GH Short Recap Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Maxie tells Cody and Sasha to stay out of her love life and concentrate on their own love lives. Sasha and Cody admit they enjoyed spending time together while they were trying to get Maxie and Spinelli together. Sasha tells Cody she isn’t ready for a relationship yet. Cody tells Sasha that if they have a friendship or a romantic relationship, either is fine with him because he just enjoys spending time with her.

Alexis is upset when Nina introduces her to a gossip columnist that she intends to hire to do a column for the Invader. Alexis tells Nina she doesn’t trust her to do what is best for the Invader when they can’t even agree on possible employees.

Dante’s family gathers at the hospital as Dante fights for his life. Ava and Spinelli are shocked to see Jason on the surveillance footage captured on his drone. Ava heads to the hospital to show Sonny the drone footage. Sonny is shocked to see Jason on the surveillance footage. Maxie goes to Spinelli’s apartment to talk to him about their relationship because he has just seen a ghost.

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