Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Abby meets with Billy without telling Devon to try and see if she can arrange a truce between Billy and Devon. When Abby talks to both of them, she gets the impression Billy wants to kick Devon out of the company. Devon talks to Nate and Chance because he does want to kick Billy out of the company. Chance and Nate tell Devon that they will always do what is best for the company but they won’t get in the middle of the fighting between him and Billy.

Nikki continues to drink inside the hotel room at the Athletic Cub. Nikki passes out and has a nightmare that Victoria and Nick reject her because they blame her for what happened to Claire and Harrison. Jack sees Nikki come out of the hotel room and thinks she is drunk because she is slurring her speech and is wobbly when she walks. Nikki runs back into her room and tries to shut the door but Jack holds on to the door and tells Nikki to let him in the room.

Ashley’s friend Alan is concerned that Ashley is acting differently when she can’t remember the details of how they met each other. Ashley’s Ms. Abbott personality takes over again because she thinks Belle will send Ashley to the psychiatric ward.

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