me. She wanted me to grab her day planner. Oh, yeah. You can check her room. I haven’t been in there since she left. Okay. Um… Ava said that she, um… She told you I threw her out? That’s ’cause I did. Oh, my God. [ Exhales sharply ] Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. Well, you did. Okay, well, I knocked first, for what it’s worth. And when I didn’t answer? I let myself in, naturally. Oh, naturally. What are you working on that has you so focused? Nothing. Okay, ’cause that’s not suspicious at all. Did you find what you’re looking for? Yeah, yeah, I got it. Um, Ava also wanted me to give you her suite number at the Metro Court. Oh, that’s not necessary. Okay. Um, well, is there anything that you would want me to tell her? Yeah, yeah, yeah, you could tell her that she’ll be hearing from my attorney soon. We both had the same opinion that it wouldn’t be suitable for our — to raise our child in a hotel, even part time. Okay.

Good seeing you again, Trina. Okay. Have a good one.

[ Breathing heavily ]

I can take off if you want me to. It’s your bench, too. Are you sure? Guess it’s a good thing I came. It might be the only way to get you to talk to me.

I don’t remember that hill being so steep. Another reason to stay sober, I guess. [ Chuckles ] Is this what it’s come to? You can’t talk to me, bro? That’s ironic, considering there was a time you were furious at me for not communicating to you about Dad. I don’t know what you want me to say. You know exactly what I want you to say. I’ve left you dozens of messages, texted you repeatedly, desperate to know how my daughter is, and you couldn’t be bothered to call me back.

How is she? How’s Violet? She’s confused and very worried about you. Because of what she walked in on? Definitely scared her, seeing you passed out like that. But we reassured her that you’re okay. She’s more concerned that you’ll think she abandoned you or, worse, that she doesn’t love you anymore. I could never think either of those things. We told her that. You know, Brook Lynn has been great with her. Everybody at the Quartermaines’ has. I just hope she’s not mad at me. You’re Violet’s hero, Finn. Your daughter and I have that common. I’m a lot of things right now. Hero is not one of them. That’s not true, because I rely on you — for guidance, support, directions when I’m lost, both literally and metaphorically. And that is why all of this has been so — Look. I wasn’t supposed to come here. I was just gonna drive around and clear my head, but this is where I ended up. And you did, too. And, damn it, that’s got to count for something. How’s Violet doing? Better, I think. Certainly less scared than she was last night, though I’m not sure how much she slept. Well, if she’s anything like me, not much. Yeah, I was up a ton, too. What’s she doing now? She’s with Leo. He’s showing her some board game of his. You know, I didn’t even ask him. He just saw her and instinctively knew she needed to be distracted. He’s a very special boy. I’m scared, Grandmother. Of? What comes next. As in the big picture? Yes, and, like, the next five minutes. I mean, what if Violet asks if she could call her dad? What do I say? You’ll think of something. You always do. And if she asks when she can go home? Forget “if.” When she asks. It’s like she’s our little adorable prisoner. In an enormous gilded cage. Look, I know how lucky we are, given the circumstances. I totally get that. For all the resources we have, that we can stay here until we figure it out, but… I think you and Chase are gonna have to consider the possibility it might be a more permanent situation. I feel so bad for Violet. Something is obviously bothering her. How can you tell? Well, she’s just not her usual boisterous self. She barely ate any breakfast, and she only picked at her lunch. Well, look, maybe the food was subpar. [ Chuckles ] Excuse you. You happen to be talking to the chef. What? Oh, my — my bad. That is my bad. Sorry. She looked tired, too, like she hadn’t been sleeping much. You really are worried, huh? Well, I’m worried that something serious is going on. Well, I mean, the kid did just lose her grandpa, right? She’s probably still sad and processing and going through whatever else. It’s true. Why is she here anyways, not at home with her dad? Well, that’s the thing. I feel like whatever is happening, it must have to do with Finn, because I overheard Olivia and Tracy talking about Brook Lynn, Chase, and Violet moving in. Moving in where? Here. As in they would be living at the Quartermaines’ permanently. Hey. As requested. Oh, thank you. Thank you for getting this for me. I just couldn’t bear the thought of facing Sonny again. It’s no big deal, really. Do you have time to come in? Yeah, of course. So, uh, how did Sonny seem? Any hint of upset or remorse? Uh, he was cold, all about business. All I wanted to do was get out of there. And was Natalia there, helping him through his dark and difficult time? Sonny was alone. Uh, but I tried to offer him your suite number. Let me guess. He didn’t want it. You know what? That’s fine. That’s perfectly fine, because if he — if he wants to know where I am, he can just ask the front desk. Um, Sonny did have a message for you. Oh? He said that you’ll be hearing from his attorney. About what? Whether a hotel is an appropriate place to raise Avery, even part time. Even part time? He used those exact words? Yeah, I-I thought it was strange, too, even the way he said it. Sonny definitely — definitely was making a point. Oh. Oh, that son of a bitch! He’s planning to take away my daughter. The only reason I’m in this suite is because Sonny kicked me out before I could find a place of my own. It’s not fair. No, it isn’t fair. It’s criminal, is what it is. The Metro Court isn’t a-a permanent solution. Clearly. You know, Sonny doesn’t care about the hotel. No, he’s going after Avery as payback. For what? He thinks — and wrongly, I might add — that I’m responsible for one of his friends losing her law license, something she brought on herself. How could I have ever believed that he was sincere? Sonny is — is violent and impulsive, vindictive and selfish. I did everything I could to coexist. And — And now he’s gonna try to hurt me by taking my daughter. So what are you gonna do? Well, I have no choice, right? I’m gonna fight back. Sonny isn’t the only one who knows a thing or two about threats. We can’t stay here indefinitely. You might have to. Look, I had a long conversation with Olivia and Monica today. Is that why you couldn’t have lunch with us? Yes. When and if Finn goes to rehab, you cannot move into Finn’s apartment with Violet, not where she lost her grandfather and she saw her father drunk and bleeding on the floor. Okay, yes, I don’t want that for Violet, either. Can’t move into your apartment. We can make it work. Oh, no, please. It’s a one-bedroom. We can get a pullout couch. [ Sarcastically ] Oh, they’re so comfortable. And not for nothing, you’re a newlywed. So? So at some point, I’d like to think you’re gonna get back to newlywed things. Okay, I don’t want to talk about this with you. I’m just saying. I know exactly what you’re saying, Grandmother. Look, Chase and I, we can move into a bigger place. It’s not like we don’t have the money. And this situation certainly warrants a little extra spending. Violet needs stability and consistency now, after everything she’s been through. I agree. So we would like to offer Violet a home… for as long as she needs it… provided you and Chase come with her.

[ Knock on door ] Finally. Come in. I need to put you to work. Oh, Gio. Hi. I saw your car, so I thought I’d check in. Why are you cleaning? Well, that’s what people do before they move in. I-I vacuumed and mopped. Was — Was it not enough? Oh, my gosh. No, you’re fine. No, clearly not. No, seriously, seriously. This is a me thing. I’m a little bit obsessive about this stuff. Did you think I was Trina? Yes, actually. Uh, she was supposed to help me with some stuff around here, but she had to go run errands for…Ava. I take it from the way you said her name, you’re not a big fan. Well, I respect Trina’s relationship with Ava, but I do dislike her. Yes, in fact, I more than dislike her. But she does have one redeeming quality. She created the adorable little girl Avery. And I probably should not be badmouthing the person who hired you to play at her gallery. I’m sorry. No, you’re entitled to your opinion. Well, I guess Ava has two redeeming qualities. There’s Avery, and she has a great taste in musicians. I looked up the paragraph in the state legal code from the link that you sent me. And I drew up a petition. I don’t know if that’s the right word. I think that’s what you call it. But, um, can you look it over? What’s the gist of the petition? I’m going to file this in court so if Molly and TJ do split up, then the baby stays with us. Man, I’d do anything to be able to go back and change what happened. Just be the kind of father that Violet deserves. Diane served you with the emergency custody order? And the restraining order, feet away from my daughter. I didn’t have a choice, Finn. And it wasn’t easy for me. I know it wasn’t. I’ve just been… so angry with you and Elizabeth and the hospital… when the person that I really hated was me. [ Scoffs ] After all these years, I find myself right back to where I started, unable to control my urge to anesthetize. That’s the first step of the program. [ Scoffs ] Not where I thought I’d be at this point in my life. Look, I’m sorry you’re here, but I am so thankful that you’re still alive. Not sure that I deserve to be. Don’t say that. [ Chuckles ] My daughter, the most important person in the world to me, found me unconscious on the floor of our home. She was scared, and I did that to her. Yeah, but you didn’t mean to. Doesn’t matter. My choices caused Violet pain. And the thought of that makes me want to die. There’s something broke in me, man. I’m… I’m broken. “Us” meaning? “Us” meaning the Davis family. I think that’s what Molly would want. Don’t you? I think you should ask Molly. Mom, could you please just look it over? Kristina. Mom. I distinctly remember telling you that I was not gonna advise you on anything baby-related, lest it make me look like I’m choosing sides. Okay, fine. So — So if Molly and TJ split up, you’re — you’re totally fine with TJ taking the baby. Of course I’m not fine with it. Okay, well, Molly has no legal claim to this child. Why are you acting like this is such a done deal? Because — I just saw them. They were fine. They’ve been fighting. Well, couples fight. Not Molly and TJ. You know that. Apart from one major hiccup, they have been annoyingly agreeable since high school, until now, when I am carrying their child. This is a — It’s a stressful situation, and stress breaks some couples, so I have to be prepared. Don’t look at me like that. Listen. Do you think subconsciously, deep, deep down inside, you may actually want TJ and Molly to break up? What? No. Why would I want them to break up? I don’t know. I just have a feeling that it might — [ Knock on door ] I hope that’s not one of your sisters. Oh. Thank God. Hey, you don’t have to answer this, but how much is Ava paying you? Oh, why wouldn’t I answer? I don’t know. People are weird about money. Well, not weird, but just private. bucks. Oh, per hour? For the whole thing. Wait. Hold on. She’s paying you $ for the entire evening of music? And now suddenly I’m feeling a little self-conscious about that. No, no. You shouldn’t. She should. God, what a cheapskate. I-I keep telling myself it’ll be good exposure. And at least living at the Quartermaines’, I don’t have a lot of living expenses. Yes, but that’s not the point. She should be paying you what you’re worth. You should be an agent. [ Scoffs ] And deal with demanding talent like you? No, thank you. What are you doing? I was just gonna move this out of the way. U-Unless you’re leaving it here. No, no. Trina can help me. But I’m here now. I can — I can do it. And risk hurting those precious hands? Gio, those are your meal ticket. You got to protect them at all costs. [ Both chuckle ] Look, I know this isn’t how you envisioned married life, but you had planned on coming here for the summer anyway. For a few weeks. This sounds a lot more permanent. We have a perfect setup. We have a full suite with adjoining rooms and a private bath. It’s bigger than Chase’s apartment. No offense. None taken. Look, you know already that this place is crawling with maternal energy. You calling yourself maternal? No, I’m not, but there’s Monica, Olivia, Lois, Sasha, and Willow in the gatehouse. Not to mention there’s plenty of father figures and tons of children running in and out all day. Yes, I know. These are all the reasons that Chase and I sold you on letting us stay here with Violet. And I said yes to a temporary situation. And I am now offering you the possibility of a more permanent situation. And I think you should take me up on it. I have to talk to Chase. He’s the one with emergency custody. Emergency custody for now. But you really need to consider the possibility that it may become more permanent. I am a mother. And separating me from my child — not happening. You love Avery. More than anything. So you’re upset, and I get it. But fighting Sonny? What choice do I have? Do you want me to open up the gallery for you? Oh, no. No, sweetheart, it’s your day off. Go and enjoy whatever you have planned. Are you sure? Yes, yes, I’m sure. The gallery will survive being closed for one day. And I have to unpack and get situated in my oh-so-inappropriate accommodations. [ Sighs ] Okay. Um, well, let me know if you need anything. Okay. Thank you, honey. Thank you.

[ Line ringing ] I just hope that everything is okay with Finn. Yeah, yeah. Me too. For his sake but mostly for Violet’s. I know what it’s like growing up without a father. It’s — It’s not easy. No, no, it isn’t. I mean, luckily, I had a lot of stand-ins, which helps out a lot, but obviously it’s — It’s not the same as actually having your dad. No. [ Knock on door ] Is this a bad time? All I want to do is help you. Yeah, I know. And I will. I’m here for whatever support you need, but you have to take the first step. [ Sighs ]

[ Line ringing ] Woman: Good afternoon. Skymeadow Lodge. My name is Hamilton Finn. I… believe you’re holding a bed for me. We are. I’ll be checking in tonight. Glad to hear it. We’ll see you then. I’m proud of you. Might want to wait till I’m actually there. I have faith. They’re saying days. You’ve got this. You think maybe you could give me a ride? I can. And I’ll give you a ride home when you get out. One more favor? Anything. I want to say goodbye to my daughter. do we owe this visit? Uh, Kristina told me that Ava was part of the reason that you were disbarred. I just want you to know how furious I am. Join the club. She fooled me. I don’t know why I let her live in my house. It’s just one of those things. Well, at least you got to spend time with Avery. But, you know, still. Yes, but if I had known, th– I’m glad that you know now. She’s gone now. Ava is? Yeah, I-I told her pack her bags, move out. I should have listened to you from the beginning. It’s okay, Dad. You didn’t have the information. None of us did. Alexis, I know we — we haven’t seen eye to eye on everything, but as far as Ava… we’re on the same side. Sorry for interrupting. No, you’re not interrupting. After you left Maxie’s the other day, she went on a little more about how you’ve really stepped up for the family. I wanted to come by and say thank you. I-I love hanging out with those guys. They love you, too. Especially James. He keeps asking when I’m gonna come watch his riding lesson. Like I said, you’re welcome anytime. And you, you’ve made some big changes, too, haven’t you? Face of Deception turned private chef. I love working at the Quartermaines’, and Cody lets me help out at the stables sometimes, too. Lets you? Come on. You help out so much, you’re making me look bad. [ Both laugh ] Um, in addition to “thank you”… I want to say sorry. For what? Having my suspicions once upon a time. I pegged you as a con man who couldn’t be trusted. And obviously that couldn’t be further from the truth. Obvious to who? Me. [ Chuckles ] You are, and I quote, Superman to my family. Will you accept my apology?

Hey. Sorry I’m late. You’re so late, I got a new roommate. I’m kidding. He’s been helping. While entertaining her with my charm and wit. Oh, is that what we’re calling it? Are you okay? Yeah, I just, um… That was so strange. Um… What was? I just had an interaction with Ava, and she went off about Sonny. Well, that’s strange. I feel like Ava and Sonny have been getting along lately. Yeah, so did I, but I guess Sonny threw her out. And now Ava is just, like, full of rage, and it’s being directed squarely at Sonny. Oh, God. Well, it’s not their first showdown, unfortunately. Could she actually be a threat to Uncle Sonny? Like, physically? I mean, I don’t think so. Do you disagree? This afternoon… Ava seemed capable of anything.

How you doing with all this? I am… overwhelmed. But grateful that you’re in a position to help Finn if he so chooses. God willing. And that we — and that is a huge collective we — are in a position to help Violet, and I really do think she’s gonna be okay. I do, too. But I was talking about you. Taking on a child is an enormous responsibility, especially this early in a marriage. Well, we’ll just consider it training for when Chase and I have a family of our own. And it’s not like I haven’t been through it before — Bailey Lou. And that was before I had a husband. You had a Valentin. And he was very hands-on, might I add. I’m proud of you. Really? Yeah. You are handling this with enormous grace. And compassion and patience. Brook Lynn, you’re supposed to be on your honeymoon in Florence, and, honey, Florence this is not. Do I hope that we get there sometime soon? Of course I do. But like I told Chase, home is just… It’s where we belong right now. You’re a better man than I. I don’t believe that. I think under all that bravado, you’ve got a really big heart. Don’t tell anyone. I won’t. Thank you. For what? Saying all the right things today, things I really needed to hear. Do I usually say the wrong things? Do you really want the answer? No. Bring it in. This, too, shall pass. I know. e’s — there’s really nothing to forgive. But even if there were, it’d already be done. I said it before. I’ll say it again. I love your family. And apparently you fit right in. Yeah, yeah. No, it feels that way to me, too. Makes sense, considering. Considering? Well, yeah. You and Sasha and Maxie all working at Deception. I’m sure you all got to know each other pretty well. Yeah. Uh, you and Maxie, I mean. Oh, um, yes. Yeah, I guess — I guess that’s true. And it must be nice that the two of you have reunited here at the Quartermaines’. Oh. Spend so much time together. No, we’re — we’re not — There’s nothing — I-I basically live in the kitchen… Yeah. …at the main house. Well, you’re here now. Because I’m in between meals. Mm-hmm. Trust me, Sasha and I are just co-workers. Sure. Expect an observer at James’s next riding lesson. Good to see you, Sasha. You too, Mac. Okay, I can’t take this anymore. What is wrong with you? Your favorite lawyer at your service. Well, Scott… Sonny and I have hit a bit of a rough patch. [ Sighs ] You don’t say. I have every reason to believe he’s gonna try to regain sole custody of Avery. And I can’t let that happen, Scott. I won’t. I cannot lose another daughter. Do you think he’s gonna argue that you’re unfit? Well, yeah, most likely. Are you? I-I just got to ask. Of course not. That doesn’t matter. Why not? Because Sonny is Sonny and Sonny will do what Sonny always does. He’ll either pay somebody off to get the ruling he wants or he’ll hop up on that stand and he’ll lie. Well, either strategy could work. I saw Finn. You did? Yeah, at my father’s bench. We had a long conversation. How’d it go? It was a little dicey at first, but, uh, it ended in a good place. What’d he say about the court orders? He was obviously upset being kept from Violet, but he understands. Actually said it was the right thing to do. Wow. And rehab? I was sitting in front of him when he called Skymeadow to confirm. I’m taking him tonight. On one condition. Yours or Finn’s? Finn’s. He wants to see Violet before we go. Okay, I can’t wait any longer. I have news, and I was gonna wait till — till the girls got here, but since you brought up Ava, I’m gonna tell you right now… I am no longer disbarred. What? The Court of Appeals vacated my sentence, and they gave me a two-year suspension. And those two years have already been served. Yeah, Mom. That’s amazing. Congratulations, Alexis. Thank you. Wow. So — So do you get to go back to practicing law right away or what? I just have to catch up on my continuing-education hours, and then I’m gonna be reinstated. Oh, I’m so happy for you. Justice prevails. Took it long enough. Diane has asked me to join her law firm. The dynamic duo. She will still be your lawyer, not me. Good, ’cause I’m about to have a legal battle on my hands. Do you really think that Finn seeing Violet is a good idea? What if he tries to manipulate Violet? I thought about that, which is why I will monitor the whole conversation. Finn has one chance. And if he goes off the rails, I will shut it down right away. But not giving them a chance to talk to each other when he’s going away for three months, it — It feels cruel. I agree. And you know your brother better than anybody. And as of today, you are Violet’s guardian. Emergency temporary guardian. Whatever. It’s your call. We’ll support whatever you decide. I appreciate your support. So do you have a where and when for this meeting? Here and now. He’s waiting in my car outside. come clean to Mac about switching the DNA test results. Yeah, I wanted to. Then why didn’t you? It is so obvious that you love his family and you want to be part of it. I mean, I would, too. Well, even when something’s obvious, you — you have to wait for the timing to be right, ’cause if it’s off… you might lose everything you have. That’s too big a risk. I just want you to be happy. I am happy. I’m happy. The happiest you could be. This is new territory for me. What is? Wanting to be a part of something. Usually it’s just been me, myself, and I. Until I found out about Mac, I was totally fine with things just the way they were. I thought we were trying for a better way, remember? Yeah, well, I guess old habits die hard. I almost told him. Maybe next time you will. I know that Sonny’s your uncle and that you love him. But you don’t. Well, I used to, once upon a time. What happened? Or is it none of my business? No, no, it’s family stuff. My mom was married to him more than once, actually. And, um, they had… and have a pretty volatile relationship. And their last breakup was pretty bad. And you sided with your mom. Yeah, I did. But I made the mistake of getting involved and trying to prove Sonny wrong. And I kind of just realized that it’s none of my business. My mom is more than capable of taking care of herself, and she has the right to live her own life. And so does Sonny. And Sonny and I don’t agree on much. Well, on pretty much anything. But… I don’t think I want anything to happen to him. And you think that’s possible? That Ava poses a real threat? Honestly, I don’t know. But I wouldn’t rule it out. Both you and Sonny have a very spotty past with the PCPD. So a family court judge is gonna look at this case as bad versus even worse. So they’re gonna be looking for the slightest edge to rule on. And you think Sonny has that edge? He’s a mob boss, for crying out loud. Allegedly. You don’t see it in his tax returns. Oh, please. There are plenty of people who could testify that Sonny is — is — is violent and impulsive and bouncing from one mental health crisis to the next. Yeah, yeah, they could testify or not. But, Ava, you — you have to protect yourself here, because in these type of family cases like this, it’s usually a mutual disaster for everyone. Well, I’m gonna have to take my chances, because there is no way that I’m leaving my daughter with Sonny permanently. So will you be my lawyer or not? I’m in. Now, oh, since I’m going up against “Killer Miller,” I may need some stunt pay. Hi, Finn. Hi.

Thank you… for letting me do this. Um, it was Chase’s idea. He — He felt that it would be good for Violet. And that’s all that matters right now. Yeah. Violet’s ready. Are you?

On the next “General Hospital” —

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