Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, March 6, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Audra tells Tucker she is done with him professionally and personally because he can’t get Ashley out of his mind.

Jack and Tracy worry that there is something seriously wrong with Ashley and want to figure out a way to help her.

Tucker tells Ashley he wants her to get phycological help and how he will not give up until she sees a phycologist.

Adam talks to Sally about Connor’s OCD and the treatment option the doctor advised them to do for Connor. Adam explains to Sally that Connor is terrified about going to the retreat for treatment. Sally tells Adam that he has to do what is best for Connor even if it is hard for him to do.

Phyllis gets caught by Christine and Danny and they figure out she pulled the fire alarm to stop them from making love. Danny and Christine go back upstairs to their hotel room and finish what they were doing before they were interrupted by the fire alarm.

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