General Hospital Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
hey. Good morning. Want some coffee, or are you gonna go back to bed? Uh, coffee. I have to meet my brother, and I don’t want to be late. Well, I’m sure he’ll understand. Uh, no, it’s not like that. I have to support him. I need to make sure he doesn’t feel guilty or alone or whatever he felt yesterday that had him reaching for a bottle. Look, finn’s grieving. Okay? And — and he’s not just grieving the loss of your dad. He’s also grieving the time he stayed away. He’s gonna feel what he’s gonna feel. And you think I should just let him feel it? There’s no stopping it. Look, you can reach out, offer your support. I know finn would really appreciate that. I’m so sorry about your dad. I know he meant a lot to you, too.
[ Sighs ] Come in. Thanks. You just get back? Yeah, 10 minutes ago. I wanted to get here before you did because I, uh — I made some coffee, and if you — I figured you’d want that. And while we’re waiting, I thought maybe we could talk. How did things go in albany? I want to talk about your dad.
[ Crying ] I’m so sad. I’m so sad that I missed the wedding.
[ Sighs ] You know, um… it wasn’t perfect, but it was close. There was A… there was a moment where I didn’t think my dad was, uh, gonna be able to finish the wedding. Yeah. But then tracy and violet — they got him back on track and… he just willed himself through the rest of the ceremony and… it was beautiful. I know how much that would have meant to him. I do, and I’m so glad that his last day was beautiful. I am. -Hey. -Ooh. Thank you. -This one’s for you. -Thank you. And thank you so much for meeting me. As soon as ava gets here, we can head out, and then we can check out those apartment listings. Of course. Yeah. Um, but I thought you had the day off. Yeah, I don’t know. All I know what happened was that ava called me. She wanted me to open up. She said that there was an emergency meeting at “crimson.” These deception ads are gorgeous. Yeah, the camera really loves blaze. I can’t wait to run them. Be careful, maxie. Integrity isn’t nina’s strong suit. Not that that’s news. Madison! Oh, she’s not at her desk. She couldn’t have stopped me anyway. Note to self — buy madison a taser. Ava! As you can see, we are busy. So how about you go out there, make an appointment for, I don’t know, next millennium? I’d be happy to see you then. You’ll see me now. You broke our deal. I wanna know why. Hi, boss. [ Chuckles ] Come in. Well, I’m not hereon business, so you can just call me mr. Cain. Oh. Sir, yes, sir. Ha, ha! Is michael around? There’s something I want to run by him. So this isn’t entirely a social call? Nope. Not entirely. It was michael’s turn to run wiley to school. But he’ll be back soon if you’d like to wait. Happy to. Great. Coffee? Always. But what I really need from you is… I need your opinion on something. About what? Well, there’s something that I want to run by you, but you gotta promise that you’re not going to tell the rest of the quartermaines.
For the apartments… mm-hmm. …Location-wise I’m thinking around pcu, but does that work for you?
[ Sighs ] I don’t know. I-I haven’t decided whether or not. I’m going back after my semester off. But if I do, I’m done with dorm life. It just — it reminds me too much of spencer. Well, I hear you there.
[ Chuckles ] And to be honest, I’m pretty tired of drunk people no, yeah. In our halls at all hours of every day… …and the cafeteria food. And I’m tired of smelling everybody’s takeout, and it’s coming through our walls. Yeah, and just the noise of other people in general.
[ Chuckles ] What? Nothing, except… I don’t think you are in a position to be complaining about other people’s noises when you made your fair share of noise yourself. Right. I did not. Because you only made those noises at dex’s house.
[ Laughs ]
[ Chuckles ] Okay, okay. Uh, you know what? It — it doesn’t even matter now. So when was the last time you ran into dex? At the wedding. So how was it? Um, it was surprisingly good. Mm. Yeah. My parents told me that it was really beautiful. Yeah, it was. And so was the reception… right up until sonny attacked dex. I am not sure what deal you are referring to, but you are more than welcome to forward a copy to my assistant. You know very well what deal. You promised me that you would devote two pages to the U.S. Debut of harriet nekaya at the gallery. Oh, now I recall that discussion. Yes. The assistant editor that you lobbied lobbied me, and I had every intention of including it. Then why isn’t it in here? Space. Space? You see the size of this magazine? Of course I see it. I published. Then how is it possible there isn’t any space? Like I said, ava, I have every intention of putting her in the magazine. But in this issue, I needed to make space for something a little bit more timely. Like what? Like an in-depth profile on an exciting new charity initiative that my daughter’s involved in.
[ Scoffs ] Willow doesn’t even talk to you. Since you and i aren’t friends anymore, how could you possibly know what’s going on between me and my daughter? Or a gentleman friend that I may or may not be seeing? Let me guess. I wouldn’t know him, right? He lives in canada.
[ Laughs ] Yeah, I would love to stand here and dish with my bestie, but since you put a knife in my back, that’s not you, so how about you leave and report back to sonny? You know something, nina? I think it’s really sad that your head trip as — as queen of crimson is all you have left in your… little life.
[ Sighs ] That was nuts. Right? I mean, she was
way out of line. Yeah, she was definitely out of line, but I was talking about you. Me?! Nina, why would you antagonize ava jerome like that? So, I happen to know that congressman mcconkey is not gonna be running for reelection next fall. And I met with mcconkey recently and… he’s urging me to run for his seat, which means — wait, wait, wait, wait. I just want to make sure I understand. Larry mcconkey wants you to run for his seat in congress? Yeah, that’s what he said. I mean, I haven’t fully wrapped my mind around this yet. Are you going to do it? You would be perfect! Took violet to school. When I got home, I found my dad had… passed in his sleep. But I don’t think he felt any pain. Well, at least that was a blessing. Uh-huh. Then I called 911, and they took forever. And while I was waiting, I… I looked over and I saw this — this bottle of bourbon, this gift from the cerullos that they gave to me at the rehearsal dinner. And I was gonna give it away. Instead, I drank a third of it. Okay. You don’t seem entirely surprised. It’s okay, finn. You know, I keep asking myself, would I have drank yesterday if I didn’t accidentally drink that glass of champagne the night before? And I’m 99% sure I-I wouldn’t have. But then there’s that 1% of me that’s not so sure. And that’s the part that’s winning. You have to try to look at it objectively. I’ll try. I mean, regardless of you slipping the night before, you woke up the next morning, and — and… it was tragic. It was heartbreaking. So you have, um, a pretty sympathetic reason to break your sobriety.
[ Sighs ] Doesn’t excuse it. Forget about excuses because I’ve learned that, you know, nothing really excuses anything. There’s just explanation and forgiveness. And after everything you’ve been through, it can certainly be explained. Hey, you know, I’m not the only one that has suffered a difficult loss here. How are you? You mean, do I want a drink?
[ Chuckles ] Yeah.
Did you drink? No. No. And I have no intention of it. Yeah, well, neither did I, but here we are. I think maybe it’s — it’s a two-a-day meeting kind of thing for a while, huh? Way ahead of you. I was at a meeting this morning. That’s — that’s why I didn’t pick up when you called. Yeah, that’s a damn good reason. I drank. But I’m never gonna drink again. For now. Yeah, for now. So… you know, the thing to really remember is you know, you and me…
[Voice breaking] We have each other. Yeah.
[ Both chuckle ]
Why am I antagonizing ava, maxie? Yeah. Well, um, maybe it has something to do with, I don’t know, telling me that she was going to go to bat for me with sonny and help me save my marriage… I know that — …then sandbagging me because she wanted to get her claws into sonny herself. All that was awful — she implied that if I sold the metro court to jason, that sonny would approve of that, knowing full well that sonny hates jason now. Okay, nina, do you regret selling the metro court? No. Do you regret signing the divorce papers? No. I regret
having to sign them. But sonny and I were broken beyond repair. Then why take the time to make ava your enemy? Becoming my enemy was her choice. That woman has a history of murder and mayhem with a touch of poisoning. Please, who doesn’t? Maxie, come on. I don’t think I’m in any physical danger. Okay, maybe not today. But if you keep this up… I’m telling you, though — did you see that scowl on her face? Now, that — that was almost worth a little arsenic. Chase: I’m so sorry. What do I tell you about apologizing, huh? That this is how we’re spending your dream honeymoon. Honeymoons are two things, okay? First of all, they are a vacation. Italy’s not going anywhere. We will take that trip later and make up for all the lost time. I like the way you think. I know. What about the other honeymoon? The other honeymoon is this — everything else. Ah, forever. This is my dream. Coffee and scones? Being with you through good times and bad. And, yes, the coffee and scones are a definite bonus. Are you sure you don’t want another one? Yes. If I haven’t made myself clear, whatever I can do for you, for us, for our family, if — if that’s jumping in and helping or giving you time to grieve with finn, or both, I’ll do it, okay? I got you. You are amazing. I really am. I love you so much. Ditto. How are you? Not great. I’ve since learned there are greater losses than my law license. I’m so sorry about gregory. I know how important he was to you. I called him last night, and chase answered the phone. That’s how I found out. Any word on the — from the court of appeals? Well, the wheels of bureaucracy do not accelerate to steamroll over you, no matter how much it seems like they want to. Any new insights? I thought we stood a really good chance of at least having your disbarment reexamined, if not completely vacated. Yeah. And now? Now it’s clear that your disbarment was motivated by personal animus, no vigilance toward the law, and that animus stemmed from two conspiring sources — ava jerome and fergus byrne. By the way, I’m going to be filing a harassment complaint against counselor byrne a little later on today. Maybe more than one, depending on my mood. Well, if you need any ammo… please. …We had a little run-in at a diner in albany. Say more. I was just sitting there, minding my own business, drowning my sorrows in a salad, and the avenging angel strolled by. What did he say? You know, it’s not what he said. It’s what I think is true. It’s not about his vengeance. It’s about his guilt because he was estranged from both his brothers when they died about some inheritance issue. Oh, interesting. Maybe I can use that. Oh, go ahead. You know, if I’m being blamed for destroying two of the byrne brothers, might as well make it a trifecta.
[ Chuckles ] I like the way you think. I’ve been getting all the flack for this, anyway. It was harmony who killed neil in my bed and then shoved his brother brendan off a cliff. So why is that idiot after me? I’ll make sure to ask him at his disciplinary hearing. In the meantime, I am off to general hospital. I’ve got to meet with gregory’s sons for the reading of his will. I’m glad that he retained you. After I represented the plaintiff suing his son, even I was a little surprised. He knew you were just doing your job. I mean, we both know that the justice system works best when there’s capable attorneys on each side. And you are capable attorney. You’re not as good as I am. Oh. But you’re a capable attorney. Okay. I’m really glad he retained you. Listen, you are mentioned in this will. You want to attend? Amy said you’d be in here. Is this okay? I want to — I need to apologize. I was wrong, and you were right. And I never should have spoken to you that way. I have no excuse. I was grieving my father, and I drank to numb the pain. Again, that’s not an excuse. It’s just what happened. But chase — he talked me through the worst part of it, and I’ll never drink again. I’ve already been to one meeting this morning. I ju– I just wish I had the words to explain how sorry I am to you. Thank you for saying all that. I know you mean it. And I’m really glad to hear that you’re doing what you need to take care of yourself. But I hope you understand that I wasn’t trying to take charge or tell you what to do. It was only thinking about violet and how she just found out that she had lost her grandfather, forever, and… I needed to put her first. I understand. Good. Because you didn’t seem to yesterday.
You know what’s funny?I didn’t think this was a thing, but now that we’re married, I feel different. In what way? It’s kind of hard to explain. It’s like, you know when you’ve been away for a while and you finally come home and you crash in your own bed? Oh, yeah. Yeah, it’s like that, but everything is better. Even the bed is better. And somehow you love everything even more. It’s like your capacity to love has just leveled up in a way that you didn’t even know was possible. And here you are. Here we are. We’re home. We belong, and we’ll always belong, because the person we belong with is always by our side. And it’s not like some huge, major revelation. It’s just like remembering something that we always knew but now we won’t forget. Because here we are. Because here we are. So is dex okay? Is he — is he gonna press charges? How are you feeling? I’m pissed off. I’ve been so angry at sonny for so long. God, it’s like I’m permanently stuck like this. Yeah, I hear you. So is — is dex… well, I took him to the E.R., And we had to wait there all night because he needed stitches. Dex needed stitches? Oh, it could have been a lot worse had jason not been there to pull sonny off of him. Josslyn. You more than anybody should know better than to spread gossip. Um, it’s not gossip. I was there. Oh. You saw sonny hit dex? No, but I saw dex right after. So, no, you didn’t see anything. And yet… and yet kristina saw
everything, and she was very freaked out by it. And how far along is kristina? Now, what you girls wouldn’t know is that when you’re pregnant, sometimes the — the littlest thing can freak you out. Oh, this was not a little thing, sorry. But what you do know, both of you, by now, is that when men drink, they fight. And I’m sure this encounter between dex and sonny wouldn’t have escalated if jason hadn’t insinuated himself. Okay, you know what? This conversation isn’t going anywhere, so maybe we should just dead it here. And we have those apartments to go see, yes? No, you know what, trina? You’re so right. And I shouldn’t argue with your boss, who wasn’t actually
at the reception — I can’t imagine why you weren’t invited — um, and couldn’t have possibly known what actually happened. I’m not gonna go to the reading. I think that’s for finn and chase. Oh, honey. I’m sure they’d welcome you. Besides, I have to pay a visit to a certain gallery owner. Ah. Give ava hell. Anyhow, I think I know what gregory would like me to do from his will. You can guess, but I can neither confirm nor deny till the will is read. He wants me to be literary executor, and I’m proud and happy to do it.
[ Chuckles ] I had a feeling you would be. I really wish that I had gone to the wedding… …and seen him in his proudest and finest moment. I just really never thought that it would be his last.
Violet has always been your first concern. But yesterday, you…
[ Sighs ] You made it seem like she was something that belonged to you that I shouldn’t take, instead of a little girl who had just lost her grandfather and probably needed a lot of reassurance. Not only have I never seen that side of you before… …I honestly didn’t think you were capable of it. You’ll never see that side of me again. And I want to thank you for looking out for my daughter.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
[ Sighs ] I’m sorry. Um… chase is here. Is he okay? Yeah. He’s, uh… diane miller’s coming by my office to read my father’s will. So there is a subtle but clear narrative direction that — I mean, who does ava think she is telling me that I don’t have a life? I’m literally a trendsetter. The question isn’t whether or not we should — anyone can hang paintings on a wall. I dictate fashion. It’s more like how much space to — I mean, the woman doesn’t even have a place to live. She’s imposing on the father of her child, a man who will never, ever love her. Okay, since we’re obviously not going to talk about the ads, which is the actual reason for this meeting… I’m — w-what are you doing? What — I’m sorry. What were you saying? No, no, no, it’s too late for what I was saying. You clearly need to get this out of your system. Um, who was the gentleman friend you were mentioning to ava? Maxie. You know. Yeah, but I was hoping I was wrong. You and drew are still, um… whatever? Yeah, well, he’s no gentleman, and he’s certainly not a friend, but we have a good thing going.
[ Sighs ] Nina, he’s your boss. It doesn’t hurt business. And you two don’t like each other? Well, that definitely doesn’t hurt business. Can the sex really be that good? It’s a huge decision. I mean, this is gonna affect everybody that I care about. But you want to do it, right? You want to run for mcconkey’s seat? I mean, I didn’t even take it seriously at first. I thought he was kidding when he brought it up. But the more I think about it, I mean, I do see the upside. You seem to think it’s a good idea. Uh, no, I think it’s a great idea. But it’s crazy, right? I mean, it’s nuts. I mean, would I even have a shot? Absolutely. Government needs people like you. Really? People with no previous government experience? Because that typically doesn’t work out very good. Well, it does when those people are unselfish and open-minded, when they get involved in order to try and help make life better for people. Yeah, those people typically stay out of politics. Which is exactly why we need more of them in politics. And if you don’t mind my saying so, I think — I think it’d do you good. How so? Well, you were in a very dark place for a while, and I know you’ve made it out the other side, but that darkness — it stays with you. And you think me running for public office is gonna cure whatever is ailing me? I think being in office, making a difference — no, it won’t cure it, but it will help. It’s why I loved being a school teacher and why I’m going to love being the spokesperson for the new tomorrow institute. Raising awareness of the need for bone marrow donors will make a difference. It will help make people’s lives better, or it’ll help them live at all. And I will — I will get to help make that happen because you offered me the chance to. And I’m very glad that I did. Okay, I promise I will not say a word to anyone else about you possibly running for congress, but I really, really hope you’ll do it. Hey. Hey. Oh. Come on in. So how are you this morning? I’m okay, all things considered. How are you? I didn’t sleep much. Ended up sitting in dad’s room half the night, trying to feel close to him, I guess. I didn’t drink again. Matter of fact, I went to a aa meeting this morning. Good. I’m glad you’re doing what you gotta do. Just so you know, I’m not checking up on you. Really? Why not? Because I trust you to take care of yourself and violet. Ah, alexis. Good morning. Are you shopping for yourself or somebody else? No. I just got back from albany. I met an old friend of yours. How? I don’t know anybody in albany. Oh, sure you do. Fergus byrne. Fergus byrne. Hmm. Any relation to those other two byrnes whose lives you destroyed? Actually, it was harmony miller who destroyed their lives. But, yes, he’s their brother. But, of course, you already know that because you hired him to get me disbarred. Oh, him.
[ Chuckles ] Of course. I remember him now. How’s he doing? I imagine he’s having a very, very good day. You know what I’m really curious about is why you chose to be anonymous. Because I would’ve thought you’d be thrilled at the thought of me knowing that you were responsible for the implosion of my career and my life. No, alexis. You are responsible for that. But I was more than happy to help. Will that be all?
“I, gregory chase, being of sound mind and unsound body, et cetera, et cetera” — and just so you know, in addition to the regular legalese, he actually wrote out, “et cetera, et cetera” — “the first order of business, I suppose, is to name my executor. And that would be my son, harrison chase.” Wait, what? Yes, sir. You are responsible for seeing to it that your father’s wishes are followed. Uh, okay. Um, what are his wishes? Brief and clear. Just take a breath. Don’t worry. If you need any advice, I’m always here to help. Thank you. I will take you up on that. “While harrison will be the executor of my estate, such as it is, I also name alexis davis as my literary executor. As for my rather modest estate, it is to be divided evenly between my two sons, harrison and hamilton, with the exception of my library, which I leave to my brilliant, imaginative granddaughter, violet, to enjoy when she is ready.” She’s gonna love that. Yeah. “Finally, I request that my body be cremated. Rather than a church ceremony and a burial, I want an open-air memorial with my family and closest friends gathered to witness the scattering of my ashes near my favorite tree in the park. Violet knows which one. I want my family to focus on life, not death — the sky and the world around you, not a hole in the ground. In setting my body and spirit free into the air, I can happily return to the earth, which has been so generous to me.” Well, if that’s what dad wanted… that’s what we’ll do. I’m not talking about sex. That’s really not part of it anymore. Oh, no. Nina, are you developing feelings for drew? What? God, no! You know that saying about protesting too much? You are, like, the literal illustration right now. No, it’s just that…
[ Sighs ] Somehow the — the frenemies with benefits really did have benefits. Because of drew, I’m back on semi-speaking terms with willow. Okay. What’s he getting out of it? What else is he getting out of it? I got him a meeting with congressman mcconkey on this big urban-renewal project aurora’s working on with the city. Okay. Hmm. Yeah, I know. We’re actually, like, business partners, sort of. I still have to ask, what — what are you gonna do if temptation a-arises again? Maxie, don’t worry. For me, drew cain is the opposite of irresistible. Nina, if that were the case, why do you keep
not resisting him? Why would you go out of your way to destroy my career? Oh, alexis. It wasn’t out of my way at all. And as to the why, you knew my brother loved you very much. And you used that against him over and over again, leading him on, drawing him in, only to cast him aside. It didn’t matter that he saved your life more than once, or that he dried you out after you ran him over with your car while out on a bender. Actually, I was on a bender after being manipulated by julian to defend carlos rivera, who he then murdered, which your bestie fergus described in glorious detail to the court. Well, I wish I could have seen that. So you’re still blaming julian for all your failings? No, ava, I’m blaming you for getting me disbarred. I see, so here you are standing in my gallery, blaming me, even though you committed perjury. I mean, did I call the bar and make a statement? Yeah. Did I tell them you committed perjury? Yep. Which you did. So don’t blame me. Blame yourself.
The more I learn of public service, the — the more I like it. But the campaign could get nasty. I was in prison not too long ago for insider trading. Which you’ve owned up to. And now you’ve seen firsthand what prisons are like, so you can campaign on reform. You’ve paid your debt to society, which appeals to those who value accountability. You’re an ex-navy seal, which appeals to the military-minded. You’ve already shown a commitment to the public good, which appeals to mcconkey’s base. Wow! Will you be my campaign manager? Thanks, but I’m busy. Oh, yeah? Really? Well, you’re fired. Oh, okay.
[ Laughs ] Oh, I love the sound of that — “congressman cain.” Yeah, yeah. Mcconkey had something to say about that, too. Hey, thank you. Really. This is… this is way more than I could have hoped for. You can thank me by agreeing to run.
[ Knock on door ] Thought you’d still be here, even though you’re not working today. Yeah, I figured since I was here anyway, I might as well catch up on some paperwork, maybe it would help keep my mind off…things. Is it working? Eh. What do you got there? Dropping off x-rays seems like it’s beneath the head nurse’s pay grade. I’m never too busy to help the people I love. Thank you for that. How’d it go? The reading of your dad’s will? He left all his books to violet. Sounds like him. Instead of a funeral, he wants his ashes scattered in an open-air memorial. That sounds beautiful. Yeah. And if you don’t mind my asking… ask me anything. …When’s your next meeting? In about an hour. Do you want me to pick up violet from school? Is she even at school? Yeah. I didn’t — I didn’t want to disrupt her schedule. And she insisted it’s what her — her grandpa would want. She’s probably right. Then consider it done. Thank you. I’m — I’m sure violet will love that. I should get back to work. Yeah, me too. How’d the reading go? Uh, good. My dad made me executor. Really? Wow. What an honor. Yeah. I always thought I would go to finn because he’s the oldest, but it’s almost like my dad knew that he’d be struggling and shouldn’t be burdened. Or maybe your dad just trusted that you could take care of things. Yeah, I guess that’s a possibility. So how are you feeling with everything? Better. I’m glad that I have one more thing that I can do for my dad. Now I just have to not let him down, or anybody. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself, chase. Well, not only do I have to carry out my father’s wishes, but I have to worry about finn and violet. I have to get them through this. Wow. Yeah. It’s just so awful that you don’t have anyone by your side to help you through any of this. Oh, wait. There you are. Here I am. Don’t you forget it. Did you even see the affidavit I signed? Yes. Was there anything in there that wasn’t true? Nope.
[ Chuckles ] Then what in god’s name are you objecting to? I’m objecting to your cruelty, ava. You have only two ways of dealing with adversity. Just two. You either deflect blame, or you inflict harm. My brother would be alive today if he hadn’t been on the receiving end of what you call love. I got nothing to apologize for. You mean nothing that you’ve been caught and prosecuted for…yet. Which makes me miss being able to practice law that much more. But license or not, you’re going to regret making that complaint.
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