Y&R Transcript Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Ashley: What’s wrong?

Alan: I– I– this isn’t a good idea.

Ashley: Who says?

Alan: I– I just can’t, okay?

Ashley: Why not?

Alan: Well, I don’t think it’s a good idea.

Ashley: Well, it was a good idea a second ago. What changed?

Alan: Look, you are a beautiful woman, but I just can’t have this kind of relationship with you.

Ashley: But you still haven’t told me why.

Alan: Anything that happened between us romantically would be unfair to you. That–

Ashley: Oh. Are you seeing someone?

Alan: Uh, no. No, that’s– that’s not it.

Ashley: Okay, well, then I don’t get it. Why is it unfair for us to see each other? What aren’t you telling me?

Lily: Esther, hi. Have you heard from billy today?

Esther: Uh, no, he hasn’t been in.

Lily: Okay, I’ve been trying to reach him, and nobody seems to know where he is.

Esther: Sorry, I wish I could tell you.

Lily: It’s okay. Um, let me know if he checks in, okay?

Esther: Will do. Oh, wait, lily, I wanted to tell you. I got this weird e-mail from jill earlier today.

Lily: Oh, god. What did it say?

Esther: She told me that she wanted me to forward all her chancellor-winters correspondence to billy. But I wanted to check with you first. Is that right? Is that what I’m supposed to do?

Lily: Yeah, unfortunately, yes.

Esther: Really? You’ve gotta be kidding. What does that mean? Oh, is jill retiring?

Lily: No.

Esther: Is there a man? Oh, there’s gotta be a man. Wait, is billy taking over? Oh, no, no, am I gonna have my–

Lily: Esther, esther, everything is fine. Everything is fine, okay? No one’s leaving, all right? Let me know if billy calls you.

Esther: Okay.

Nate: So, uh, any news?

Lily: Yep, I spoke to jill. Everything billy said was legit.

Nate: Wow.

Lily: Yep. And now, I haven’t heard from him. He’s unreachable. Hasn’t even showed up to the office today.

Nate: Okay, so what do you think this means?

Lily: I don’t know. First day nerves?

Nate: With billy? Right.

Lily: I mean, what terrifies me is that billy abbott has just been handed the keys of the kingdom. And apparently, he’s blowing us off.

Devon: Is this a good time to talk?

Audra: You know, if you came here to blast your father or blame him for something, then no, it’s not a good time.

Tucker: Audra.

Audra: Aren’t either of you tired of it? Of you always asking for forgiveness and you shutting him down.

Devon: I’m sorry, is he your dad or mine? Can he speak for himself?

Audra: Very funny, devon. That’s up to him.

Tucker: Why don’t we just hear what he has to say.

Audra: Fine, I’ll give you two some privacy.

Devon: Thanks.

Audra: I’ll be upstairs, packing for our trip.

Tucker: After you.

Devon: So, where are you two headed?

Tucker: Paris.

Devon: Really?

Tucker: Yeah.

Devon: That’s sudden. You gonna be gone for a while?

Tucker: Is that idle curiosity or wishful thinking?

Devon: It’s just a question.

Tucker: Uh, we’re going for a little while for business. Mixing in some pleasure. But your reaction made me wonder.

Devon: About what?

Tucker: Would it bother you at all if I left town for good?

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Devon: Tucker, this is not the time for this.

Tucker: Sorry, the time for what?

Devon: To… to test me on how I feel about you.

Tucker: No, no, no, I don’t mean it as a test. It’s a simple question. If I were no longer here, would it matter to you?

Devon: I mean, I– I’m used to you being gone. So, you know, you’re always traveling the world. You’re clearly comfortable living in different places. So, it probably makes sense for you to leave town, considering how things stand for you right now.

Tucker: You mean considering most of the people in this town can’t stand me? Including my own son?

Devon: You know, I’m just trying to answer your question.

Tucker: So, what’s on your mind?

Devon: I want you to be honest with me about something. I want to know what your original plan was with mamie to get jill out of chancellor-winters. I wanna know what you were gonna do.

Tucker: Well, that’s old news.

Devon: I’m aware.

Tucker: I have no designs on your company whatsoever, with or without mamie.

Devon: And I believe that.

Tucker: But someone else does. Is it coming from inside or outside?

Devon: Inside.

Tucker: Mm-hmm. Which leads us to which power-hungry insider with a perpetual chip on his shoulder would have the stones to pull off such a thing? Billy. You want him out, don’t you?

[ Knock on door ]

Audra: Sally!

Sally: Hi, neighbor.

Audra: Hi.

Sally: I just wanted to stop by. Are you busy?

Audra: No, no, no, no. Come on in.

Sally: Are you sure? ‘Cause I don’t wanna, like, interrupt anything.

Audra: No, it’s fine. I’m just checking and rechecking my suitcase for the thousandth time to make sure I haven’t forgotten anything.

Sally: Are you going on a trip?

Audra: Paris. Uh, paris, among other european destinations to be decided later. We’re actually leaving tonight.

Sally: You’re finally going.

Audra: Yeah.

Sally: Wow, I’m happy for you. I’m jealous, also. But now I get why you’re in such a good mood.

Audra: Um, no, still not engaged. I think tucker is counting on the romantic pull of the city lights to change my mind, but I can be just as stubborn as he is.

Sally: Well, it’s all wonderful, engagement ring or not. I’m really happy for you, audra.

Audra: Thank you. Is there something on your mind?

Sally: No. No, I don’t want to bother you with it before your trip, so…

Audra: No, sally, we’re friends now. You can bother me with anything. What’s going on?

Sally: I wanna get your advice. How do you know when it’s finally time to cut and run?

Ashley: So, you think I’m crazy?

Alan: Ashley, you know I don’t use words like that.

Ashley: Right. But I must be a delicate flower, and you just can’t cross that line.

Alan: It’s– it’s not about you, all right? Obviously, you are a beautiful, intelligent and fascinating woman.

Ashley: Well, I definitely felt an attraction. And I felt it from both sides.

Alan: I just don’t think it could go anywhere.

Ashley: So, stop dancing around it. Tell me why.

Alan: This is not my home. And, uh, you know, I can’t stay here indefinitely. And it is your home. Your family lives here. And I just don’t see how it could work out.

Ashley: Are you actually telling me that I’m geographically undesirable?

Alan: I wouldn’t use that phrase exactly. But, yeah, it would be a long-distance relationship. And in my experience, those kinds of things rarely work out.

Ashley: I don’t buy it.

Alan: What?

Ashley: Well, who’s to say I wouldn’t move to paris if someone, you know, made me want to?

Alan: Well, I couldn’t ask that of you.

Ashley: Then, why are you here at all?

Alan: Ashley, I–

Ashley: You’re here because you wanna psychoanalyze me. Just admit it, alan.

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Ashley: Well, I feel foolish.

Alan: Ashley, I– I–

Ashley: This whole time I’ve been throwing myself at you and you’re just interested in what makes me tick.

Alan: No. You are a good friend. All right? And I’ve obviously hurt your feelings. And I’m very, very sorry for that and–

Ashley: What are you sorry for? Leading me on?

Alan: I’m sorry you think–

Ashley: I really– I thought that you changed your plans for me ’cause you were interested in me and not my issues. Well, I guess the joke’s on me, isn’t it, alan?

Alan: I do care about you.

Ashley: Yeah, just like you care about all your patients?

Alan: No, it is not like that.

Ashley: Goodbye, alan. And trust me, the next time i need a shrink, I will call you.

Alan: No, ashley, I…

Lily: Great, thank you.

Nate: So, what happens now?

Lily: Well, until we know where billy is and what his plan is, nothing.

Nate: Mm. I warned devon to back off with billy, that it wasn’t gonna end well, and it would just piss him off.

Lily: I know.

Nate: And here we are.

Lily: No, it’s okay. We all could’ve handled things better. This is where we are, right? Just gotta figure out how to move forward without killing each other.

Nate: I’m all for that, but it’s kinda hard to make plans when one of your key people is missing in action. Did billy give you any idea about what he wanted to do?

Lily: No. I was hoping to find that out today.

Nate: Well, I am pretty sure I know where I stand with the guy. And that’s nowhere.

Lily: No, I wouldn’t be so sure about that.

Nate: Come on, lily. He voted against my rejoining the board.

Lily: That’s because it was a dig at devon, okay? And– and he and jill were worried that our family was trying to push them out, which kind of turned out to be true.

Nate: She must’ve been reading aunt mamie’s mind.

Lily: Well, I mean, I wouldn’t put anything past those women, including clairvoyance.

Nate: You know, maybe we shouldn’t have been so hard on aunt mamie. We might need her down the road.

Lily: No, no. She needed to back off. All mamie wants to do is just go after jill at all costs. So no, we have to keep her out of the loop until we have a plan.

Nate: Agreed.

[ Cell phone buzzes ] What is it?

Lily: It’s from billy.

Nate: And?

Lily: It is not good news.

Tucker: Am I right? Is billy your target?

Devon: Good job.

Tucker: Yes. I will help you in any way I can.

Devon: Yeah?

Tucker: I’ve never had much use for billy anyway.

Devon: Well, just know I’m not looking to have a partnership with you or form an alliance over this, okay?

Tucker: Any way you wanna play it.

Devon: That’s how I wanna play it. I’m just looking for information. Nothing’s changed between us.

Tucker: Well. I would disagree there.

Devon: Well, if you disagree with that, then maybe this is a mistake.

Tucker: No, no, no. It’s not a mistake. Wait a minute, devon. Wait a minute!

Devon: What?

Tucker: I was about to say that I disagree that nothing has changed because as far as I’m concerned, maybe this is an opportunity to prove to you that I have changed.

Ms. Abbott: Face it, sweetie. Your plan didn’t work. Time to hand this over to someone who can get it done quickly and painlessly.

Ashley: No, I am not giving up on love. It is the only way to fix ashley’s heart and her mind. Now, I’m gonna have a little tasty bit of tequila.

Traci: Ashley, hi. I thought I heard you come in. Uh, wow. Who– who were you talking to?

Ashley: Myself. Is that a crime?

Traci: No, sorry. Just asking. Um, how are you?

Ashley: Fine.

Traci: Good. Um, where did you go?

Ashley: Out.

Traci: Yeah, I– I know you went out, ashley. I’m just curious. Did you have a chance to see alan?

Ashley: And wouldn’t you like to know?

Traci: I’m just making conversation.

Ashley: No, I know what you want. You wanna know if alan has fixed me, right? You wanna know because, uh, god forbid ashley have any feelings or emotions. I mean, the family just gets so uncomfortable when she’s like that, right? She’s just so much to handle. Ashley’s just too much, period. Isn’t she?

Traci: No. No one in the family thinks that at all about you.

Ashley: The hell, you don’T. You say you love me. You’re trying to convince me something’s wrong with me, traci. That’s not love. That’s hurtful. But I’ve accepted you. I’ve accepted jack. I’ve accepted all of you. So, why is it different for me? Why can’t you accept me?

So tell me about

your heart attack.

Devon: All right. Fine. If you want to use this as a way to show that you’re a changed man, talk and prove it.

Tucker: That’s all I ask.

Devon: Just know this is not gonna be a quid pro quo situation. We’re not gonna be exchanging favors.

Tucker: I haven’t asked for any.

Devon: Yeah, you did. You did. You just asked me and abby if you can go to dominic’s performance.

Tucker: Oh.

Devon: All right. And those are the kind of things I’m talking about. Either you’re gonna help me or you’re not.

Tucker: That’s fine. Yeah. I agree to that.

Devon: Good.

Tucker: I just ask you to keep an open mind.

Devon: Well, that depends on how this goes.

Tucker: Okay. So, just so we’re clear, we’re talking about billy, yes?

Devon: Yes, we are.

Tucker: Well, frankly, I’m not surprised he’s become an issue, but he’s no fool. This would need to be handled quickly, but most importantly, carefully.

Devon: All right. But just to be clear, again, I don’t want you handling anything, okay? I just wanna know what you were gonna do, and if you had any leverage over jill that I can turn against billy now. That’s all I want from you. It’s all I need.

Audra: Well, talk to me. What’s going on? Are– are you and adam having problems?

Sally: No, no, no. No. No, it’s not about that at all, actually. Adam and I are more than great.

Audra: Good.

Sally: Yeah. He’s sweet, attentive. He’s challenging, but so brilliant.

Audra: Hm. Challenging and so brilliant. That is not the kind of man you can just walk away from.

Sally: No, it is not. I agree. No, I’m– I’m– I’m talking about my interior design business.

Audra: Oh. Uh, yeah. Startups are never easy, sally. But– but sit down. Let’s talk about it. Um..how isour business struggling? I– I’d love to help.

Sally: We’re not struggling. We are sinking.

Audra: Oh.

Sally: And I’ve actually been paying a lot of our bills out of my personal account.

Audra: Oh, wow.

Sally: Yeah. Yeah, I know. Not supposed to do that, but I did.

Audra: Yeah.

Sally: And between us, I’m actually really afraid that this is a hole we can’t dig ourselves out of.

Audra: Okay, well, let’s just slow down a bit. Let’s go over your options.

Sally: Okay, so chloe and i talked about cutting our losses and going back to our first love, which has always been fashion.

Audra: Oh. Well, I mean, there you have your answer, sally. Listen, I always love what you’re wearing, okay? You have superb taste. Why not just go for it?

Sally: Thank you. Um, it’s just not that simple.

Audra: Why?

Sally: Nick invested money in this business and I’m really afraid that I’m gonna let him down.

Audra: Well, if he’s as good a guy as you keep telling me he is, I think he’ll understand. Plus, he’s a newman, girl. They have money. He can just report it as a business loss on his taxes, and that’ll help mitigate the expense.

Sally: I know. I know. But there’s also the fact that I’ve had numerous businesses over the last several years and I… I don’t know. I just really want to find a lane and stick to it.

Audra: Yeah, I get what you’re saying, but… it just seems to me that you are capable in a lot of different areas. Okay, you’ve done, uh, fashion, interior design, you’ve ran newman media and I bet you could run a baseball team if you put your mind to it.

Sally: Yeah, and design their uniforms for free.

Audra: Already cutting costs.

Sally: Yeah.

Audra: Okay, jokes aside, you are good at a lot of things, sally, okay? But it all comes down to what you really wanna do with your life, what your heart tells you to do.

Sally: Yeah. It’s a simple question. Just wish it was a simple answer.

Traci: Ashley, we are not the enemy. All any one of us wants is what’s best for you, what will make you happy.

Ashley: And you don’t think I want that.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Traci: Ah. Alan, oh, my goodness, what a nice surprise.

Alan: I hope this isn’t a bad time.

Traci: It’s not. Please, come in.

Alan: Thank you. Hi.

Ashley: Hello.

Traci: Um, so, I have a meeting with my publisher on the phone in just a few minutes. Could you both excuse me?

Ashley: Definitely. Hm. So, what are you doing here?

Alan: Well, I, uh, I wanted to, um, continue our conversation.

Ashley: You did? Why? Did you have a change of heart?

Alan: Well, I– I just want you to know that I am here as your friend, ashley. Now, I– I am a professional, and there are concerns, but you and I have been friends for a very long time…

Ms. Abbott: You know why he’s here, it’s because you overplayed your hand. He’s on to you. They’re all on to you. You had your shot, and you blew it. Now, it’s my turn.

Alan: …Anything I said–

Ashley: I don’t wanna hear this!

Alan: Ashley, are you– are you all right?

Ashley: Of course, I’m all right. Why wouldn’t I be? ()

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue…

Audra: Did you know I used to be an artist?

Sally: No, I did not know that.

Audra: Oh, yeah, I– I loved it. You know, the– the art life. I painted, uh, sculpted, experimented. It was all very intense, uh, but fun. And not at all profitable.

Sally: What happened?

Audra: Well, you know, as i got older, I– I started looking at other people’s work and thinking, “you’re okay, but could you really make a career out of this? So, I had to be objective and honest about my work. And it was– it was heartbreaking to come to that realization. Yeah. And who knows, you know? Maybe I could have made it in the art world. Been the next frida kahlo. I don’t know. But what I did know was that i was down to my last few packets of ramen noodles. And girl, paint is so expensive. So, I had to choose. Do I want a life of struggle or do I want security? So, I went with business school.

Sally: Do you have any regrets?

Audra: Zero regrets. You know, my heart wasn’t in it. I was miserable trying to become this person I wasn’t meant to be. Besides, most artists’ work only becomes valuable after their death and I need to taste my success. You know, the business world is where I practice my art now. And I am as good as anybody.

Sally: The thing is… I’ve always known who I’m supposed to be. I think it’s just really a matter of reclaiming that passion and sticking to it.

Audra: Exactly. Sometimes, you just need someone to remind you.

[ Alan sighing ]

Alan: Look, I’m sorry I keep asking how you’re doing, but it seemed like you were in distress just now.

Ashley: I have a lot going on.

Alan: Do you wanna talk about it?

Ashley: No, I don’t wanna talk about it. I think we’ve talked enough.

Alan: Okay, I’m– I’m sorry I’ve upset you.

Ashley: I’m not upset. I’m bored. All this probing you’re doing into my feelings and my emotions, it’s exhausting. Frankly, you’re exhausting.

Alan: Well, I’m sorry you feel that way. I thought our friendship was strong enough to handle honesty.

Ashley: Hm. Well, maybe our friendship has run its course.

Alan: Wait, ashley, where are you going?

Ashley: I have a life, alan.

Alan: No, ashley, wait.

Ashley: No, listen, I do not need you to take care of me, okay? I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I don’t need to be rescued. Thank you so much.

Alan: Ashley.

Traci: Ah, I thought I heard the door slam. Did, um, did ashley leave?

Alan: Yeah.

Traci: Oh. All right, what do you think? How is she?

Alan: Well, I’m afraid it’s worse than I thought. There’s obviously more than one personality at play here, and the one I just spoke to is rather concerning.

Tucker: I wish I would’ve had a silver bullet to take down jill and billy, but the fact of the matter is there was no specific plan.

Devon: I find that really hard to believe.

Tucker: Why would I lie to you about that now?

Devon: I have no idea. You lie about a whole bunch of things that you don’t need to lie about, so…

Tucker: I’m telling you the truth. I– I very often just wing it and trust that the solution will present itself at the right time. And sometimes, that works. Sometimes, it doesn’t, you know. It does keep people guessing. Which is nice.

Devon: Yeah, but what did you expect to happen?

Tucker: I thought once mamie was inside chancellor-winters, she could dig up some dirt on jill that I could use to do my thing, but obviously that didn’t happen.

Devon: ‘Cause mamie turned on you.

Tucker: And then you turned on me, so I just abandoned the whole deal. And you can ask mamie if you don’t believe me.

Devon: No, that’s not an option right now, so I’m gonna have to take your word for it.

Tucker: Oh, really? Is there some family drama going on?

Devon: No, it’s– no, it’s nothing that would concern you.

Tucker: Well, it might if you’re asking me to be involved.

Devon: It’s just we’re not seeing eye-to-eye on some business issues and I’m gonna leave it at that.

Tucker: Hm. I am sorry.

Devon: For what?

Tucker: A lot of things. Uh… I’m sorry that I can’t give more help to you in this situation. I feel like I’m letting you down.

Devon: No, this is not you letting me down. You don’t have to be sorry for this. I just… it was a long shot and I need to find a different angle, that’s all.

Tucker: Yeah. Maybe– maybe I have one. Let me take care of billy.

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Lily: “Sorry for the abrupt departure. I figured you could use the time to cool down and come to terms with my new position at the company. Maybe even get devon to put those gloves back on. Meanwhile, I’ll be taking a trip to various company offices to wave the chancellor-winters flag and get to know them a little better. All in the interest of fostering strong communication. I’ll be in touch, billy.” I mean, what do you think?

Nate: I can’t believe the guy’s already taken the victory lap.

Lily: No, this is more serious than that. He’s using this trip to gather allies. He’s probably gonna charm them and– and flatter them and make a lot of promises that we’re gonna have to deal with. He’s fired the first shot.

Devon: No, tucker. I don’t want you going after billy abbott or anybody at chancellor-winters, and especially not on my behalf, okay?

Tucker: Hear me out, at least. Consider it.

Devon: What?

Tucker: I can take actions that you can’t, or would rather not. And I just have way more experience in this kind of thing than you do. And it’s in your best interest to think about this as a long-game strategy. This is not gonna be a quick-fix type of thing.

Devon: What would your long-game strategy be? What would the plan be?

Tucker: Well, once I got rid of billy, you’d still have jill to deal with and she is going to be thoroughly pissed that billy has been kicked to the curb. And if she finds out you had anything to do with it, she is gonna be out for your blood. And believe me, that woman knows how to hold a grudge.

Devon: Okay, yeah. So, what would the plan be? Are you gonna do all the dirty work and I get to keep my hands clean?

Tucker: Perfect, isn’t it?

Devon: Not if she finds out that we had this conversation. Which wouldn’t be a stretch for jill because she knows that billy and I have issues.

Tucker: Ah, but you would resolve those issues, devon. You would make a big show, a public show, of, uh, your one-for-all, all-for-one feelings about billy. And meanwhile, I would remain the bad guy in town. You would be the honorable son who wants nothing to do with me. Billy’s out of the picture. And you have one less obstacle in your way.

Devon: Right.

Tucker: What do you think?

Devon: I think– I think it sounds complicated. And it’s messy, clearly. And I think it would probably blow up in our face.

Tucker: It’s definitely gonna be complicated. You can’t just ask billy to leave.

Devon: Yeah, I know, I’m aware of that. But I didn’t– I didn’t come here for this. I came just to get information from you. I don’t want you to make new problems for me, okay? But I do appreciate you and your willingness to help me. It does mean a lot. And I thank you for the information. But, no thanks.

Tucker: Okay. Um… I’m sorry that I couldn’t be more helpful to you.

Devon: It’s okay.

Tucker: Uh–

Devon: See you.

Tucker: Yeah.

Sally: Well, thank you, audra. You’ve really given me a lot to think about.

Audra: You’d do the same for me.

Sally: I would love to see your art one day. Did you keep any of it?

Audra: It’s in a storage somewhere. I don’t even think about that part of my life anymore.

Sally: Well, I’m sure you’re a lot better than you give yourself credit for.

Audra: I’m where I’m supposed to be and you will be too. Just keep believing in yourself.

[ Cell phone buzzes ] Yes! [ Laughs ]

Sally: What is it?

Audra: Uh, the airline found us an earlier flight. Which means I better hustle and finish packing.

Sally: Oh, yeah. I will not keep you.

Audra: Uh, no. You can stick around.

Sally: Um, no. Really, I– I– I– it’s fine. But please bring me back a souvenir.

Audra: Ooh, you got it. Boy, I can’t wait to say au revoir, genoa city and au revoir, ashley.

Traci: So, you’re talking about multiple personalities. Is– is this an official diagnosis?

Alan: Well, to be clear, it’s too early to say for sure if it’s did. Dissociative identity disorder.

Traci: Oh. I– I– I had no idea. I– I– I mean, I was so afraid when I was watching her, but i didn’t wanna think it was this extreme.

Alan: Well, you’ve seen it as well as I have. One moment, she’s flirtatious, coquettish even, and then she’s rigid and dismissive. These identities are all a part of ashley.

Traci: So, are they competing with each other? Are– are they working together? And more importantly, can they hurt her?

Alan: Well, it’s too early to say, but if in fact this is did, these personas are usually developed in order to help protect ashley’s psyche.

Traci: Protect her psyche from what?

“The darkness of bipolar

depression made me feel like

Audra: Okay. All right. Hey.

Tucker: Hey, mi amor.

Audra: So, how did it go with devon?

Tucker: Better than I would’ve hoped.

Audra: Huh. So, he was civil?

Tucker: Yeah, he was. He wanted a favor.

Audra: Hm. Well, that makes sense now. I– I hope you didn’t give it to him. Not after all the times he’s pulled a rug out from under you. He doesn’t deserve it.

Tucker: That’s for me to decide, isn’t it?

Audra: So, what’s the favor?

Tucker: If I can succeed at getting billy abbott out at chancellor-winters, devon says he’s willing to give me another chance as a father.

Nate: It sounds like billy to want to go off and play a visiting hero, but what does he hope to prove?

Lily: That he’s in charge? That he’s the man to see?

Nate: Yes, but you’re still ceo.

Lily: Well, I guess maybe he’s gonna try to play–

Devon: Hey.

Lily: Nice of you to join us. Where have you been?

Devon: I had an errand to run.

Lily: Was it more important than billy and jill shaking up the entire company?

Devon: I was trying to find a solution to that problem.

Lily: And how’d that go?

Devon: It didn’t go. It didn’t go at all. Nothing came of it. What’s happening here, though?

Nate: Uh, billy has taken off on a goodwill tour to visit some of our regional offices and spread the word that he’s moved up in the world.

Devon: Good.

Lily: No, it’s not good. While we’re stuck here trying to figure out what to do, he’s putting himself out there as the face of chancellor-winters.

Devon: Let him. We’ll use it to our advantage. ‘Cause the longer he’s gone, the more time we have to figure out how to cut him off at the knees before he gets back.

Alan: Well, at this stage, I can’t really say what ashley’s personas are protecting her from, but most likely it’s something they don’t want her to cope with, which means we can assume it’s substantial.

Traci: Well, what can we do?

Alan: Well, we need to get her into a controlled, protective environment and I mean, that’s really the only place where treatment can work.

Traci: You’ve seen how she’s been acting lately. I– I– is that even possible?

Alan: The real ashley is in there somewhere. We just need to reach her and bring her to the surface and get her to agree to get the help that she needs.

Traci: And what if we can’t?

Alan: Well, I’m afraid there aren’t a lot of good alternatives.

Ashley: God, these stupid clothes.

Ash: Hey, what’s up?

Ashley: God, you little brat. I thought you were gone.

[ Ash laughs ]

Ash: You can’t get rid of me that easy.

Belle: And why on god’s green earth were you so mean to alan? He came over to apologize.

Ashley: Don’t you start with me, you tramp.

Belle: Now, you call me that one more time.

Ash: So mean, and she thinks she’s in charge.

Ashley: Shut up, both of you! Stay in your place. I’ve got work to do. It’s time for tucker mccall to die.

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