B&B Transcript Monday, May 13, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Dramatic music ]

Steffy: The woman who broke into this house, who looked exactly like, and I mean exactly like sheila… that was someone else?

Finn: Deacon was right, all along.

Steffy: The person I stabbed, that– that was a sheila look-alike? That was sugar? What, this woman who was tricked into having plastic surgery, like what?

Finn: Yes, yes. Look, do you not realize what that means? Steffy, that means that you didn’t kill sheila. Isn’t that a huge relief? That’s– that’s a huge weight lifted. You didn’t kill my birth mother, after all.

Sheila: All right, I’m– I’m glad that you convinced me to go to the hospital.

Deacon: Well, I mean, it just made good sense, right? I know finn checked you out and said you’re a-okay, but even he was pushing for it.

Sheila: Oh, my two worry warts.

Deacon: Come on.

Sheila: No, come on, but you were both right. I’m– I’m glad I went, I got a much needed check-up. And I got to scare the bejesus out of li.

[ Deacon growls ]

Ridge: Well, you must’ve misunderstood.

Hope: About sheila, no, I’m telling you what I saw.

Ridge: No, no, it was sheila, I get it, I heard you. I don’t mean that, I mean the other thing.

Liam: How anyone could think this is good news? How finn could possibly think, with no evidence whatsoever, that sheila’s reformed?

Sheila: You wanna talk about serendipity? Well, li just happens to be walking down the hallway as I’m about to be examined. What are the chances?

Deacon: And you just couldn’t pass up the opportunity, could you?

Sheila: What, to give her the shock of her life? Hell no.

Deacon: I think a lot of people are gonna be shocked when they find out that you’re still kicking.

Hope: Finn has his reasons to believe in sheila.

Ridge: He has his reasons? What reasons?

Hope: Well, he’s apparently seen a different side of her that we don’t get to see. He’s seen her growth.

Liam: Well, that’s foolish. This is pure personal bias. It’s– it’s– it’s a childish need on finn’s part to think that his mother is not a psychopath so that he can have this– this relationship that he wants with her. Do I understand that on some level? Maybe, I guess, but it’s not reality, hope.

Ridge: The shorthand for that is animals like sheila don’t change.

Hope: And I thought that too. But seeing sheila and finn together, I don’t know, maybe we should keep an open mind. And, I will say, people did say the same thing about your son, ridge.

Ridge: I know you’re not doing that. You’re not comparing those two things.

Hope: No, of course not. I am just saying that maybe, maybe we should just entertain the idea that finn could be right. That sheila is a different woman.

Ridge: You’re agreeing with finn, aren’t you?

Finn: Sugar abducted sheila. She chained her up in a warehouse. And if deacon and I wouldn’t have gotten there when we did, I don’t think she would’ve made it.

Steffy: Do you expect me to be thankful? Am I supposed to be excited that this monster is alive?

Finn: No, but isn’t there a part of you that is thankful? We thought that you killed my mother. And– and yes, look, we had been getting through it. We had been trying to put it in the past, but look, we don’t have to do that anymore. You killed the person that hated sheila. She wanted to hurt you in order to hurt her. A crazy woman.

Steffy: Okay, so a crazy woman is dead now and I’m supposed to just rejoice over the fact that another crazy woman is alive? Don’t you realize that the danger is back now?

Finn: No, that’s what I’m telling you.

Steffy: And I’m gonna be stressed over this because–

Finn: No, that’s what I’m telling you. There is no danger. Okay, it’s the exact opposite. Sheila knew what sugar was planning. She knew that she was gonna come after you and the kids. And even though she was chained up, she tried her damnedest to stop her. She tried to save you, steffy. She tried to save your life.

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Sheila: I think could it have been more enjoyable scaring the bejesus out of li like that.

Deacon: Scaring her? No, you didn’t scare her. She was furious with you, and by the time I got there, she was in full-on attack mode.

Sheila: No, she’s just jealous. She was jealous because finn refused to let me die in that old abandoned warehouse. Li would have, and now they say I’m the wicked one.

Deacon: You better get used to it.

Sheila: Hm, what’s that? People wishing me dead? Because I am accustomed to that.

Deacon: That kind of reaction. You know, people freaking out when they see you. Look, especially if you’re gonna keep doing those surprise, reveal back from the dead deals. I mean, here’s a thought. Why don’t you try something just a little more, I don’t know, subtle?

Sheila: Baby, subtle is boring. I like to go big.

Deacon: Well, then you better expect some big reactions from everyone else.

Sheila: I am. And I’m looking forward to them. Especially the forresters.

Ridge: All right. We all know about finn. His weird relationship with his mother. What about you? Where are you coming from?

Hope: I haven’t forgotten what sheila has done.

Liam: Well, I hope not, because your mom’s been one of her favorite targets over the years.

Hope: I am well aware of the many horrible things that sheila has done to people that we care about. I’m just saying it might be possible that she regrets it.

Ridge: Oh, my god. Do you hear yourself?

Hope: I’ve been trying to tell you that the night that sheila was kidnapped, sugar explained her plan to sheila. That she was going to go over to steffy’s house as sheila to harm steffy and the kids. And what did sheila do? She fought. She did everything she could in her power to stop sugar from going over there. She was trying to protect steffy, kelly, and hayes.

Steffy: Sheila tried to save my life?

Finn: Yes. The– the odds were against her, but she did everything possible to try to prevent sugar from coming to you. But as hard as she tried, she couldn’t stop her. Look, if sheila is still the monster that you claim her to be, she wouldn’t care if sugar harmed you. I mean, she would probably encourage it. But because she has changed, and she genuinely loves me, and she loves you and the kids, I mean, she chose to fight.

Steffy: Oh, my god. If I died that night, finn, sheila would’ve been blamed. Anything sheila did to fight off sugar, it was selfish. It was a way for her to stay out of prison.

Finn: She loves us more than her own life. That’s what she said. There’s no questioning. It’s– it’s true. I– I heard it in her voice. I saw it in her eyes. She would’ve died, steffy. She offered her own life to save you. Can’t you see– can’t you see that my birth mother has– she has changed? Offering her own life? That’s– that’s heroic. Sheila’s a hero. If you have heart disease and struggle with ldl-C… even with statins and a healthy diet… if you have heart disease and struggle with ldl-C… even with statins and a healthy diet… listen to your heart. Talk to your doctor about repatha.

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Sheila: Okay, who do you think is gonna be the most shocked, ridge or brooke? I can’t– I cannot wait to walk into eric forrester’s home. You– you know, donna, she’s a screamer.

Deacon: No, not firsthand.

Sheila: Well, she’s gonna put li to shame.

Deacon: Sheila.

Sheila: Okay, come on, come on. The reveal at the hospital was brilliant. I– I wonder how we can recreate that. Maybe I go to forrester creations, ridge has got to do some alterations on a model, and boom, I’m the model that walks out.

Deacon: Does changed sheila really wanna focus on shocking people?

Sheila: Shock, not harm, and I’m not focusing on anything like that. There’s nothing nefarious here.

Deacon: Sheila, do you remember that nice, quiet life before sugar intervened?

Sheila: Yes.

Deacon: Yeah, I just think maybe you ought to give up the fantasies about scaring people and, you know, just go back to that nice, quiet life. You know, stop concentrating on getting reactions from the forrester, and focus on the two of us. On our future. On our engagement.

Sheila: You are no fun.

[ Deacon growls ]

[ Sheila laughs ]

Liam: Hope, everything that you just told us is hearsay. I mean, this sugar, she’s not available for comment, clearly. So you, finn, deacon, you’re all just– you’re just taking sheila’s word for it. The only thing that we know for a fact is that it wasn’t sheila who went and tried to kill steffy. That does not mean that sheila’s a saint all of a sudden.

Hope: Deacon and finn truly believe that sheila has changed for the better.

Ridge: Oh, deacon and finn they believe that she’s changed. Well, that’s good. But we’ve gotta keep in mind that everything she says is a lie. Everything she does is for show.

Hope: Well, for who? For sugar?

Liam: For finn!

Ridge: For finn! Of course for finn! He needs to believe that his mother has changed and that’s what she’s doing. She’s– she’s giving him all the ammunition that he needs. This may not have happened. No one saw it. But now we’re supposed to vote for mother of the year.

Hope: That is not what I am suggesting, and that’s not what I’m saying. Look, I don’t expect you to just embrace this idea. All I am saying is, can we try to maybe have an open mind when it comes to this? Especially knowing how important it is for finn to have sheila be a part of his life?

Ridge: Yeah. Well, that’s not gonna happen.

Hope: Why not? Look, I’ve– I’ve been spending a lot of time with finn, and I’m starting to understand his– his side of things. I mean, if sheila really has changed, if she is the type of person who would risk her life to protect the people that she cares about, why wouldn’t finn want to pursue a relationship with her? And by the way, that is exactly what finn wants. He is determined to have sheila in his life.

Steffy: A hero? You’re calling sheila carter a hero? That woman tried to kill us, finn.

Finn: Well, the– the woman who tried to save your life. When sugar told her what she was gonna do, she–

Steffy: Oh, my god, I don’t– I don’t care about sugar! I don’t care about her. She means nothing to me. We’re talking about sheila. Sheila. I’ve told you this so many times, finn. How she has terrorized my family. Look, what are you thinking? For generations. How do you not understand that?

Finn: No, I do. I do.

Steffy: Oh, my god.

Finn: I know the woman that she was.

Steffy: No, it’s generations. Generations, finn. That vile woman is a lunatic. She tried to kill me. And my mother. And my grandmother. I– I lost time with my mother. I lost time with you. God, she’s kidnapped people. She has killed people. She has poisoned people. And you just expect me to just move past that because of what? Some feeble attempt to get her stupid psychopath friend to– to try to kill me? No! No! She is not a hero. And I never want to hear you say that again. This skinny pop is so delicious. And only three simple ingredients. I never have to stop. Thomas, hold my calls! -And my texts! -Got it. And my emails. Don’t leave.

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Sheila: Ah, this feels so good.

Deacon: You missed me, huh?

Sheila: Yeah. Here and– and there. Actually, I thought about you every single moment. Just hoping that I would get back to this, to you.

Deacon: Yep.

Sheila: I didn’t– I didn’t think that I’d be here again. But here I am, wearing this amazing, you know, imaginary diamond ring.

Deacon: I promise, I promise, I’m gonna do right by you, okay?

Sheila: Wow.

Deacon: Listen, no more secrets. No more pretending. I want the entire world to know how in love I am with you.

Ridge: Finn wants sheila in his life. In steffy’s life. My grandkid’s lives.

Liam: No, no, that’s– that’s not happening.

Ridge: Absolutely not. Steffy’s not gonna let it.

Liam: You’re right, she’s not gonna– just think about– think about everything that she’s had to endure. Being married to this man, all because of this– this primal tie he feels he has to his psychopath birth mother. And now he wants to extend an open invitation for sheila to be in their lives? Well, finn doesn’t get steffy then. Because mark my words, she’s gonna draw a line in the sand with finn once and for all.

Steffy: Do you hear me, finn? Sheila carter is a vile human being. She is not a hero. How could you even call her that? After everything she’s done to you. She left you in an alley to die. Me too.

Finn: I know her past sins, I do. But she has been working on reforming herself. Because she offered her life to protect you and the kids from sugar. That is a fact, steffy.

Steffy: Do not challenge me on facts about sheila. You will lose every time.

Finn: Yeah, but how about the fact that she’s not dead? And the fact that my wife didn’t kill my birth mother. That matters to me. Look, I’m your husband. You’re the most important thing to me in this world. You and the kids. But my mother…

Steffy: Oh, please don’t call her that.

Finn: My– my birth mother… she was such a mystery to me. I didn’t know her for basically most of my life until recently. And I– I thought I lost my chance with her. But now I have a second one. I’m sorry, I just– I just wanna help her. And almost losing sheila, that made me realize that I don’t wanna turn my back on her.

Steffy: But you have to, finn. I love you. God, I love you. You are such a good person. But your biological mother, she is evil. And you’re really naive to think that she’s gonna change. That she won’t bring devastation to our lives. She’s not gonna be in our lives, finn. She’s not gonna be anywhere near kelly or hayes. So, um… you can’t have both. It’s either her… or me.

Finn: I hear you. Of course, it’s you. Sweetheart, it’ll always be you.

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