Y&R Transcript Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Audra: Thank you.

Nate: Hello, stranger.

Audra: Nate!

Nate: It’s been a while.

Audra: Yeah, you know, I’ve been meaning to call you, but I’ve just been–

Nate: Busy, yeah, yeah, I get it. Me too, me too. So, uh, where’s, uh, tucker?

Audra: Hm. I don’t know. Around.

Nate: Ah, well, you two are usually joined at the hip. Hope that means you got wise and kicked him to the curb.

Audra: Oh, well, sorry to disappoint you, but tucker and i are as solid as ever.

Nate: Ah, too bad.

Audra: Is it?

Nate: Isn’t it?

Audra: Well, we’re independent people who do independent things, which i think it’s healthy in a relationship. You should try it sometime.

Nate: Ooh, smack.

Audra: Well, you deserved that.

Nate: Look, look, I didn’t come over here to argue with you, audra. Um, truth is, I miss our friendship.

Audra: Then stop badgering me about tucker.

Nate: Tucker mccall is a cold, ruthless s-o-B. He deserves a lot worse than badgering.

Audra: That’s a good start.

Nate: I just hope you see it one day. Tucker cares about tucker. Always has. Always will.

Audra: Well, sorry to disappoint you, but, um, that ruthless son of a bitch turned this entire restaurant into a café in paris where, uh, he proposed to me. I have to say, I’ve never seen him more loving and tender.

Nate: And you don’t see that as a giant red flag?

Audra: No.

Nate: Come on, audra. You’re smarter than that.

Audra: Oh, come on.

Nate: Look, all tucker was trying to do was recreate a better version of his failed paris honeymoon with ashley, which doesn’t surprise me at all. What does surprise me is you not seeing it for what it really is.

Alan: Ashley? Hi.

Ashley: Hello, alan.

Alan: Um, I just want to let you know I checked out of the hotel and I booked a flight for europe this afternoon.

Ashley: You’re leaving. How sad.

Alan: Well, it’s a couple of hours before my flight takes off, so I was wondering if maybe I could see you before I go.

Ashley: Um, a couple of hours to psychoanalyze me. Isn’t that what you really mean?

Abby: So, mamie called an emergency meeting at chancellor-winters today. Why? What is it about?

Devon: Your guess is as good as mine. Billy wasn’t invited, whatever that means.

Abby: Well, that might be a good thing. And lily?

Devon: Oh, yeah. She’ll be there. And so will nate. One big happy family.

Abby: Don’t engage. Don’t engage.

Tucker: Hi.

Devon: Hi.

Tucker: You two are looking well.

Abby: Thank you. Now, is there anything else?

Devon: Abby.

Abby: Devon, I’m sorry, but you know exactly what’s gonna happen. He’s gonna pull out his nice guy act and try to butter us up. I’ve seen it far too many times.

Tucker: Actually, you’re right, abby. I was hoping to at least temporarily soften your opinion of me.

Abby: Too late.

Tucker: There’s a favor I would like to ask of you both.

Lily: Great. Keep me posted. Thanks. Hi. Uh, you’re early. I thought we weren’t meeting for half an hour.

Mamie: Well, I was hoping that we could talk beforehand.

Lily: Okay.

Mamie: The last time that we spoke, things got a bit heated, and I regret that. I’m just hoping that we’ll be able to push through, you know, because the stakes are so high.

Lily: Yeah, I– I would like to make peace, too.

Mamie: Good. I’m glad to hear that.

Lily: So, what is this meeting about?

Mamie: Oh, well, I– I would prefer to wait until everyone’s arrived. I promise. It’s gonna be worth it.

Limu emu…

Announcer: Additional sponsorship provided by…

Audra: Thank you. I think you’re reaching.

Nate: For what?

Audra: Hm. Anything to justify your completely inaccurate analysis of tucker’s and my relationship.

Nate: If you say so.

Audra: I mean, are you forgetting that I’ve known tucker for years? That we have our own history in paris long before that clown show with ashley. So, your thesis is missing a few facts.

Nate: You can tell yourself whatever you want to, audra, but it won’t change the outcome. And did you say yes, by the way?

Audra: Yes to what?

Nate: Tucker’s marriage proposal. You’re here casually discussing it with me, so that gives me hope you weren’t foolish enough to say yes.

Audra: Why the hell do you care so much about what I do with tucker?

Nate: I thought we were friends, audra, and– and that’s what friends do. They tell each other the truth.

Audra: Are you sure that’s all it is, nate?

Nate: What else would it be?

Audra: Oh, I don’t know. But if I had to make a solid guess, I might wonder if there’s some secret infatuation going on with me here.

[ Nate chuckles ]

Nate: Okay, um, hypothetically speaking, would it matter to you if I told you there was?

Abby: See? You just made my point. Can we go now?

Devon: Listen, we’re not in any place to be handing out or taking favors from each other, okay?

Tucker: Just hear me out, at least. You can give me that much, can’t you?

Devon: Sure.

Tucker: So I’m still on dom’s music class email list, and I heard about a performance coming up. I would very much like to attend it.

Abby: No.

Devon: Yeah, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’m sorry.

Tucker: May I ask why?

Devon: Yeah, ’cause we want that day to be about dominic, and not about you trying to force your way in and cause a scene.

Tucker: Cause a scene?

Devon: Yeah.

Tucker: I– I just wanna attend the performance.

Devon: Well, what about after the show? Like when the parents want to get together and take the kids out and get ice cream and stuff. Are you gonna guilt us into including you? Or are you just gonna show up and clap and support him? ‘Cause you know nothing’s changed since the last time I asked you to keep your distance. You’re still the same guy.

Tucker: Uh, uh… wait a minute. Before you go, abby, I wanted to ask you. Is your mother doing any better?

Abby: Better than what?

Alan: Ashley, I am not trying to analyze you. I, um, I’m sorry you still see it that way. My hope is that we can be friends above everything else. That’s the only reason I came to help.

Belle: I know you can hear me, ms. Abbott. Alan is ashley’s safe way home, not your nutty idea.

Ashley: There’s somebody at the door. Excuse me.

Belle: Killing tucker is just sheer madness.

Alan: Ashley?

Ashley: Hold on.

Belle: This is how we save ashley. She needs to fall in love again. Why can’t you see that?

Alan: Um, are you still there? Ashley?

Ashley: Yeah. Hi. Where were we?

Alan: I’m not sure.

Ashley: I think you were just saying that you had a couple of hours to kill before your flight. And you wanted to see me, didn’t you?

Alan: Yes.

Ashley: Okay. Great. Well, I would love to see you. I mean, if the invitation is still open.

Alan: Um, well, great. Okay, should I come to you or–

Ashley: No, I’ll– I’ll go to your hotel, okay?

Alan: I look forward to it.

Ashley: Yeah, me too. I’ll see you soon.

[ Southern accent ] Oh, yeah. Woo! Feels so good to be free. Oh, y’all are gonna be so grateful you let me out. Here I come. Depression is a journey.

Abby: Why are you asking me about my mother?

Tucker: Concern. Just hoping she’s found her footing.

Abby: Well, if you’re referring to the incident that happened between the two of you in paris, where no one can figure out what actually happened, that’s ancient history.

Tucker: Have you seen her lately?

Abby: I talk to my mom all the time, tucker.

Tucker: In person?

Abby: Wait, how does this concern you? Wow, it really is an amazing sense of entitlement how you just put yourself in areas that don’t concern you at all.

Devon: What are you getting at? Why are you even asking?

Tucker: I think you might wanna check in on her a little more regularly. Take care.

Abby: So he’s– he’s talking to me about family? Why? Because he’s so good at it?

Devon: I don’t know. Everything’s a game with that guy. He’s always trying to make people think he’s a changed man.

Abby: Well, he’s still talking about my mother, which means he hasn’t changed at all.

Audra: You know, I would be so flattered if you were secretly pining away for me, nate.

Nate: Oh, really? Are we going to ignore the fact that I said this was hypothetical?

Audra: So you’re not into me? Not even a little bit?

Nate: Uh-huh. Fishing for compliments.

Audra: I’m just on the hunt for the truth?

Nate: If I were, which I’m not, I wouldn’t be so subtle about it. You’d know.

Audra: Whatever. I’m just giving you a hard time.

Nate: And I’m trying to figure out what it would take to pull you away from that man. As your friend.

Audra: Hm. I know you’re my friend, nate. And I am grateful and touched that you’re so protective of me. But if it does make you feel any better, I did turn down tucker’s marriage proposal.

Nate: I figured as much. But it’s good to hear.

Audra: Well, not because I don’t want to be with him, but because marriage to me is an archaic institution.

Nate: Is that like a campaign slogan of yours?

Audra: Uh, I mean it. Okay, I– I don’t need some contract to be with the person I love.

Nate: I’m not saying you do. But most folks get around to it sooner or later. Who knows? You might change your mind.

Audra: Well, thankfully, I’m not most folks.

[ Cell phone pings ]

Nate: Uh, I really want to finish this conversation.

Audra: Yeah, but when the topic of marriage comes up, look who’s running. Now you know how I feel. And that won’t change.

Nate: I bet it might if the groom weren’t named tucker mccall.

Audra: What if he was named nate hastings?

Nate: Look, audra. You need to take those blinders off. You know you can’t commit to a man like that. A man you can’t trust. Tucker will break your heart, audra. The fact that he had to recreate paris and substitute you for ashley should tell you everything you need to know. I know you deserve better. I hope you know it too.

Audra: Nice seeing you, friend.

Ashley: Hi.

Alan: Oh, hello.

Ashley: I am so happy to see you.

Alan: Well, I was beginning to wonder after our last visit.

Ashley: I have to apologize for my very unpleasant behavior. It’s living with this family. You know, they’re just picking at me and prodding me. It’s like living under a microscope, you know?

Alan: Yeah, that must be– that must be difficult.

Ashley: Yeah, I have no words for it. But here I am treating you like you’re their guard dog instead of my dear friend. I hope you can forgive me.

Alan: Of course, I forgive you.

Ashley: Okay, ’cause the last thing I want is for you to think that I’m pushing you away.

Alan: Well, not too long ago you did tell me to pack my bags and head off to vienna.

Ashley: Don’t listen to me. Don’t listen to me at all. No, that was just me in the heat of the moment dealing with horrible siblings that don’t believe anything I say. I mean, I’m not mad at you. Honestly, I feel like you’re the only person in my life I can actually trust.

Alan: I’m very glad to hear that. And I want you to know that I am here to listen to whatever you have on your mind.

Ashley: Yeah?

Alan: Sing away.

Tech: Does your windshield have a crack?

Lily: Perfect. Thank you. Uh, mamie, I am sorry. I have to pass on your meeting today. I am way, way behind schedule.

Mamie: Lily, no. You can’t miss it. You must be here.

Lily: Okay, then what is this about? Why is it so important?

Mamie: When everyone has arrived–

Lily: Yes, yes, all will be revealed. I know, I know. Okay, well then, please, no surprises like last time, right?

Mamie: No, no surprises.

Lily: Okay, because it doesn’t exactly build trust.

Mamie: You have my word.

Lily: Okay.

Abby: Mamie, hi!

Mamie: Oh.

Devon: Hello.

Mamie: Abby.

Abby: So good to see you.

Devon: Hey, aunt mamie. How you doing?

Mamie: And how is my brilliant great-nephew?

Devon: Dominic’s doing fantastic.

Mamie: Oh.

Nate: Aunt mamie.

Mamie: Nate, my goodness, you seem to get more handsome every time I see you. So, well now, we are all here.

Lily: Uh, billy’s not here.

Mamie: Yeah, well, he won’t be coming.

Lily: Well, he’s a member of the board. So if this meeting’s important, then he should be here.

Mamie: This meeting is for family only, and I’m including abby in that.

Abby: Well, thank you very much. That means a lot. But I don’t think now is the time to separate camps. Billy is my family, too.

Mamie: Okay, good point. But in every family, big decisions have to be made for the greater good. And especially now, because this family business is really dysfunctional. I’ve stayed in the background. I’ve given you enough time to settle back in.

Lily: Okay, well now that I am settled back in, what are you thinking?

Mamie: Why don’t we all sit down, hmm? I believe that it’s time for us to reassess.

Devon: Reassess what, exactly?

Mamie: There’s been a splintering inside of this family. And I believe that it is billy and jill that have been causing you to turn on each other. And that is just not acceptable. That’s why I’m here. I’m going to fix this.

Ashley: I might have to find just a little–

Alan: Yes, please, have whatever you like there.

Tucker: Ashley?

Ashley: Oh, hi.

Tucker: Hi. Hi, tucker mccall.

Alan: Alan laurent.

Tucker: Alan, nice to meet you.

Alan: Nice to meet you.

Tucker: So, uh, you two know each other how?

Ashley: I don’t think that’s any of your business.

Alan: No, it’s– it’s okay. We met in paris years ago and we’ve been friends ever since.

Tucker: Oh, you know, come to think of it, I do recall ashley mentioning you before. What is it you do again?

Alan: Oh, just some academic work, guest lecturing, that sort of thing.

Tucker: Oh, well, I suppose if you’ve been friends for years, you know who I am.

Alan: Yes, we have, uh, discussed your relationship.

Tucker: Oh.

Ashley: Actually, alan is being very modest. He’s a brilliant psychologist. An even more brilliant friend. Actually, alan is the one that made me realize I was wrong about that fight we had in the café, remember?

Tucker: Thank you.

Alan: Happy to help.

Tucker: And you’re here now to…

Alan: I am just here as a friend.

Tucker: Well, I think, uh… I think your timing couldn’t be better.

Nate: Aunt mamie, we all appreciate your emotional and financial investment in this company, but I think you’re overreacting.

Mamie: Not from what I’ve been seeing and hearing. Do you know what it took for me to get all of you together in this room?

Lily: Well, we have disagreements, like any other company, but we work them out.

Mamie: Like you denying a seat for nate on the board of chancellor-winters.

Lily: Because it’s too soon.

Mamie: So, you’re still punishing him.

Lily: I’m not punishing him. We’ve talked about it, we’ve moved on, and I think you should, too.

Mamie: Is that right, nate? Have you moved on?

Nate: Look, I’m not gonna deny that I was upset at first. Yes, I was hurt, angry. I can admit that. But I thought about it and I talked it over with lily, and I saw her point.

Mamie: Well, then, I think that you deserve a medal for turning the other cheek, honey.

Nate: Aunt mamie, what I did was unconscionable, okay? You weren’t here. You didn’t see it or experience it. I betrayed this company. And worse than that, I betrayed my own family. And quite frankly, the only reason I’m sitting here is because of lily and devon’s forgiveness and generosity. And of course, I owe a lot of that to you. And I hate saying this, but if there’s any tension going on around here, I think it’s coming from you.

Mamie: Me?

Nate: You hate jill, and by extension, you distrust billy.

Mamie: Nah, wait a minute. I do not hate anyone. I do have some trust issues with the two of them, which is why I want them out of this company. So that we can return chancellor-winters to the family business it was intended to be.

Devon: Yeah, but jill brought chancellor in with the merger. So, this was never meant to just be about our family. You know that.

Mamie: I don’t think it’s wasted on any of us that you are the only chancellor sitting in this room, devon.

Nate: Okay, now you’re cherry-picking details, aunt mamie. Creating a war to get what you want.

Mamie: No, you’re just exaggerating.

Nate: Oh, no, I don’t think so. This whole rally the family against billy and jill meeting tells me I’m not.

Mamie: And is that what you think too, lily?

Lily: Yeah, I think things are starting to get out of hand. And, you know, listen, I agree. I think that billy has an agenda.

Mamie: Finally, someone who gets it.

Lily: But I think devon does too.

Abby: Wait a second, that’s not fair.

Lily: Well, no, what I’m trying to say is that it’s not the point. We can resolve these things. But I don’t think that’s what you want, mamie. I think that doesn’t fit your agenda, right? And I think that nate’s right. I think that you want a war. And you don’t care if it brings this whole place crashing down on us. If you spit blood when you brush,

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue…

Ashley: Tucker, aren’t you a busy man? Don’t you have things that you should do? Go run along and do them, maybe?

Tucker: I’m not that busy at the moment. And I’m always happy to meet new people. Especially a brilliant psychologist. And lecturer, you said?

Alan: On occasion.

Ashley: I know what you’re thinking and alan has assured me that he’s not here to crack open my skull and take a peek inside.

Tucker: I wasn’t thinking that at all.

Audra: Ugh.

Ashley: Thank goodness she’s here.

Audra: There you are.

Ashley: Oh, what great timing. Your boyfriend just barged in here and made himself right at home. Can’t you keep a closer eye on him so he doesn’t wander off without you, please?

Tucker: Uh, audra, this is dr. Alan laurent, um, ashley’s dear friend. Brilliant psychologist, from what ashley said.

Alan: I mean, she flatters me and it’s nice to meet you.

Audra: You too. It sounds like ashley’s in very good hands. We shouldn’t intrude.

Tucker: No.

Audra: Oh, and, um, thank you for your helpful advice.

Ashley: Sure.

Audra: Have a nice day.

Ashley: Bye. See you soon.

Tucker: All right. Nice to meet you, alan.

Alan: Nice to meet you.

Ashley: So, where were we before we got so rudely interrupted?

Mamie: Oh, now, so suddenly I’m the problem.

Lily: Well, it’s not suddenly. I mean, the truth is, jill probably wouldn’t have brought billy on board if you hadn’t created so much dissension. And now you’re undermining everything that I have worked so hard to build up.

Mamie: And that’s exactly my point. What you built up, lily. Not jill, who is off somewhere all the time. The devil only knows where. Riding on your coattails while you and devon and now nate are doing all the heavy lifting.

Lily: Jill does a lot for chancellor-winters, and even if she didn’t, half the company is hers.

Mamie: Devon, now you know I’m right, don’t you? We’re all gonna be the better for it if we can just figure out how to get jill and billy out for good. You know you want billy gone. Has jill ever executed the vision that you and neil originated for this company? I think we already know the answer to that one.

Devon: Yeah, sure, we do have some issues with billy and jill. But the reality is, we didn’t have any of them before you showed up in town. And you keep trying to find these problems when I think, and I say this with all due respect, I think that the problem might just be you.

Mamie: Huh.

Audra: So, what did you think about ashley’s shrink friend? The fabulous dr. Freud.

Tucker: Hm. I don’t know, he didn’t really make an impression on me in one way or the other.

Audra: Well, he certainly seemed to be making an impression on her.

Tucker: He’s an old friend, apparently.

Audra: A friend that makes her smile like that? And you never picked up on it in all the time she’s known him.

[ Tucker laughs ]

Tucker: It never came up.

Audra: Wouldn’t it be wonderful if ashley had a mad, passionate affair with him and went to live on an island somewhere?

Tucker: It hardly seemed like a romantic interlude.

Audra: But a girl can dream, can’t she? Look, I know in my head, ashley’s in a very bad place, but that doesn’t mean I’m not tired of running into her. And not to mention, I never know which of her many moods I’ll be dealing with.

Tucker: Doesn’t that tell you how sick she is?

Audra: I don’t know, tucker, but if she’s that unwell, why isn’t someone doing something about it? And I don’t mean lunch with a shrink.

Tucker: I totally agree. I saw abby, she doesn’t even seem aware that anything is wrong with her mother.

Audra: Or maybe because it’s no one’s business but ashley’S. You know, she could be getting treatment at this very moment, but we just don’t know about it because it’s private.

Tucker: She certainly doesn’t seem like someone on the path to recovery.

Audra: Well, she did seem to me less outwardly hostile. I would even call her chipper.

Tucker: Ashley doesn’t do chipper.

Audra: I think she does now. Are you pretending you didn’t pick up the vibe down there?

Tucker: Audra, my focus was on the doctor and whether or not he’s helping her.

Audra: You know, meanwhile, she looked like she was about ready to devour the poor guy. You know, if ashley gets her way, there will be more than therapy between those two.

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Mamie: I never thought I would see the day where my own family would treat me like this. I’m heartbroken.

Devon: We don’t want you to feel that way, all right? This has nothing to do with our feelings about you, mamie.

Nate: Of course, aunt mamie, we love you.

Lily: Yes, we all do. That will never change.

Mamie: I’m only here to build things up, not to tear them down.

Nate: You literally said it was time to blow things up.

Mamie: I never said that.

Devon: Okay, regardless of what you said, there’s just a little too much at stake for us to let you take a swing at billy and jill the way you want. All right? ‘Cause we know for a fact that chance and billy were only brought in ’cause jill felt threatened by you.

Mamie: Jill felt threatened by tucker.

Nate: Who you were in cahoots with when you first came to town.

Lily: Do you see how it all keeps coming back to you, mamie?

Mamie: No. What I see are three overly entitled, under-experienced, wannabe adults who are willing to take a pay-off because they are just too afraid to take a leap of faith with me, their longest living relative and staunchest defender. You are all looking for someone else to blame for your own insecurities. Well, that is not me. And I’m appalled by your cowardice. You know, I may be the only person in this room who knows what family really means. And right now, in case you didn’t notice, I am pretty disgusted with mine.

Tucker: Sorry, audra. I did not see any vibe between alan and ashley.

Audra: Come on. It was there for anyone to see. It’s called body language, tucker. She wasn’t holding back. Now, she’ll really mend if she hasn’t already.

Tucker: I certainly hope not.

Audra: And why is that, tucker? I know you don’t want to be with her anymore, okay? But that doesn’t mean that you wanna see her with someone else. Look, I know you still care about her, and that’s fine. I’m not threatened by ashley.

Tucker: Right. You never had any reason to be.

[ Audra sighs ]

Audra: Well, let’s just say I’m not. Anymore.

Tucker: Good.

Audra: Don’t be mad.

Tucker: I’m not mad. Not at you, anyway. At myself, yes. I keep telling you I’m moving on, I’m letting it go, blah, blah, blah, and then you walk in the room and I’m sitting there with her. But it’s not what I want, and i know it’s not what you want.

Audra: Yeah, I would be thrilled to never hear or mention her name ever again.

Tucker: I know. I’m sorry. But what you said is right. It’s because I still do care about her, and she seems alone in this. Her family, they’re obviously in denial, and I just– I wanted to make sure this alan guy was there for her.

Audra: So, what do you wanna do now?

Tucker: I wanna think about you. I have a surprise for you.

Audra: Oh.

Alan: You seemed amused by your encounter with tucker and his companion.

Ashley: Oh, I suppose so. Audra’s so pretty, and she’s so smart. She’s way too smart to be with somebody as horrible as tucker, but she’ll figure it out.

Alan: It was all quite fraught. A lot of strong emotions under the surface.

Ashley: Right, probably.

Alan: Subtextual comments on your mental health.

Ashley: Why should they be any different than anyone else in my life, right?

Alan: How’s that make you feel?

Ashley: Well, thanks for being so concerned. I’m fine.

Alan: An ex moving on with someone else can be quite traumatic if the relationship hasn’t been resolved.

Ashley: Oh, it’s been resolved. Put away in a drawer, never to be opened again.

Alan: No lingering conflicts?

Ashley: Lingering conflicts and subtextual comments? Should I pull up a couch?

Alan: I’m sorry. It– it’s an occupational hazard.

Ashley: That’s okay. Trust me. Tucker is where he belongs with whom he belongs. So am I. If advanced lung cancer

Ashley: So, have I changed your mind about leaving genoa city prematurely? I hope that my apology’s done the trick.

Alan: Now, you want me to stay?

Ashley: Oh. Haven’t I been clear as a bell? Of course, I want you to stay, as long as you possibly can. We have so much to catch up on.

Alan: Yes.

Ashley: Ooh, so you’re staying?

Alan: Shouldn’t be a problem to have a colleague cover for me at the conference in vienna.

Ashley: Yay.

Alan: So, yes. I would like to spend more time with you.

Audra: So, what’s my surprise?

Tucker: Well, I have spoken to all the heads of the companies we have acquired in europe.

Audra: Uh-huh.

Tucker: And everything’s back on track. So you and I are going to paris.

Audra: Oh. That’s great.

Tucker: That’s, uh, not quite the reaction I expected. I thought you’d be, uh, happy about it.

Audra: No, I am. It’s just, um… can it be more than just paris?

Tucker: Just paris?

Audra: You know what I mean. Um, monte carlo or portofino. Can we go to other places in europe, too?

Tucker: My love, our itinerary can be wherever and whatever your heart desires. I’m doing this for you. For us.

Audra: And just like that, we’ll go wherever I want?

Tucker: Wherever you want. I don’t know if you’ve been listening to me this whole time, but my intention is to fulfill every desire you have from this minute forward until forever. Well, now. Happy?

Audra: Hm, yeah. I am very happy. You know, this trip will be so good for us, tucker. One thing, though.

Tucker: Yes?

Audra: I don’t want any pressure about this marriage proposal, okay?

Tucker: Done.

Audra: I mean it.

Tucker: I do, too.

Audra: Mm.

Tucker: Although…

Audra: Oh, god. Here it comes.

Tucker: No, I just– I– I should be allowed the hope that, uh, europe will have its own kind of seduction. You know, the magic, the romance.

Audra: Mm-hmm. That ring will never be on my finger, okay? But I am open to whatever seduction and magic you can manage. Come on.

Tucker: I don’t know. I can manage quite a bit.

Abby: Okay, look, why don’t we all just take a step back and just calm down?

Mamie: No, no, thank you, abby. It’s a little bit too late to move these waters. You’ve all made it perfectly clear that I am not welcome here.

Devon: That’s not true at all.

Mamie: Oh, so we haven’t spent the last half hour with me listening to how I am the destructive force here? By my own family, no less. Who I’ve loved and supported my entire life.

Lily: Look, mamie, just because we don’t want office chaos doesn’t mean that we don’t want you. Okay, we’ve never let the corporate world get between us, so please, don’t do that now.

Mamie: And even you, nate. You know you wouldn’t even be in this room if I hadn’t intervened on your behalf. You know, because that’s what families do. They stand by each other.

Devon: That’s what we’re trying to do right now. We’re trying to stand by each other and look out for each other by drawing a line between professional and personal issues.

Mamie: This is betrayal, and I’m never gonna forget it. I am angry and hurt beyond words. However, I have a big stake in this company, and I have no intention of letting go of that. So, whether you like it or not, you’ll be seeing more of me.

Nate: I think we just made another enemy.

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