GH Short Recap Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Carly talks to Jason about Sonny’s behavior and Carly decides to ask Stella Henry to talk to Sonny and persuade him to get his blood drawn to see if his medication dosage needs to be adjusted.

Sonny watches Dex running in the park with the other police recruits and he has a scary look on his face.

Carly eavesdrops on a conversation between John and Jason and discovers that John thinks Sonny is connected with Pikeman.

Willow agrees to do an interview for Crimson promoting bone marrow donation for the New Tomorrow Foundation.

Anna moves into her new home and tells Felicia she misses Valentin.

Sonny tells Jordan he wants to donate money to the city and she can decide the project that needs to be done the most.

Drew tells Jordan he wants to revitalize the docks.

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