Y&R Transcript Monday, June 24, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Traci: Well, as fabulous as this place is, I have to admit, I’m feeling a little strange being here.

Alan: Yeah. Me too.

Traci: Uh, do you mind if I ask… what or who are you looking for? [ Alan sighs ]

Alan: I don’t know. I– Ever since Ashley met Martin here, I just– I’ve been wondering, you know, did he come here before? Does anyone here know him? Is there anyone in here right now looking at me thinking I’m him?

Traci: Oh. I’m not at all surprised that you have unanswered questions, especially since your brother is gone now.

Alan: Maybe there’s still some things I can find out.

Traci: Like what?

Alan: I don’t know. You know, where did he live when he wasn’t sneaking in my house? Who did he associate with? Did they know what he was capable of?

Traci: And you think someone here might know the answers?

Alan: Oh, here or… someplace else.

Traci: Okay, so, for the sake of argument, let’s just say someone here recognizes you, thinks you’re Martin. Or out on the street, someone passes you and then approaches you and starts a conversation. How do you imagine that will go?

Alan: Uh, I– I don’t know. I don’t know what he was up to these last few years. I mean, could they be, uh, surprised to see him? Or angry, or happy, or… worst of all, what if they’re terrified?

Traci: Have you considered that what you find out might be worse than what you already know?

Alan: I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore when it comes to Martin. I suppose, uh… what I’m really trying to find out is if there’s anyone out there I need to apologize to for not dealing with this earlier.

Traci: No! There is no apology necessary. You are not your brother. Alan, it looks to me like you need to forgive yourself.

Victoria: I am so glad you guys are home. I’ve missed you so much. Here you go. So for now, you’re gonna have to put up with some– A lot of family time because we are long overdue. So, why don’t we make a list of things that we wanna do first?

Katie: How about swimming?

Victoria: Yes, of course. We’re gonna swim.

Johnny: Ooh, and I wanna go riding. Rocket had better remember me.

Victoria: Yeah, well, all you have to do is give him an apple and he’ll remember exactly who you are. All right, so swimming, riding. Um, Claire has made a list of movies that she thinks you guys will love, so I was thinking we could do a family movie night up at the main house, in the screening room.

Katie: Uh, I just remembered, I, um, promised a couple of friends I’d call as soon as I got back. You guys go on without me.

Victoria: No. No, no, Katie. It’s family time. We’re gonna do everything together as a family.

Katie: Do I have to?

Victoria: Sweetie… please, would you at least try to give your new sister a chance?

Katie: What’s the point? I don’t know her and one movie night isn’t gonna just suddenly make her my sister.

Victoria: That’s why I want you to spend some time getting to know each other.

Katie: But does she have to live here? Isn’t she a nanny for the Abbotts? Couldn’t she live with them? ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪

Victor: Well, son, to be honest with you, it warms my heart to hear you say that you couldn’t have wished for better parents. Now, this goes both ways, because both your mother and I are very proud of the man you’ve become.

Nikki: Every parent should be so lucky.

Nick: Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad.

Victor: Yep. Okay. Down to business. Have you talked to Victoria about coming back to Newman Enterprises with you?

Nick: I didn’t think I needed to, since Vic agreed to go back to work at Newman Media with Mom.

Victor: We discussed that. It’s not what I want.

Nikki: So, you’re saying that what I want is not important?

Audra: I was hoping to find you.

Kyle: Should’ve figured you’d track me down.

Audra: Well, you know how persistent I can be. You left the meeting at the ranch without telling us your decision.

Kyle: Oh, you mean working together at Glissade? Even after the scam we tried to pull on each other over the exact same thing?

Audra: It was fun at the time, even if you won’t admit it. We had competing agendas. It happens.

Kyle: Sorry, Audra. Working together requires trust.

Audra: Why don’t we start with mutual tolerance and work from there?

Kyle: Mm-mm. No. It’s not happening. Not with you.

Audra: Okay, so why didn’t you just come out and tell us you already decided to decline the offer?

Kyle: I was being polite. But only for Victor’s sake.

Audra: And for my sake?

Kyle: Ah, I think you already know my answer: no way in hell.

Traci: I understand that you want answers, but is this going to give you the peace of mind you’re looking for?

Alan: Martin was so sick and I just could not accept how bad it was.

Traci: He didn’t let you find him. That’s hardly your fault.

Alan: No, Traci, I should’ve kept looking for him. You know, he was my responsibility and maybe I could’ve helped him.

Traci: Maybe not. Alan, you’ve got to stop torturing yourself about this. [ Alan sighs ]

Alan: There’s just so much I don’t know about his life. You know, what happened to Martin? Why was he impersonating me? What was his end game? I just–

Traci: Unfortunately, you may never know.

Alan: What he put Ashley through? I hate that. And what about my patients? [ Alan sighs ] I mean… he was my brother. My twin. There was a time when we shared everything.

Traci: I know. I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine the kind of pain you’re going through. All I can offer you is this: you can share it with me if that would help. Let me help you put that burden down. It’s the least I can do for everything you’ve done, all the support and kindness you’ve shown my family.

Audra: I guess I deserve that. Yeah, I tried to warn Victor you’d be a hard sell.

Kyle: No. Mm-mm. “Hard sell” makes it sound like it’s a negotiation. I am not interested.

Audra: You’d turn down a chance like this out of spite? Or is it ego? Can we get beyond our issues for the greater good?

Kyle: Does Victor know about our history? Have you warned him that we have been down this same road before and it didn’t end well? You know, come to think of it, what makes him think the two of us should even team up?

Audra: Look, I didn’t fill Victor in on the details of our failed relationship because the man always knows everything. And what he doesn’t know clearly doesn’t matter. Maybe he respects what we both bring to the table. Maybe he thinks we can keep each other in line. I’m not over-analyzing it because I know a good opportunity when I see it.

Kyle: Ah. That’s what this is all about. It’s just money and a power grab.

Audra: Just money and a power grab? You know, only someone born into both would make it sound so petty. I’ve made some mistakes in the past, okay? I realize that now. And trying to manipulate you was one I truly regret, but working with me at Glissade is a solid, lucrative opportunity. Finally, we’ll both get what we want.

Kyle: You think we’ll get everything we want?

Audra: Our own company to run however we see fit. No one else to answer to. Won’t you even consider it?

Victor: Of course what you want matters a great deal to me. We just disagree on this one.

Nikki: So, you are insisting on replacing me with Adam at Newman Media.

Victor: Temporarily, until you get better. [ Nikki exhales ]

Nikki: Why does it have to be Adam? That is a huge red flag.

Victor: Why does everything having to do with Adam is a red flag?

Nikki: You know, you always give him the benefit of the doubt. You don’t wanna do that for me, even though I have told you I am more than ready to come back to work. In fact, I need to come back.

Victor: Why are we fighting about this?

Nikki: Because Newman Media is my domain and you are telling me I don’t have any say in who runs it. It– it makes no sense!

Nick: Dad, I agree with Mom on this one.

Victor: I don’t get either of you. You just told us how grateful you were for all the lessons we have taught you. Now, you question my decision regarding business?

Nikki: He expressed gratitude for both of his parents. That’s why he hasn’t tried to convince Victoria to work with him because clearly he values my opinion.

Alan: You are so kind, Traci. And not in a superficial way. I mean, really, truly, deeply kind, understanding. [ Alan sighs ] I’ll be honest with you, I– I don’t know if I can forgive myself or Martin.

Traci: Alan, Martin’s mental illness made him dangerous, as did his unwillingness to get help. And none of that is your fault.

Alan: Yeah, I– I’m sure this topic is as disturbing to you as it is to me, so… Look, I hear you, and… don’t worry, I– I will get there with time. [ Traci chuckles ]

Traci: You think that’s gonna work? Telling me what I need to hear so I’ll stop? Oh. You don’t know me very well, but I’m a little more persistent than that, Alan. Alan, you can’t go back and change history. All you can do is change how you feel about it now. To lose someone who was with you your whole life, that’s hard enough. But to be there to witness it? I–

Alan: Yeah. I still keep going over it in my head. It doesn’t feel real in some ways, but… terribly real in others.

Traci: And you haven’t even started the process of grieving. It is a process.

Alan: You’re right. I mean, how many times have I said that to my patients, huh?

Traci: Well, I hope they listen better than you do. [ both laughing ]

Alan: Do you have a– You must have a psychology degree hidden in your resume there somewhere, right?

Traci: No, no, but I– Oh, thank you.

Alan: Thank you so much.

Traci: Merci. Bon. Um, I– I have been through a few things, and, actually, I’ve created a few characters that were psychologists and all of the research I did, I should have a degree.

Alan: I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your writing. You’re a published novelist. I mean, what an amazing career you have.

Traci: Oh, it’s mostly just, you know, chasing the turn of a phrase or staying up all night so you don’t lose a thread.

Alan: Please don’t be so modest. Here I am with a beautiful woman with all these amazing stories in her head and I’m going on and on about my disturbed brother.

Traci: Maybe you need to talk about it.

Alan: No. No. I think I need to process that later. What I need is to hear about you. [ Traci chuckles ]

Victor: We shouldn’t be concerned about taking sides. The only sides we should worry about is Newman Enterprises. Don’t you agree?

Nikki: Yes, I do.

Victor: Okay.

Nikki: But putting Adam in my position is not what’s best. I mean, you may like to think about it as a short-term solution while I can finish my treatment, but you know that nothing ever goes that easily with Adam. And Nicholas knows that better than anybody, don’t you?

Nick: I agree with you both. But Dad, if Mom feels this strongly about going back to work, shouldn’t you support her? I mean, you put her in charge of Newman Media for a reason. Clearly, she can do the work.

Victor: It is not what I want. Simple as that. End of discussion.

Nikki: Hey, wait. No. It’s not the end– Victor! [ Nikki sighs ]

Audra: Do you wanna be courted, Kyle? Fine. I can’t think of anyone who’s better qualified to run an up-and-coming cosmetics company than a former Jabot CEO.

Kyle: Okay. What’s really going on here, Audra? What are you up to?

Audra: Why do I have to be up to something?

Kyle: Aren’t you always?

Audra: Despite our differences, you’re an incredibly talented executive. And Victor dropped the hint that you might not be all that happy working under the thumbs of your mother and father.

Kyle: Did he, now?

Audra: He implied that you might be open to any opportunity.

Kyle: That doesn’t always mean it’s a good thing, you know? Sometimes, change can mean going from bad to worse.

Audra: Only if you let it. The two of us could dominate. We would be in complete control at Glissade.

Kyle: Yeah, with Victor calling the ultimate shots. That’s not exactly my idea of complete control.

Audra: Okay, mine either. But Victor promised to be a silent partner. And he expressed great faith in you. You know, from someone with his immense power and reputation, that says a lot. And most importantly, that is not a man you wanna say no to.

Kyle: No, I wouldn’t be turning down working with him. I would be turning down working with you. That’s two very different things.

Audra: Do you really wanna hold on to that grudge? Seriously? I am making you an honest, lucrative offer that, quite frankly, you’d be crazy to refuse.

Kyle: Okay, so what am I supposed to do? Erase all the double dealings you tried to pull on me?

Audra: That we pulled on each other.

Kyle: Which is why it would never work.

Audra: Until it does. Tell me what I have to do to change your mind. There must be something.

Diane: Well, well, well. Isn’t this interesting, the two of you with your heads together? What’s this all about? to throw Claire out of her home.

Katie: It’s not her home and it’s not ours either. We had a house and it’s gone. [ Victoria sighs ]

Victoria: I’m sorry. I know. I know how awful it is when you lose the things that make a place your home. I understand that, and it makes me really sad to think that the last time we were all there together, that that’s never gonna happen again, but we have each other and we’re lucky for that.

Katie: But why does she have to live here too?

Johnny: Come on, Katie. Just cut Claire some slack. [ knocking at door ]

Victoria: Hi, Daddy.

Victor: Oh, my goodness. You’ve grown so tall. My goodness. Come here, sweetheart. There you go. How nice to see both of you. Your grandmother and I have missed you.

Johnny: We missed you too.

Victor: Yes. How does it feel being back at the ranch?

Johnny: It’s good.

Victor: Yeah?

Katie: I miss my home.

Victor: I know you do. Having someone’s home burn down, that’s a very difficult issue to deal with. You know, we had the main house burn down as well. Nikki and I had to rebuild, and then we made a new life here, right? So, let’s sit down. So, tell me, Johnny and Katie, how does it feel to have a new sister?

Johnny: She seems nice.

Victor: Doesn’t she? Claire’s a very sweet girl. You know, she has always wanted a family of her own and she’s always wanted a sister like you to love.

Katie: Really?

Victor: Yeah. Imagine, she grew up without any family. She had no love, you know? Imagine of all the people around you that love you. She grew up without any of that. That’s sad. Your grandfather. I grew up, no family, in an orphanage. It makes you very lonely. So now, Claire is here, we must all do everything we can to embrace her and to love her, okay? To make her part of the family.

Nikki: Your father can be so infuriating at times.

Nick: Yeah. I never noticed.

Nikki: Newman Media is my jurisdiction. Why does he keep fighting me on this?

Nick: Yeah, Dad wants Adam there. It just doesn’t sit right.

Nikki: God, of all people. But your father has always had a soft spot for Adam.

Nick: You know, I wonder if Dad isn’t buying it that things are going so well with me and Adam. Like, if he’s wondering if there’s some tension beneath the surface.

Nikki: Why would you say that? That makes me think that it’s actually the case.

Traci: Oh, I can assure you, being a writer is wonderful in theory, but, um, it is not very exciting in real life.

Alan: Mm.

Traci: Are you sure you don’t wanna circle back and talk a little more about your brother and you?

Alan: No. I wanna hear about you, Traci. And I want you to start from the beginning. I want to hear about the young Traci growing up in the glamorous world of the Abbott dynasty. [ both laughing ]

Traci: Well, it wasn’t exactly a dynasty back then. It was just our family. Ah… and I guess maybe there was a little glamor from time to time.

Alan: Ah! Like?

Traci: Well… [clears throat ] …when I was young, I used to sing. I had a dear friend who was an up-and-coming rock star and we had some pretty big concerts.

Alan: Wow, you sing. I– Well, of course, I should’ve known you sing. You– your speaking voice is like music. [ both laughing ] Who’s the rock star? Is he famous?

Traci: Well, yeah, you know, he is really famous now. Do you know Danny Romalotti?

Alan: Oh, my God. I am impressed. Wow. See, I knew there was more to know about you, Traci. You’re an accomplished writer and a famous singer.

Traci: Oh, my gosh. Past tense. And famous is really pushing it.

Alan: Still pretty cool.

Traci: I was really sheltered by my overprotective big brother and sister, so this was a really freeing time in my life.

Alan: Now, you’re the glue that holds them together. [ Traci sighs ]

Traci: When my mother walked out on us, it was my father who was the rock. He made sure that we stayed a tight-knit family unit. And yes, he built this amazing company, a true legacy, but… it was his boundless love for the three of us that really made him a giant.

Alan: You adored him.

Traci: Always. All of us did. And then when Daddy wasn’t around anymore, we became kind of the Three Musketeers. We always have each other’s back, no matter what.

Alan: That’s the way siblings should be.

Traci: Uh, now, I– I’m a little worried that I’ve let my sister down.

Alan: What do you mean? It’s ridiculous. You’ve been by her side for the whole time.

Traci: No, I mean when we were kids. Um, I’ve been thinking about what you said, that maybe she’s experienced some childhood trauma and I didn’t realize it. Something… that has haunted Ashley her whole life, And now, it’s haunting me.

Diane: Last I checked, the two of you wanted nothing more to do with each other.

Audra: Yeah, I mean, it was pure coincidence. I saw Kyle here and I approached him.

Diane: Mm, of course you did.

Audra: I’ve recently had some very good fortune and decided now is a great time to make amends.

Diane: What, so you wanna kiss and make up with my son?

Audra: I made some mistakes in the past, mostly centered around Tucker McCall and now that he’s no longer part of my universe, I wanted to reach out, apologize to anyone I hurt or offended during my Tucker era.

Diane: So, is that sincere regret or were you just burned one time too many?

Audra: I wasn’t the one singed this go around. Tucker’s the past and I’m looking forward to the future now. I’m starting fresh.

Diane: Hm. Well, take it from me, I’ve been there. There is no starting fresh where Tucker’s concerned. The only way to get past Tucker McCall is to flourish and succeed in spite of him.

Audra: I know it’s not easy to change people’s perceptions and I’ve got my work cut out for me, but I am highly motivated to prove that I am not who I was.

Diane: Are you motivated or desperate?

Audra: Well, I have to go. Please keep an open mind about what we talked about. Nice to see you, Diane.

Diane: Mm-hmm. Okay, what is going on? And what exactly does she want you to keep an open mind about? neither one of us is very good at taking a night off from ruminating about our siblings.

Traci: I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to bring things down.

Alan: No, not at all. I mean, there’s no point in denying that we have been through a very harrowing experience.

Traci: Thank you. My family teases me about being an optimist, but honestly, I’m a worrier, too. And I have been worried.

Alan: Well, I’m sorry to make you worry. And I just want you to know, I– I cannot be sure that the alters emerged during Ashley’s childhood. Now, in the vast majority of DID cases, it does occur from ongoing childhood trauma, but she could be one of those rare cases where it occurred later in life.

Traci: And we won’t know until Ashley does herself.

Alan: Exactly. That’s right. I guess in the meantime, we have to, uh, stop torturing ourselves with what ifs and guilt, right?

Traci: Well, easier said than done.

Alan: We just have to remind ourselves that it is gonna get better.

Traci: We should have a little support group.

Alan: Ha! I used to lead those, but I’ve never been in one.

Traci: It’s okay. I will keep my eyes on you. And if you get a little bossy, I will remind you of your status.

Alan: Well then, certainly, I don’t wanna overstep and get kicked out of the group.

Traci: Oh, no, I think you’ll be fine. You just nod a lot and keep saying, “How does that make you feel?”

Alan: Ouch. A little on the nose there. I thank you for the advice, but I have been told that I’m a fairly good listener.

Traci: Well, I would hope so, considering your profession.

Alan: We’re– we’re gonna get through this. I have faith in us.

Traci: We are. If Ashley is brave enough to face what’s to come, so am I.

Alan: Ashley’s very lucky to have a sister like you.

Traci: No, I feel like I’m the lucky one.

Alan: Hm. Uh, maybe we should have another glass of wine, huh? Or perhaps I could convince you to sing a rock and roll song.

Traci: Oh, no. Don’t make me regret telling you this. How about this? Yes, to the wine and raincheck to the song.

Alan: All right.

Nick: Honestly, we’ve never been in a better place. Now, maybe part of that is because I really feel for what he’s going through with Connor, but Mom, he’s never once shirked his duties at Newman because of it.

Nikki: Hm. Could that be what this is about? I mean, we’re all concerned about Connor. Maybe your father gave Adam this opportunity as a distraction.

Nick: It doesn’t make sense. This is what Dad has always wanted, for me and Adam to work together at Newman, united. We’re doing it. It’s working and now, he wants to break it up?

Nikki: Do you think that he just doesn’t wanna tell me he’s been unhappy with my work?

Nick: No way, Mom. By any objective measure, you have been amazing at Newman media. This is just who Dad is. He is not one to hold back when he’s displeased with something. It doesn’t matter who he hurts.

Nikki: So then, what is it? Why is he so determined to make all these drastic changes?

Victoria: You two be careful. No diving. Thank you, Dad. Thank you. I… I really, really appreciate what you said to Katie.

Victor: Katie probably has difficulty adjusting to the new environment, you know?

Victoria: Now that she’s met Claire and sees that she’s gonna be living with us, I think she’s just having a hard time processing it all.

Victor: Well, give her some time. She’ll realize soon enough that she has a wonderful big sister.

Victoria: I hope so.

Victor: Yeah.

Victoria: After everything that Jordan has put us through, I just want my family to live in peace.

Victor: Sweetheart, I think it’ll all work out in time, it really will.

Victoria: Oh, what about at Newman?

Victor: About Newman. Oh. Wanna talk about that?

Victoria: Yeah, I do. I just wanna understand why you don’t want Mom back at Newman Media right now.

Victor: What’s so difficult to understand about that? Your mother needs time to recover, that’s all.

Victoria: Yes, but she feels like that maybe going back to work would help her with that.

Victor: But what if she falls off the damn wagon again? Then what? I won’t take that chance.

Victoria: Okay, fine, but why Adam?

Victor: But why not Adam? He knows the company. He can step right in.

Victoria: But Mom and I could do the same thing.

Victor: Sweetheart, do I need to remind you what your mother just went through, the ordeal she just endured? She almost died, for heaven’s sake. Once she’s 100%, she’ll be back in the job and then Adam will be out. But listen, the most important question I want you to answer… are you willing to go back to Newman Enterprises? I want you to.

Victoria: Okay. Daddy, I will give it some serious thought. the same place at the same time. Don’t make a thing of it.

Diane: Yeah, but all that talk about her being rid of Tucker, are you sure she’s not looking for something more from you?

Kyle: That was your takeaway, that Audra’s hitting on me?

Diane: Well, she’s trouble and you should know that better than anyone. I don’t– I don’t trust her and neither should you.

Kyle: Sorry, Mom. You don’t get to dictate who I spend my time with. I am an adult. I can do that for myself. And you need to stop putting me in my place.

Diane: You’re not even trying to hide how you feel about me anymore, are you?

Kyle: What are you talking about?

Diane: My God, the disdain you have for me is written all over your face.

Kyle: You’re my mom. I love you. It doesn’t mean you get to run my life.

Diane: Yeah, and as your mother, I have tried everything I can think of to move beyond all this animosity you have towards me.

Kyle: This is all you, just making up conflict out of thin air.

Diane: I tried ignoring it. I’ve tried calling you out on it. I’ve tried speaking to you as a loving mother. I’ve even tried to talk to you as your superior at the office, but nothing seems to get through to you.

Kyle: Mom, you are blowing a few disagreements way out of proportion.

Diane: No. I don’t think so. And I think we need to revisit this whole work dynamic when your father gets home from Paris.

Kyle: Revisit how?

Diane: Maybe the best way to get you to do your job and stop constantly critiquing and meddling in mine is by laying down an ultimatum.

Kyle: Really?

Diane: Hm.

Kyle: Like what?

Diane: Like get in line or you’ll be fired.

Nick: Mom, I don’t know what Dad’s ulterior motives are, but I’m certain he’s got them.

Nikki: Yeah, that’s what worries me.

Nick: So, maybe the smart thing for us to do is we let Dad have this one. We take a step back because you know he’s just gonna grind us down until he gets what he wants.

Nikki: What do you mean, just give up?

Nick: I’m not saying that, but…. Dad is hyper protective of you. We know that, especially right now. If he thinks you need more time, there isn’t anything anyone’s gonna do to change his mind.

Nikki: So, I brought this on myself.

Nick: That is not what this is about, Mom. It’s not. It makes sense. Dad wants you to focus on your recovery. And if we’re being honest, Adam’s probably the smartest choice to step back into Newman media.

Nikki: I don’t care about his history there. I am the CEO of Newman Media and I wanna get back into my office. Can’t your father see that? Or is his true agenda more important to him?

Nick: You’re just gonna drive yourself crazy trying to figure out what Dad is up to because it’s not like he’s gonna come out and admit it, that he’s got some other plans.

Nikki: Oh, he’s the most stubborn man I’ve ever known.

Nick: Yes, he is. But would it be the worst thing in the world for you to just take more time to get fully healthy? You could focus your time and your energy into something else, like your charity work.

Nikki: I wouldn’t be able to focus knowing that once Adam is there, he’ll never wanna leave.

Kyle: And you think that’s something you can do on your own? Fire me, just like that? Do you really think you can get Dad to sign off on that?

Diane: I’m the co-CEO of Jabot and I am your boss, whether you can accept that or not. Kyle, you’ve been removed from the company before. It’s not unrealistic that that could happen again.

Kyle: You’re serious, aren’t you?

Diane: Yes. Your father has been more than patient with you on this, and he was hoping that the two of us could work it out, and he was hoping he wouldn’t have to get involved, but the time for patience is over.

Kyle: You think I’ve committed a fireable offense?

Diane: You had warnings, Kyle, many of them, but you refuse to change your behavior. It’s relentless insubordination.

Kyle: For doing my job.

Diane: No, for doing mine. Because you are unprofessional and because you question my authority at every turn. And because you have put a huge deal in jeopardy. You know what? I have put up with it, hoping that you would change, and you haven’t, so I think we both need to make some decisions.

Victor: Oh, hello. I gather you just told your mother you were looking for greener pastures.

Kyle: My mother doesn’t know about your job offer.

Victor: But I certainly hope, Kyle, that you’re still considering it, because I’d hate for you to waste your talent at your present place of employment.

Kyle: I agree. It would be a shame. Maybe… it is time for me to think about a change. [ Traci laughing ]

Traci: Okay. So, I found myself in this very picturesque little village in the Normandy coast.

Alan: Oh, my favorite place in the world.

Traci: Is that right?

Alan: Yes.

Traci: Mine, too.

Alan: Sorry. Please go on.

Traci: Okay, so we met this fisherman and he was selling mussels by the kilo. And we were staying in a little chateau, doing our own cooking. One of my friends, fabulous cook, said he would make us moules frites. We didn’t know how many were in a kilo, so we ordered 50.

Alan: Uh-oh. I see where this is going.

Traci: We were eating moules for a week.

Alan: Oh. How long did it take you to eat mussels again?

Traci: Let’s see, that was about 20 years ago. I haven’t faced one since. [ both chuckling ] Alan, thank you so much for seeing me home. You really didn’t have to.

Alan: Oh, of course I did. Gave me more time to try to convince you to sing for me.

Traci: Stop. Maybe next time.

Alan: All right, I’m gonna hold you to it, all right? So, Traci, I just want you to– I want you to know how much it means to me that you decided to stay here in Paris.

Traci: Thank you. It means a lot to me, too.

Alan: Thank you. Good night.

Traci: Good night.

Nick: I don’t want you to worry about that. We will get Adam out of Newman Media when the time comes.

Nikki: And how are we gonna do that?

Nick: I’ll handle it. I’ll come up with something. But in the meantime, think about all the great things you can be doing with your charities. You should be focusing on that right now.

Nikki: Yeah, after everything that’s happened the last few months, I have been neglecting my other interests.

Nick: I know it’s not what you want to hear, Mom, but this really is the best thing for you. Just let Dad move the chess pieces around and play whatever game he wants. [ Nikki sighs ]

Nikki: If I weren’t putting my sobriety first, I would keep fighting him on this, but you and I both know that he won’t rest until he gets his way.

Nick: Yeah. So, you’ll go along with Dad’s plan?

Nikki: I suppose. For now. While we wait to see which pieces topple next.

Victor: Cheers, Kyle.

Kyle: Cheers.

Victor: I’m happy to know that you’re ready for change. You have the kind of expertise that Audra needs to drive Glissade into a cosmetics powerhouse.

Kyle: Well, hold on, I… haven’t said I’m ready to commit just yet.

Victor: What’s the hesitation?

Kyle: I have some serious concerns about working with Audra Charles. The way she… bounced back and forth with Tucker, it just makes me question her dedication and loyalty to Glissade.

Victor: Huh. But you don’t trust her?

Kyle: Audra Charles is a professional backstabber. I’ve been the victim of her schemes on more than one occasion.

Victor: Really? I’ll be damned.

Kyle: Look, I know this is an important investment for you.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Kyle: So, here’s what I’m thinking. I could agree to come on as Glissade’s CEO, but only as a sole CEO.

Victor: I see.

Kyle: I mean, what do you need Audra for when you have me?

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