Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Nikki is unaware that Jordan is listening to her conversation with Jack because Jordan is dressed as a man. Jack persuades Nikki to go on vacation with Victor despite her fears that she will be more tempted to drink while on vacation. Jack tells Nikki that she can call him anytime while she is on vacation if she needs to talk to him.

Ashley cries and admits she has had memory lapses for some time now and she is scared because she can’t remember where she has been or how she got there. Traci persuades Ashley to go see the doctor so they can figure out what is wrong with her. Ashley asks Traci not to tell Jack about her memory lapses or she won’t go to the doctor.

Tucker asks Audra to marry him in a dining room at the Athletic Club decorated to look like a Parisian restaurant playing romantic music in French.

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