GH Short Recap Friday, April 12, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Tracy advises Brook Lynn not to buy Chase a truck to replace the one he sold to pay for their honeymoon. Tracy explains to Brook Lynn that buying Chase a truck would negate his beautiful gesture that he did for her.

Sasha struggles to find a new job but she doesn’t regret leaving Deception.

Jason asks Diane to buy Nina’s half of the Metro Court so he can return it to Carly. Diane explains that Carly has turned down offers to loan her the money from Michael, Olivia, and Sonny because she wants to buy back the hotel with her own money. Jason tells Diane he will handle Carly. She should just make Nina an offer for her half of the hotel. Nina tells Diane if she did want to sell her half of the hotel, Jason would have to pay nine percent above market value.

Alexis tells Gregory she can’t go with him to Brook Lynn’s wedding because that is the day of her disbarment appeal.

Lucy presents Deceptions a new moisturizer at Home & Heart Channel, but the presentation doesn’t go well because she only talks about herself.

Carly tells Jason she thinks Sonny had two guys beat up John Cates.

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