Y&R Best Lines Monday, April 8, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Ash: Geez, how many messages could one person leave? I love you, Trace, but youā€™re a pain in the butt. No. No. No. No. Oh. Iā€™ve got to find Tucker and scare him off. Itā€™s the only way to protect Ashley before she takes back control and does something stupid. Hi, hi. Uh, can I please get a ginger ale? Wait, umā€¦ Iā€™m gonna have a martini.


Ashley: So gross! Why would anybody drink that?

Audra: Oh, just what I need.

Ash: Hey! Hi.

Audra: Excuse me?

Ash: I need to talk to Tucker. Itā€™s really important.

Audra: Are you for real?

Ash: Yeah.

Audra: You know, you are unbelievable.

Ash: I just need to talk to Tucker, okay? I justā€“ thatā€™s all.

Audra: ā€œThatā€™s all?ā€ Yeah, whatā€™s it gonna take for you to finally get the message that Tucker is done with you? Utter and complete public humiliation? Because that can be easily arranged.

Youā€™re the one that I want

Ash: No, I donā€™t want anybody to be humiliated.

Audra: Too bad youā€™re doing that all by yourself.

Ash: Iā€™m not who you think I am.


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