Y&R Transcript Monday, June 17, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Adam: Hey.

Chelsea: Hey. Thanks for getting here so quickly. Um, I spoke with Connor’s social worker.

Adam: I hope that big smile that you’re wearing means there’s good news for a change?

Chelsea: It finally happened, Adam. Connor had a breakthrough yesterday.

Adam: Oh, my God. Thank God.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Adam: What happened?

Chelsea: Oh, the breakthrough involved his fear of contamination. This exposure treatment must be working.

Adam: Okay, well, I mean, what happened specifically?

Chelsea: Well, you know, he’s learning to fight his anxieties involving food. Well, he was able to eat some specific foods that he’s been afraid of. So, it’s, yeah.

Adam: That’s great.

Sharon: I– I don’t mean to interrupt. Was that good news that I just overheard about Connor? He’s making progress?

Chelsea: Yeah, yeah, he is. And they’re evaluating different medicine levels to find the right dosage, and it seems they found it. So it’s working, and it’s great. So, the therapy mixed with the right meds, something’s clicking.

Adam: Yeah, well, whatever it is, I’m just happy that– that something is helping.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Sharon: I’m just so pleased for Connor and for both of you.

Adam: Yeah, but maybe it’s too good. You know, I just– I don’t want to get my hopes up and jinx it.

Chelsea: Now is not the time to be superstitious. We’ve got to take our wins as we get them.

Adam: I know, you’re right. Now is the time to be optimistic, and we can and we will get there.

Alan: Hope you don’t mind me stopping by.

Traci: No, of course not.

Alan: I thought you’d like to know how Ashley’s first evening at the clinic went.

Traci: Actually, your timing is perfect. I was just about to call you.

Jack: Hey, Alan.

Alan: Jack, good to see you. When did you get in?

Jack: I took the Jabot jet so I could be here for Ashley’s first few days in this clinic.

Alan: Well, excellent. She’ll be delighted to know you’re here.

Traci: Actually, Alan was about to tell me how things went.

Jack: How have things been going? How is our sister doing?

Dawn: Thanks for your time, Philippe. I’ve just heard so many nasty rumors going around about Mr. McCall. I wondered if you’d heard them, too. I’m not sure how seriously to take them or if it’s all just gamesmanship. So, no word of a takeover as far as you know. I see. Well, I guess we’ll see what happens at the meeting today. See you then.

Tucker: It sounds like you couldn’t get him to confirm or deny.

Dawn: No, but I got the feeling he was being very careful not to tip anything.

Tucker: So, I guess he didn’t buy that you turned on me.

Dawn: I guess not.

Tucker: None of the CEOs from the companies I acquired are returning my emails. No one’s returning my calls. The board, every member conveniently unavailable. This is not– this is not a good sign.

Dawn: So, you think Ms. Charles is telling the truth? You think there’s a hostile takeover afoot?

Tucker: It’s not looking good. Um, let’s get this meeting pushed, okay? You get on that. We have to buy ourselves some time. I am not gonna let Audra get away with this.

Dawn: There’s been a request to push the meeting back to later this afternoon and possibly tomorrow, so I’m checking everyone’s availability. No? Okay, well, I’ll let you know if anything changes. Thanks.

Tucker: No one’s budging.

Dawn: Everyone I’ve talked to so far seems to have prior commitments.

Tucker: Sure. It’s because they’re all in this against me. Oh, man, this is out of control. Oh, damn, Audra.

Dawn: Wait, where are you going?

Tucker: There’s only one thing left to do. Keep trying. Don’t stop. Let me know about any progress, okay?

Tucker: Everything I’ve done to counter the moves you’ve been making, I’ve gotten no pleasure from it. And I realized, I was doing all of it in spite of what I was really feeling, what I really want… which is to be with you. So, I’m here saying that I will do whatever it takes to fix us. The first step being making sure you know that– that Ashley and I are finally, truly finished.

Audra: So, I assume there’s a step two?

Tucker: To tell you that Glissade is yours. You want it that badly, you can have it.

Audra: Poor Tucker. You thought I needed your handouts. [ knock on door ] Go away, Tucker. There’s nothing left to say.

Tucker: Will you just do this one thing for me. Have a conversation with me.

Audra: I regret every minute I ever wasted on you. I won’t waste anymore.

Tucker: Audra, don’t go through with this.

Adam: Look, I’m– I’m trying to stay positive. I really am.

Sharon: And it can be tough at times, but you know what? Just put good energy out there. It can only help.

Chelsea: But you’re having a hard time, aren’t you?

Adam: I– I can’t help questioning if we made the right decision. What if sending Connor to that facility wasn’t the right move? His setbacks and his hurdles have been way more intense than I ever imagined they would be.

Sharon: That is to be expected. You know, this is new territory for all three of you. And most parents can’t help but have those same fears and doubts. And not just at the beginning, but like through the whole process.

Adam: But then isn’t that a bad sign? Okay, maybe this protocol that we’re all just going along with is not the best.

Chelsea: Adam, we just got some good news. Why don’t you let that sink in for a minute?

Sharon: There will be ups and downs, but when you get to the end and you get that result, you will be so glad. And so will Connor.

Chelsea: Yeah. Connor wants to see us for the first time in a very long time. That’s the best news we’ve gotten in forever. Adam, Connor wants to see us. Isn’t that great?

Adam: Look, every time we go, we get turned down. It’s selfish, but I don’t want to get my hopes up to get disappointed again. I don’t think that I can take another time going and not getting the chance to see our son.

Traci: So, Alan, how was Ashley when you left her?

Alan: Well, under the circumstances, I’d say she’s doing quite well. She’s very determined. No doubts, no hesitation, which is so important at this stage. And, uh, well, my colleagues really went all out to make sure her transition to the clinic was as smooth as possible.

Jack: Oh, good. I know this whole thing has been pretty tough on her.

Alan: Yeah, that first night is always the toughest. But, again, this place is warm, welcoming. It’s incredibly well-designed. She’ll receive nothing but kindness and understanding there, I promise.

Traci: Well, good. I just hate to think of her alone in a strange place, you know?

Alan: Well, I was there until the nurses kicked me out. But when I left, she was her usual strong, determined, brave self. Tough as ever, so.

Traci: We will never be able to thank you enough for all that you’ve done for our sister.

Jack: We will be forever grateful. You got Ashley the professional help she desperately needs.

Alan: Well, honestly, I feel guilty about the whole thing, so… I mean, if it wasn’t for me, Martin never would have gotten to her, and he’s the one who pushed her over the edge.

Jack: Wait, you’re not to blame for the actions of your obviously disturbed brother.

Alan: Well, that’s just it. I mean, I knew how dangerous he could be when he was off his medication, and I– I should have done more to find him, to keep tabs on him.

Traci: Alan, you had private investigators looking for him for years. What more could you have done?

Jack: You are not responsible for everything that happened. As a matter of fact, you’ve more than made up for it with the love and care and support you have given Ashley.

Tucker: What more do you want, Audra? I’m offering you the company to run any way you wish. Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted, to be your own boss? Not answer to anyone?

Audra: Don’t pretend like you know what I want, when obviously–

Tucker: Well, I know you don’t want to answer to me, and you don’t want to answer to some mysterious investor who’s going to be breathing down your neck the whole time. I’m giving it to you. Please. Free and clear.

Audra: Right. Just like that.

Tucker: Yes. Just like that.

Audra: Well, too little too late.

Tucker: Why? Why won’t you just let me give it to you? Just take the win quietly, without humiliating me. Without crippling me in the business world. Don’t you owe me at least that much, after all the years we’ve been through and everything that we’ve meant to each other?

Audra: Are you serious right now? I’m the one who owes you? I’m not the reason it’s all come to this. You put everyone else before me. And now, you’re surprised I’m no longer interested in third place?

Tucker: I thought we hashed that out. We don’t have time to argue over this.

Audra: Finally, something we can agree on. I have a meeting to prepare for, and so do you.

Tucker: Yes, and you could cancel it, if you would take my offer. At least– at least postpone it so we can… I can’t believe it. Just because I wouldn’t turn my back on my son, really? Is that really what this is all about? Is that my great crime here?

Audra: Look, that’s not real emotion. You’re not hurt or indignant or confused. You’re just stalling for time, and I’m not interested.

Tucker: Audra. Here I am. I’m in Paris with you. Granted, it’s not the circumstances that– that we dreamed of, but here I am. I’m not with Ashley. I’m not with Devon. I’m here with you. And I am putting you first.

Audra: Maybe it’s not about being first or last. It’s that I don’t care anymore.

Tucker: I thought I knew you. I never thought you could be this vindictive. I never thought you could be this cruel.

Sharon: Well, I should get back to my work. I’ll let you two talk.

Adam: Guess I have an uncanny way of killing a good mood.

Chelsea: You didn’t kill anything, Adam. You’re having normal human emotions that anyone would have in this situation. You don’t think I feel the same? You don’t think I have fears? Another rejection would be almost unbearable.

Adam: Well, maybe third time’s the charm.

Chelsea: Maybe it is. But if it’s not, I mean, if something goes wrong, whatever it may be, we have to keep the faith. We have to lean on each other and know that we’ll get through it.

Adam: I know. It’s a process.

Chelsea: It’s testing our endurance, but it is a journey we will have to go through together as a family.

Adam: And I just have to keep my head down and I have to get to the other side of this until we’re through it. Now is not the time to give up.

Chelsea: No, it’s not. Now is the time to embrace hope that’s gonna carry us over the next hill and then the hill after that. I have an idea. Why don’t we call Connor? We can see for ourselves how he’s doing, see if it looks like he really wants us to come for a visit.

Adam: I like that. Why don’t we text him and see if he’s up for a video chat?

Chelsea: Yeah.

Adam: We can do it from my place.

Chelsea: Okay. Let’s go. Bye, Sharon. We’re gonna, um, call Connor, check in with him before we leave.

Sharon: Oh, good for you two.

Chelsea: Um, and thank you, by the way.

Sharon: For what?

Chelsea: Just, you know, for being kind.

Sharon: I’m happy to help anyone I can through their journey. I know that I was very grateful to have all the support that I had when I was on mine. And when this is in the past, then, um, you will help someone else. Because ultimately, we all have to lean on each other. It’s the only way to get to the other side.

Audra: You’re still pleading your case, Tucker, and it’s getting tedious. You think if you find the right words and emotions, you’re gonna get what you want, but this is what I want, and it’s happening.

Tucker: Please just postpone it so we can work out a deal.

Audra: There is nothing to work out. The financing is in place. The deal is already done. Technically, you’ve already lost the company.

Tucker: You have the power to stop it, right? You could put the brakes on and turn it around. But you just– You refuse to do that. What’s happened to you?

Audra: What are you so worried about? You’re gonna be more than compensated. The investor has agreed to pay well over market value.

Tucker: Who is this investor? Because when I bought the company, there was not a soul interested in it. What changed all of a sudden?

Audra: The fact is, it’s over. And there’s nothing you can do about it now.

Tucker: Oh, my God. Of course. I don’t know why I didn’t see it before. I know exactly who your investor is.

Traci: How long will Ashley have to be at the clinic?

Alan: Well, uh, it’s kind of hard to predict. Her condition is complex. It really depends on how she responds to the treatment program.

Traci: And how will that go? I mean, what will the program be like?

Alan: The doctors will be focused on any trauma that Ashley’s undergone, especially this most recent event.

Traci: The situation with Martin here in Paris?

Alan: Yes. Somehow, he, uh, got her to confuse whatever happened with him with the fight with Tucker, and that clearly led to the emergence or release of these alters.

Traci: I just can’t even imagine what she went through that horrible night.

Jack: Along with all of the other difficult experiences.

Alan: Those experiences have led Ashley to where she is today, and she’s gonna have to process them.

Jack: So then that’s the only way to treat these alternate personalities?

Alan: Yes. The ones that we’re aware of. And the ones we aren’t.

Alan: In most DID cases, the alters emerge in early childhood, and usually as a result of severe trauma or ongoing trauma. The mind can create alters in order to dissociate so that they can survive.

Traci: So, they have been there for years and we just didn’t know?

Jack: Wait, this doesn’t make any sense. You’re saying Ashley was dealing with multiple personalities while we were growing up? I mean, I would’ve noticed that. Traci might have been too young, but this isn’t something I would forget.

Alan: Alters can go unnoticed in childhood. I mean, they may have emerged and was not noticed by anyone, including Ashley. Just thought of normal play-acting. You know, and a lot of kids do create invisible friends to play with.

Traci: So, they were there the whole time, and we just didn’t know?

Alan: Alters can go dormant for long periods of time and then be reactivated by extreme stress, like what happened here in Paris with Ashley. But also there could’ve been some other trauma that happened after her childhood and before this last event.

Traci: And since Ashley has a history of mental illness… But we– we didn’t recognize anything like this until now.

Jack: Can I ask something? If this has been going on so long, how do doctors know it hasn’t just gone dormant again, waiting to be triggered by whatever?

Alan: The key is to get at the root of the problem. To find out what initially happened.

Jack: And Ashley will have to relive all that again. God.

Traci: I can’t stand that she’s gonna have to suffer more than she already has.

Jack: What doesn’t make sense is that something so traumatic could’ve happened to Ashley while we were growing up and we don’t know anything about it?

Traci: Something so traumatic that it triggered the creation of these alters to protect her.

Adam: All right, it is all set and ready to go.

Chelsea: Connor responded to our text almost immediately.

Adam: Yeah, he did seem excited that we wanted to video chat.

Chelsea: Yeah, I’m sure we’ll be hearing from him soon.

Adam: Oh, and there he is.

Connor: Mom, Dad, did you hear?

Chelsea: Hear what? I’m just looking at your gorgeous smile.

Connor: No, Mom, I mean about what I ate today.

Adam: No, tell us about it. What’s going on?

Connor: I did it. I had soup.

Adam: And that’s good?

Connor: I didn’t worry if there was anything not right in it. Okay, maybe I did worry, but I got over it.

Chelsea: Oh, Connor, that is so wonderful.

Connor: There’s a ton more stuff to get over, but this is a big deal.

Adam: Congratulations, son. You have had a fantastic breakthrough.

Connor: It may not seem like much to you because it’s not like I wanted to tell you about me getting worried about my food getting spoiled and stuff, but this is really good.

Chelsea: It is a big deal, Connor. And we are so proud of you.

Sharon: No, I do not have that information for you, and as I told you earlier, I will let you know as soon as I get it. Calling me every five minutes isn’t gonna make it happen any faster.

Nick: Sharon?

Sharon: Hi, Nick.

Nick: Hey. What’s, uh, what’s going on? Something wrong?

Tucker: I don’t know why I didn’t see it before now. Your mysterious benefactor isn’t some random billionaire who you met and charmed. It’s someone with a deep, intense personal agenda, isn’t it? Someone who’s out to get me.

Audra: Yeah, I can’t tell if you’re paranoid or just self-important.

Tucker: Jack Abbott. Right? Still out for revenge?

Audra: Oh, think whatever you want. I am done.

Tucker: You might as well tell me, ’cause I’m gonna find out at the meeting anyway. There’s still a chance to turn things around in my favor. I might even get some compassion from Jack if I can’t get any from you.

Audra: Good luck with that, because the investor, whoever he or she may be, won’t be at the meeting anyway, so you’re not gonna have a chance to turn things around in your favor.

Tucker: Jack will be at the meeting. He will never pass up a chance to rub it in my face.

Audra: Just give it a rest, Tucker. I’m never gonna tell you who bought your company right out from under you. That was a stipulation of the deal, and I have every intention of honoring it.

Tucker: Sorry, honor?

Audra: Mm-hmm.

Tucker: You have no honor. You honor nothing.

Audra: Oh, thank you.

Tucker: Not our business relationship, and not our personal relationship. Nothing.

Audra: Well, I’m afraid your time is officially and finally up. On your business, on our relationship, and on this conversation.

Tucker: One last chance. Reconsider. Take my offer.

Audra: No, Tucker. How did I ever mistake your entitlement for confidence? Huh? Enough already. Just take the loss and move on.

Tucker: You’re really gonna go through with it? Well, I promise you, you’re gonna pay.

Alan: Look, the good news is that whatever Ashley went through in her childhood or otherwise, the team at the clinic is gonna get to the bottom of it. They are top flight. They’re very good at this sort of thing.

Traci: I– I know that you keep saying that her doctors are caring and skilled. I’m sure they are, but I’m just worried that this intense treatment is gonna put her over the edge again.

Alan: Well, Ashley’s gonna get treatment in a very safe and controlled environment and those doctors are gonna know what tools she needs to cope with whatever comes up.

Jack: You really think she’s gonna be okay there?

Alan: You have my word. Ashley’s got a long way to go, but she’s prepared to go the distance.

Jack: Yeah, that sounds like our sister.

Alan: I think Ashley understands that this is her one and only option for a full recovery. And knowing Ashley, no matter how hard it is or how long it takes, she’s gonna beat this.

Jack: Alan, we can’t thank you enough. I don’t know where Ashley would be right now if you had not come to her rescue.

Traci: Yeah.

Alan: Please, I’m just glad I could be of service in some way. Anyway. Traci, uh, what are your plans? Do you think you might want to stay in Paris? I think Ashley would love to have you here for some kind of support.

Jack: I agree. The more support she has around her, the better.

Traci: Well then, there’s no place I would rather be. You couldn’t drag me away if you tried.

Connor: Sorry about last time, when I wasn’t ready. But I am now unless you guys are too busy.

Adam: If you are sure you’re up for it, then so are we. We’re never too busy to see our son.

Chelsea: That’s right, and I’ve taken a leave of absence from work, so I will be there for you whenever you need.

Connor: That’s not right.

Chelsea: No, Connor, it’s what I want. I want my schedule to be clear.

Connor: But I don’t want your life to be turned upside down because of me.

Chelsea: Connor, sweetie, don’t you know you are my life? And I’ve already spoken to Summer about it, and Marchetti is gonna be fine.

Adam: And hey, how cool is this? Sally has agreed to step in for your mom, so you don’t have to worry about that at all. Everyone’s happy to make it happen, and your mom’s gonna be near you as long as you’d like.

Connor: Are you sure, Mom? You’re not just saying that so I won’t get upset, are you?

Chelsea: Connor, everything has been worked out, and it is all gonna be fine. And your dad and I can hop on a plane tonight and see you if you want.

Adam: That is, if you’re sure you’re up for it, and you really wanna see us.

Connor: I can’t wait.

Dawn: Good, you’re back. Everyone’s on the call. They’re just waiting for you.

Tucker: Okay, did you find out anything? Who the anonymous investor is?

Dawn: What are you gonna do? The meeting’s about to start. Are there any options left?

Tucker: Go ahead and start the video. Okay. [ Tucker sighs ]

Audra: Hello, everyone. It looks like we’re all here. So glad this meeting could finally come together. Thank you so much for making yourselves available for this very important vote on the transfer of power.

Tucker: Oh. [ Tucker exhales ] Oh.

Audra: What’s going on?

Tucker: Thank you. Uh, I apologize. I was just feeling a little lightheaded. Please proceed.

Audra: Yes, let’s get back to the business at hand. As I was saying, we’re all here today to complete one big item on the agenda.

Tucker: Uh, I’m sorry– I have to get some air. Sorry. I’m having trouble breathing. Uh… God. [ glass shatters ]

Audra: What the hell? Is this even for real?

Sharon: I’m, uh, I’m fine. Why do you ask?

Nick: I don’t know who was on the other end of that call, but you were pretty tough on them. I mean, it’s not like you.

Sharon: Um, I guess I am a little short-tempered this morning.

Nick: Any idea why? [ Sharon sighs ]

Sharon: I think I’m just tired. And I’m tired because I haven’t been sleeping well.

Nick: Also doesn’t sound like you.

Sharon: Yeah, I’ve been having this trouble since my doctor put me on new bipolar medication. I guess it’s just taking my body a little while to adjust.

Nick: Was your medication messing with you? I mean, why make a change after all this time?

Sharon: Well, I had my physical done and my blood sugar came out a little bit high, so my doctor didn’t want to take any chances and he switched it. It’s nothing drastic. This is from the same family of meds. It’s just supposed to have fewer side effects. You know, it can take time to settle into a new med. You know what? I’m gonna call them back and apologize.

Nick: Don’t. Don’t do that. Listen, there’s nothing wrong with being grouchy once in a while.

Sharon: Well, let’s hope that’ll be the end of it.

Nick: And I’m glad you’re staying on top of your medication, you know, and you’re so open to talk about it.

Sharon: Being on meds or having bipolar disorder is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s just like any other diagnosis. No stigma. There’s no reason to hide it. It’s just something I have to stay on top of.

Nick: Well, between you and my mom, I get new lessons every day on how to deal with life’s challenges with strength and courage. You’re two of the most impressive people I have ever met. What’s that look?

Sharon: You should know by now, Nick, that Nikki and I, we’re survivors. We do what we have to do. We fight to stay alive for the sake of ourselves, and more so, the sake of our loved ones.

Nick: Well, I think you’re both awesome, so…

Sharon: Look, will you help me out with this project I’m trying to push through at Cassidy? I think the budget needs a little tightening, and, I don’t know, the marketing could be a little bit more targeted.

Nick: Well, hand it over. Let the master take a look.

Sharon: Please.

Chelsea: Ah, he looks so good! And he was smiling. He– he was excited to see us.

Adam: He was so proud of himself. You could see it.

Chelsea: Yeah, explaining about the soup.

Adam: Uh-huh, and he’s admitted that he has kept things from us.

Chelsea: Yeah, but he– he was sharing with us, which means he trusts us. You know, he has faith that we understand.

Adam: And he’s letting go of a lot of his fears.

Chelsea: He’s making progress, Adam, which means he will continue to make progress. This is so good! It’s so good!

Adam: Our son is doing it, and he’s finally starting to find his way back. Huh?

Chelsea: Well, um, I should get going. I will, uh, get packing so we can leave soon.

Adam: I’ll make the arrangements. First, I’m gonna see if the Newman jet’s available, but if not, I’ll charter a plane. And we should be ready to go in a couple of hours, okay?

Chelsea: Okay. Okay, great. Promise me something, Adam.

Adam: Okay. Right now, I feel like I could promise anything.

Chelsea: Something really good just happened. Something we’ve been waiting for a really long time. Promise me you’ll hold on to that, no matter what happens when we get there. Even if he’s not as excited to see us as he was just now. It’s okay. He’s making progress. That’s all that matters. Got it?

Adam: I got it.

Audra: What’s happened? How is he?

Dawn: I’ve called for a medic. I’m just trying to keep him comfortable until someone gets here. And of course, we’ve postponed the board meeting until we know what’s wrong with Mr. McCall.

Audra: I can tell you for a fact that there is nothing wrong with Mr. McCall. This is just his desperate last-ditch effort to stall the meeting, just like he wanted.

Tucker: I wish it were fake. I can’t breathe. My shoulders hurt and now it’s my back.

Audra: I don’t believe you.

Alan: Well, I hope that means you’ll also be staying, Jack. I know Ashley could use both of you here for support in case she needs it.

Traci: Well, I selfishly would love for you to be here.

Jack: I plan to stay as long as I can. Listen, I came straight from the airport. I haven’t even checked into my hotel or anything. I’m gonna do that, make a couple of phone calls, and then maybe the three of us could get together for lunch.

Traci: Great. Great.

Alan: Excellent.

Jack: Okay. I will text you as soon as I’m on my way.

Traci: Okay.

Jack: I love you.

Alan: Well, now that lunch is planned and you’re planning to stay in Paris, perhaps I could take you to dinner tonight.

Traci: I would be delighted.

Adam: Hey, Nick. Uh, something has come up. Connor has made some progress and he wants to see us.

Nick: Oh, man, that is great.

Adam: Yeah, Chelsea and I, we want to leave immediately. Do you know if the Newman jet is available?

Nick: No, it’s yours. Uh, take it. I am just so glad that Connor is starting to show the progress that you’ve been hoping for. Um, hey, give him a hug for me, all right?

Adam: I will. And Nick, thank you. Your support right now means everything.

Nick: Adam, you know you’ve got it.

Adam: Have you heard anything else about Dad’s plans with Newman Enterprises and Newman Media? Has Victoria agreed to come back?

Nick: Everything’s, you know, still up in the air, but I don’t want you to worry about that. I want you to just focus on Connor. He needs you right now.

Adam: Will do. Got it. Uh, I’ll talk to you soon. [ cell phone buzzes ]

Audra: Doctor, I am so glad you’re here. But before you see the patient, I should just warn you, he’s faking.

Doctor: Oh?

Audra: He’s just trying to pull a fast one on his board of directors. This is just a stall tactic.

Doctor: And why would he do that?

Audra: Well, because he’s crazy. Uh, but, you know, he wants to do anything to save his company. But it’s not gonna work. You can’t forestall the inevitable. At least not for long.

Dawn: If you don’t mind, Miss Charles, you need to leave and let the doctor examine Mr. McCall. You being here is just causing him even more stress.

Audra: Oh, am I? Well, you can’t get rid of me that easily, Dawn. I’m gonna stand right here and have a front-row seat when the doctor exposes this fraudulent liar.

Tucker: Get out, Audra. If I’m gonna take my last breath, I don’t want to be looking at you.

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