GH Short Recap Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Michael and Willow go to the Metro Court to celebrate their wedding anniversary a few weeks early because their actual anniversary is close to Brook Lynn and Chase’s wedding.

Willow considers leaving the hospital and working for a charity in order to spend more time with her kids.

Carly rescues John when two guys beat him up outside of the Corinthians coffee office

Diane tells Jason the details of how Carly lost the Metro Court.

Nina asks Drew to put her on the board of Aurora Media so Michael won’t be able to ignore her. Drew and Nina have a heated argument and later they have sex.

Jason tells Diane to tell Sonny he intends to take back his half of Corinthos coffee and work at the Coffee office. Diane delivers the message to Sonny. Sonny arrives at the office later and tells Jason that he doesn’t want him there.

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