Y&R Transcript Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

sleep on the plane, so thank you very much for the first class ticket.

Traci: Mm-hmm. And thank you for coming all the way from paris on short notice to talk to my sister.

Alan: Well, I’m always happy to have a chance to see ashley, but I’m a bit concerned about this one. I was worried about her after I last visited paris.

Traci: So, you did sense that there might be something else wrong?

Alan: Well, at the time, I attributed it to, uh, the emotional turmoil of the breakup of her marriage. But afterwards… I just began to worry that something deeper was brewing.

Traci: Well, I’m afraid we are at full boil.

Diane: Ashley, having a little afternoon pick-me-up?

Ashley: Yes. I thought I would treat myself to something strong and frothy. You know, I love mrs. Martinez to death, but her coffee can be weak.

Diane: Oh, I never thought so. Hm.

Ashley: And yet, here you are.

Diane: Oh, I’m picking up some brownies for harrison. They’re his favorite.

Ashley: Diane, you don’t have to explain yourself to me.

Diane: Huh. How are you feeling?

Ashley: I’m feeling fine. How are you feeling?

Diane: Uh, I’m good, and I’m glad to hear it. You– you’ve had your ups and downs lately. It’s been quite a roller coaster. For jack and traci, too.

Ashley: Yeah. If I didn’t know you so well, that butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth routine might actually work.

Diane: I’m not pretending to be concerned.

Ashley: Oh, don’t be that way. It’s a compliment. Kill ’em with kindness has always been my motto, too.

Michael: Okay. Thanks for the update.

Victor: Have you found anything?

Michael: No sign at all of jordan’s body. They searched the area of the riverbed below the spot you said she fell.

Victor: Michael, please, stop wasting time looking for a dead woman, all right? It is clear what you’d be looking for.

Michael: Victor, if by some chance jordan is still alive, she would be key to the–

Victor: That woman is gone. She’s of no use to us anymore.

Michael: Vict– victor, we have nothing to go on. Jordan’s body could be a clue. An address in her pocket, a number on her phone.

Victor: I am telling you to look for claire. She may well be fighting for her life as we speak.

Cole: How could you possibly recognize these keys?

Victoria: From the colors. Billy had a set just like this. I remember because katie used to play with them all the time.

Cole: Wait, wait you– you think they’re billy’s keys?

Victoria: No, but they could be from the same place. He had, um, he had a storage unit there. I remember. One opened the parking gate and the other one was for the front entrance. And then the other one was for the actual unit. This one says 23. Oh, my god. Is it possible that this is where jordan was holding claire? Type 2 diabetes?

Announcer: Additional sponsorship provided by…

Michael: Okay. Message received. I’ll pull the team off of the search for jordan’s body and focus solely on other avenues for finding claire. Security cam footage, canvassing. We’ll go old school and door to door with flyers.

Victor: Go get to it, okay?

[ Phone ringing ] Yes, cole. Any update?

Cole: Well, I may have some good news. We found a set of keys that were hidden inside a doll like the ones my mother used to collect. Now, you may recall that nikki mentioned seeing one like it at the lake house. Victoria has seen something about these keys that she recognizes and she thinks that they could belong to a storage facility that billy used to use. She’s tracking down the address right now.

Victor: And do you think this is where jordan may hold claire hostage?

Cole: I hope so. If not, maybe we can at least have a clue.

Victoria: Billy, hi, it’s me. Um, listen, I need the address to that storage facility that you used to use. You– you know, you remember the one where katie used to always play with the keys? Can– yes. Can you text that to me? Okay, thank you. I’ll– I’ll explain later. Okay. Oh, I got it.

Cole: We’re headed there now.

Victor: But listen, be careful. I’ll send backup, all right? Well, I think we may be getting somewhere. It seems that victoria and cole have found a set of keys. Keys to a storage unit. Where perhaps jordan is holding claire hostage.

Michael: Well, hang on. That’s– that’s a lot of assumptions. Uh, jordan rented that motel room under an assumed name. And it was rented to a couple before her. Uh, it could be their keys.

Victor: But they found those keys inside a doll, a similar doll that jordan had at her lake house.

Michael: Okay. So, more likely, it’s connected to her. But it still could be a trap or a misdirect.

Victor: Wait here. I’ll find out.

Michael: Well, where are you going? Victor? Victor!

Traci: I was so worried about ashley while we were in paris. She shared with you the, um, argument she had with her ex-husband at the cafe?

Alan: With tucker, yes, his explosion. And then the visit you two made there. At first, she thought the staff was paid off to back up his version of the story.

Traci: Yeah, that was the theory. Obviously, it turned out to be wrong. And then she had to accept that she misremembered the whole argument. That she exaggerated his anger and the violence.

Alan: Yeah, she came to see me that visit. And obviously, it upset her quite a bit, realizing that what she recalled and reality were two different things.

Traci: Yeah, it’s a lot to navigate.

Alan: Yeah.

Traci: Honestly, I– I thought once she got home and accepted that, and that things were over with tucker, she would be able to just go on with her life. But that’s when things got very worrisome.

Alan: In what way?

Traci: My sister has been having mood swings.

Alan: Uh, highs and lows, or?

Traci: No, um, more like personality shifts. For example, uh, she will be extremely confident.

Alan: Well, that’s ashley.

[ Both laugh ]

Traci: Yeah. So, take that ashley to the nth degree. And at the next moment, she’ll be almost childlike. And then last night, we got a new one. Uh, uh, tequila shots and live it up. But the most troubling is when she is our ashley. She’s so fragile. And she’s confided in me that she’s having blackouts.

Alan: Wait, from alcohol?

Traci: I don’t think so. The– the time I know about for sure, she insists she had nothing to drink.

Alan: Blackouts. What else does she say about the blackouts?

[ Traci sighs ]

Traci: Well, she sort of describes them as big chunks of time that are just missing, like she’ll wake up somewhere and not know where she is or how she got there. The family is really worried.

Alan: Well, that’s an understandable reaction.

Traci: Yeah. My brother billy suggests that maybe she’s experiencing splintering of her personality, you know, triggered by the trauma of what happened with tucker.

Alan: Well, that is a serious diagnosis. Is billy a psychiatrist?

Traci: No, but… he’s experienced something similar himself.

Alan: Oh.

Traci: He says he can recognize the signs. Now, we’ve tried to get her to see a doctor, and she agrees. And at the last minute, she changes her mind.

Alan: Hm. Well, I’m– I’m glad you reached out to me. And I’ve known ashley a very long time and in the past, she has confided in me that she has a history of psychosis. So maybe it was triggered somehow, brought to a new level.

Diane: Kill ’em with kindness, huh?

Ashley: Words to live by.

Diane: I hope you don’t feel the need to be that way with me.

Ashley: Oh, diane, I’ve never felt the need to be anyone but myself with you.

Diane: Well, good. Then, maybe you’ll be straight with me and tell me how you’re really feeling.

Ashley: Oh, well… I’m tired of all the questions and the overwhelming concern and the sad looks from jack and tracy.

Diane: Well, that’s because they care about you.

Ashley: Yeah, it’s so suffocating. Makes me want to go elsewhere for my coffee.

Diane: All right, to be fair, you admitted to all of us that you didn’t know what was going on with you. You seemed genuinely lost, frightened, desperate for answers. No, really. And then you ran from that doctor’s appointment that traci and sharon worked so hard to make for you. Why did you do that? Were you afraid of what the doctor might find out?

Victor: Hello. How was your night?

Jordan: The accommodations stink. The food is worse.

Victor: You know, that’s the review I was aspiring to.

[ Jordan laughs ] So… where’s my granddaughter?

Jordan: Okay. Okay. You win. I prefer a chteau in france. Same deal as before. My freedom, a new life, and you get claire’s location.

Victor: You have… tendencies to be delusional, don’t you? There’ll be no deal. You know why? We know where claire is. We found the keys to the storage room. Rather sloppy on your part.

Jordan: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Victor: You know exactly what I’m talking about. When my doctor gave me breztri for my copd Happy mother’s day! Some things never change. Like a mother’s love. Get something as timeless as a mother’s love at harryanddavid.Com. Life is a gift. Share more.

Traci: Jack and I didn’t know what else to do. And then I thought of you and your friendship. And I was hoping that you could talk to her, urge her to get treatment.

Alan: Well, of course, I’m happy to find out more about what’s going on with her, but I– I can’t treat her. I retired and my american license expired when I moved to france 10 years ago, so.

Traci: Yeah, I didn’t expect that you would be her doctor. I was just hoping you could get her past whatever is stopping her from getting help.

Alan: I certainly will do my best. We’ve been friends a long time. I care very much about ashley.

Traci: Oh, thank you. The family appreciates any help. And I just want my sister back.

Alan: Ah, of course. And does she know I’m here?

Traci: Yes, yes. I t– I told her that I had reached out to you. And honestly, I was worried she might think I overstepped.

Alan: Well, understandable, knowing ashley.

Traci: Yes, but she was really good with it. Um, I think she prefers the idea of talking to you over a doctor she’s never met before. So, I don’t think you’ll get any resistance unless…

[ Traci sighs ] Honestly, my sister’s moods can change on a dime.

Ashley: Don’t you have better things to do than harp on me about decisions I’ve made for my own well-being?

Diane: I’m not harping about anything. I’m just asking you.

Ashley: Then, what are you doing here? I mean, why are you fetching brownies for your grandson?

Diane: Ashley, I’m not looking for a fight.

Ashley: You are the co-ceo of jabot cosmetics. By the way, you never thanked me for letting you slide on in there without any kind of a fuss. Are you looking to get out, maybe? Because I could try to help you get fired if that’s what you really want.

Diane: I’m trying to be nice. If you don’t want my help, fine. But I can’t butt out completely. You see, I care about jack, and jack’s worried about you. So, that makes you my concern as well.

Ashley: Oh.

Jordan: Do you really think that I’d be so stupid to leave a set of keys lying around? [ Chuckles ] You’d better make a deal with me right now if you ever want to see your precious granddaughter alive again.

Victor: You should have taken my deal. You’d be lounging right now in some chteau in the south of france. Instead, you’re going to… die slowly… in this… luxurious place.

Jordan: You’re wrong, victor. You still need me.

Victor: I have you. No one knows where the hell you are. I’m the only one. And this time, I promise you… there’s no way out.

Jordan: You won’t find claire! You’ll be back! You’ll be back begging me to help! Victor!

Victoria: Oh, this is it. Number 23.

Cole: Hang on, hang on.

Victoria: Don’t worry.

Cole: I gotta check– I gotta check for signs of a trap. Here.

Victoria: It’s so quiet. What are you looking for?

Cole: There could be a wire. A trigger. Trigger for something here. Anything that looks suspicious. Okay. All right. It looks okay.

Victoria: Hold on. Wait, wait, wait. I’m– I’m scared… of what we might find.

Cole: Listen, I am, too. But we can’t wait any longer on this.

Victoria: Okay.

Cole: All right, listen. Maybe– maybe you just– you should step back, just in case, okay? Just… claire?

Victoria: Claire? Claire, are you in there? It’s mom and dad!

If you’re taking

an antidepressant,

Victoria: Claire? Sweetheart?

Cole: Okay, we gotta go in. Do you have the flashlight?

Victoria: Yeah. It’s here.

Claire: Here. Help me.

Victoria: Oh, my god!

Cole: Claire!

Victoria: Claire!

Ashley: Oh, please, diane. Just back the truck up. Drop the third degree, counselor. When you’ve all decided how I’m supposed to behave, and when I don’t behave that way, you get your shorts in a twist. I’m not some ice queen. I’m a red-blooded woman who had her heart broken. Does that mean I have to have professional help?

Diane: You asked for it yourself the other night. I was there.

Ashley: The more I thought about it, the more I realized it’s just heartbreak. I’ve gotten through it before, and I will get through it now.

Diane: Well, it doesn’t mean you don’t need professional help to do so.

Ashley: I will find my balance if it will get you all off of my back. I’ll try very hard not to be too extra. Although, I do find it very interesting that all of you people can live your lives however you want, messy as they are, without any kind of intervention. Well, I plan on doing the same. I’m gonna have some fun. So, you can either join my party or get out of my way.

[ Phone ringing ] Oh. Tell me something good.

Traci: Ashley, I’m here at the house with your friend, alan. He’s arrived from paris. He’s eager to see you.

Ashley: Oh, that is the best news I’ve had in ages. Tell him I can’t wait to see him. Gotta run.

Diane: What’s the rush?

Ashley: Well, finally, somebody in this town that I can have some fun with. I gotta go carpe some diem.

Diane: Ah, enjoy.

Ashley: Thanks. Oh, diane. Thank you so much for your concern. I mean, if it’s sincere.

Diane: And why wouldn’t it be?

Ashley: Oh, honey. Because you’re you. Ta.

Michael: Where the hell did you go?

Victor: To talk to my security team.

Michael: Well, why not do that with me?

Victor: Do I need my lawyer to talk to my damn security team?

Michael: But, victor, you need to find out–

Victor: Will you stop asking questions, for heaven’s sake? I think I found the answer. Seemingly, that jordan woman used the same alias… renting a hotel room as she did when she rented that storage unit.

Michael: So, you think cole and victoria are correct, that this is the place that jordan stashed claire?

Victor: Yeah, I’m certain of it.

Michael: But it still could be a trap.

Victor: I know how her mind works.

Michael: All right, then we need to get a security team down there. Victoria and cole shouldn’t face this by themselves.

Victor: They’re already on their way. I just hope in time to rescue claire.

Victoria: Oh, my god.

Cole: Claire.

Victoria: Cole, she’s in there, she’s in there. Help me!

Claire: Please get her off. Please, dad, get her off.

Victoria: Get her off!

Cole: Okay. Oh, my gosh.

Victoria: She’s not breathing.

Cole: Come here.

Claire: I can’t– I can’t– I can’T. [ Sobs ]

Victoria: Be careful. Please be careful. Come on, I got you.

[ Claire sobbing ]

Cole: Oh.

Victoria: Come here, I got you. You’re okay now.

Cole: You’re okay, baby.

Victoria: We got you.

Cole: You’re okay now.

Victoria: We’re gonna take you home. Shh, it’s okay.

[ Claire sobs ] No, it’s okay. I’ve got you. This skinny pop is so delicious.

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue.

Victor: Nikki, call me back, please. Third time I’ve left a message for her. She has not called back. It’s not like her.

[ Phone rings ] Yes, darling?

Victoria: We found her, daddy.

Victor: You did?

Victoria: She’s alive. She’s really shaken up, but she’s okay.

Victor: That makes me very happy, sweetheart. Are the police there? Is my team there?

Victoria: No, no, not yet. Uh, but cole will talk to them. I need to get claire some food. Daddy, I really don’t think she’s up to answering any questions right now, no matter what the police want. Cole will handle that, okay?

Victor: You bring claire home as soon as you can. All right? This makes me so happy.

[ Michael laughs ] Wow.

[ Ashley gasps ]

Alan: Ashley!

Ashley: It’s true! You’re really here.

Alan: In the flesh.

Ashley: Oh, I’m so happy to see you.

Alan: Oh, me too. You look wonderful.

Ashley: Did you follow me? Honestly, they are keeping me on such a short leash these days.

Diane: I said I was picking up brownies for harrison. If I’d have known you were coming back here, I would have had you deliver them yourself. Ah, I’m diane, traci and ashley’s sister-in-law. I’m jack’s wife.

Alan: Alan laurent, nice to meet you.

Diane: Nice to meet you. Are you two old friends?

Ashley: No, diane, that’s not going to happen. Alan flew all the way from paris to see me and I’m going to take you out to lunch. Please tell me you’re hungry.

Alan: I am famished.

Ashley: Oh, let’s get out of here. Bye-bye.

Diane: Bye.

Ashley: Bye-bye. I’ve got this great place, you’re gonna love it.

Diane: And that is?

Traci: Ashley’s psychologist friend from paris. I had hoped that he would be able to talk to her one-on-one, but she seems pretty amped up.

Diane: Ah, yeah, I just had a little run-in with her at crimson lights.

Traci: Do you mean a confrontation?

Diane: No, no, not exactly, but I– I think I met one of her alters. She was feisty, but if I’m being honest, a little fun.

Traci: Alters? Are you making a joke? I thought you were trying to help.

Diane: I am. Gosh, I’ve been nothing but supportive, and I have taken my fair share of hits from ashley even before these personality swings of hers.

Traci: Well, you’re being awfully flip about something that is dead serious. It’s almost like you’re enjoying seeing her like this.

Diane: Traci, do you really think that of me?

[ Diane scoffs ] W– when will this family stop punishing me for my past and stop assuming the worst about me? Do I really need to still prove that I’m being sincere?

Traci: Apparently, you do.

Victoria: All right, here you are. Listen, why don’t I make some tea? And– and you can go upstairs and take a hot shower.

Victor: Sweetheart.

Victoria: I imagine you want to get some sleep.

Victor: My goodness, come here. Come here. Tell us what happened.

Victoria: Daddy, she really hasn’t said very much. She’s– she’s shaken up.

Cole: Yeah, we probably should let her get some rest first.

Victoria: Yeah.

Claire: It’s okay. Now, that I’m here, safe with all of you, I… I think I can talk about it. I want to. I want– I want to get it out.

Victor: Okay. Then, why don’t you do that? Sit down, let’s do it, okay?

Claire: After your anniversary party, I went to return harrison’s good luck bunny. He’d shown it to me earlier and… I found it at the lounge. Jordan must have followed me somehow. Gotten into the abbott house. I was upstairs. Harrison had asked me to read him a story. And then, he went to the bathroom and… jordan appeared out of nowhere. She… she chloroformed me.

Victoria: That must have been so terrifying.

Claire: The next thing I knew, I… I was being dragged into that storage unit. I knew if jordan had her way, that was going to be my only chance to escape, so… I fought back hard. I almost got away. But then… that woman collapsed on top of me. I think she must have had a heart attack from all the exertion. I was pinned down. I couldn’t get her off of me. I was trapped underneath her dead weight.

Cole: What, you– you were trapped like that all that time?

Claire: I really thought I was going to die there, too.

[ Claire sniffles ] If you’re one of the millions of people with diabetes

Alan: Ah, thank you.

Ashley: So–

Abby: Mom!

Ashley: Hi!

Abby: Hi. I love this outfit.

Ashley: Thank you.

Abby: Wow, it’s good to see you.

Ashley: You, too. This is alan, my friend from paris. And this is my daughter, abby. She owns this fine establishment.

Alan: Nice to meet you.

Abby: Nice to meet you, all the way from paris. I’m sure you two have a lot to catch up on, so I won’t interrupt. But, um, I’ll send over all your favorites.

Ashley: Perfect.

Abby: Enjoy.

Ashley: We will. So, tell me. How is paris faring without me?

Alan: Well, the city of lights is a bit dimmer.

Ashley: Oh. [ Laughs ] What about you? Are you surviving?

Alan: Oh, I’m managing to get through retirement. Tackling all those home projects I’ve been putting off for years. Getting through that pile of books that’s been haunting me.

Ashley: Yeah.

Alan: How about you? Last time we saw each other in paris, you were, uh… on edge. Upset about your breakup with tucker.

Ashley: I put all that behind me. I’m a new woman, can’t you tell?

Alan: You do seem happier.

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Alan: But I have known you a long time, and you don’t have to pretend with me.

Ashley: Oh, honey.

Abby: Well, this is a new vintage that we’re trying here. I’m sure being from france, you’re a champagne connoisseur.

Ashley: Oh, listen, they drink it like water over there. And you know what? It is the best remedy for jet lag, right?

Alan: Yes. Well, then let’s have some.

Ashley: Okay.

Alan: Mm. It’s very good.

Abby: Hm. Mom, what do you think?

Ashley: Mm. I have never met a glass of bubbles I didn’t like.

Abby: Well, great. Uh, then, it’s on the house.

Ashley: Oh, that’s so sweet of you.

Alan: Oh. Thank you. Would you care to join us?

Abby: You know, actually, um, I’m covering for my manager. So, rain check?

Ashley: Okay, next time.

Abby: Yeah. Bye.

Ashley: Yeah. So… where were we?

Alan: I believe you were telling me how you were doing.

Ashley: Mm. No, I think I was trying to evade that question, actually.

Alan: You’ve been doing a very good job of that so far.

Ashley: Well, we both know that traci and jack flew you here to analyze me, right? They want you to probe my deepest, innermost feelings and thoughts. Is that what you want to do, alan?

[ Michael smooches ]

Lauren: Oh, my goodness. I didn’t think you’d be able to join me. I thought you’d be all tied up with the search. But in the event you were going to show up, look what I ordered you.

Michael: Oh, bless you. Bless you.

Lauren: Oh.

Michael: Good news, finally. They found claire. Alive.

Lauren: Oh. Thank god. Oh, nikki’s going to be so relieved. Jordan dead, claire found. Maybe this nightmare can finally be over.

Michael: Well…

Lauren: And you must be relieved as well.

Michael: Here’s hoping that we’re even more relieved once we get news from los angeles that sheila is indeed very dead.

Lauren: Is that what has you so unsettled? That you’re hoping, like I am, that it really was sheila in the morgue?

Michael: That and, um… I think victor is keeping something from me.

[ Lauren laughs ]

Lauren: Well, of course victor is keeping something from you. That’s how he operates. He always keeps a little detail to himself.

Michael: True. But this time, I don’t think it’s a little detail. I’m afraid it’S… it’s about jordan. About her death.

Lauren: You said that she fell into a river from a height that no one could survive.

Michael: Yeah, that’s what victor told me. But I haven’t been able to confirm it.

Lauren: Oh, you think he’s lying about that?

Michael: Just a sense I have. But I’ve known that man a long time.

Claire: But I knew I had to stop. I couldn’t let myself think about what might happen being trapped there like that. So, I… I imagined being free. Back out in the world. Being here. With you. Being safe in my room. And I got angry. Thinking about jordan. Everything she’s done to me. To all of you. That anger gave me the strength to maneuver myself so that I could get the phone out of that woman’s pocket and I could call you. But then the phone died and I… had to try not to panic all over again.

Victoria: The call was garbled. I– I couldn’t hear anything but a faint voice. I couldn’t make out what you were saying. Just one word. Mom.

Cole: Your mother. She knew it was you. She insisted that we go to that motel room where they found harrison. And even though the police said they had searched it, she knew there had to be a clue. There had to be something there that was going to tell us where you were.

Claire: Motel? Oh, my god, she took harrison too? Is he okay?

Victoria: He’s okay. He’s safe.

[ Claire exhales sharply ]

Claire: How did you find me?

Victoria: There was a doll in the room and…

Cole: It was like the ones that my mother used to collect.

Victoria: Jordan had hidden a set of keys in the back of the doll. And they looked like the ones that billy had from that same storage facility.

Cole: We took a gamble. You know the rest.

Claire: Harrison’s okay? You promise? Can I see him?

Victoria: He’s safe, I promise you. I don’t think that kyle and summer are going to let him out of their sight anytime soon, but he’s safe.

Claire: He must have been so scared. He must still be so scared. That… that trauma. Where is she? Where’s jordan? Did they arrest her? We can’t ever let her hurt that sweet boy ever again.

Victor: The bitch is dead.

If you have chronic

kidney disease you can reduce

Ashley: In spite of the fact that none of my siblings actually has a medical degree, they’ve decided that something’s wrong with me. And that’s why you’re here. They want you to figure out what that is.

Alan: Yeah. I’m aware of the reasons your family has very suddenly offered me a first class ticket here to genoa city. And I believe you are too.

Ashley: Mm-hmm. So, you mean to tell me that the only reason you’re here is on a professional level?

Alan: Well, look, of course I, um, want to know how you’re doing. Last time I saw you, you were struggling and that concerns me. But, as I told traci, I’m retired, I no longer have a license to practice in the united states, and I would never treat a friend.

Ashley: Hm. We are good friends, aren’t we?

Alan: Yes. I took their offer so I could be with one of my favorite people. Your last trip to paris was very brief and, well, I wanted to see the place you called home. It always brings you back. But, if you don’t want me here, it is– it is an open ticket. I can– I can go back any time.

Ashley: Oh, no, I want you here. I really want you here. And of course, I’m thrilled to show you around town, but I just have to let you in on a tiny little secret. The rumors about my, uh, mental breakdown? Highly exaggerated.

Alan: Well, I’m glad to hear that.

Ashley: Oh, of course. Oh, my sweetie, you are the answer to my prayers. The perfect solution for ashley. This visit will not be clinical at all. Time for some joie de vivre.

Lauren: Well, if sheila is lurking in the shadows, she better not come anywhere near me or she’s going to be sorry.

Michael: Ooh, my warrior wife.

Lauren: Well, luckily I have other things to focus on. I’m very busy at work. This morning, I filled in for nikki on a big meeting. I mean, she just felt like it was too much coming into the office today, which is completely understandable given everything that’s been going on. She was very confident that you and victor would find claire, but it was just, you know, waiting on that news was having her worried sick.

Michael: What? She didn’t show up at the office, where’d she go?

Lauren: She went home. Why?

Michael: Just now?

Lauren: Hours ago.

Michael: I’ve been at the ranch with victor all morning. She wasn’t there and victor’s been trying to reach her.

Lauren: Nikki, it’s lauren. Call me as soon as you can.

Michael: Straight to voicemail?

Lauren: Yes.

Michael: That’s what victor was getting.

Lauren: Jack, hi, it’s lauren. Have you seen nikki? I– I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. Call me when you can.

Claire: The fact that she kidnapped harrison, an innocent child, just proves she was beyond redemption.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Claire: I’m glad she’s dead. I’m grateful. For the sake of everyone that she’s hurt, who just had to live in fear of her.

Victoria: That would be all of us. But mostly you.

Claire: Is it true? Am I really finally free of her?

Victor: I promise you, she’ll never hurt anyone again.

Jordan: You will not win. You will not win. You will not win. You will not beat me. You will not beat me. I will find a way out of this hellhole. And I will make you pay… victor newman!

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