Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, December 19, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Tucker: Can I buy you a drink?

Phyllis: Don’t– don’t do that. Don’t look over my shoulder and read my text, creeper.

Tucker: I wasn’t reading your text. That was me offering to buy you an adult beverage.

Phyllis: That’s a lie.

Tucker: No. Cross my heart, hope to die.

Phyllis: I’m gonna take a pass, but thank you.

Tucker: But you and I are such good friends.

Phyllis: No, we’re not. Go away. How’s that


Phyllis: You know, the last time I listened to one of your propositions, it did not work out great for me.

Tucker: Are you sure? Because you were able to wipe out your substantial debt. So, it seems like it worked out, at least for you.

Phyllis: Ah, that’s because I outschemed your scheme.

Tucker: Yeah. Right. That’s exactly why I think you should hear me out. So, I’m– I’m making moves to build this new company and I’m going to need a top-tier I.T. Department which of course is where you come in.

Phyllis: I already have a job. Thank you.

Tucker: Uh-huh. Working for someone who works for someone who’s the head of I.T. at… what’s it called? Omegasphere?

Phyllis: That’s not what it is exactly.

Tucker: Yeah. Well, that might be a great opportunity for some young up-and-coming tech hopeful, but hardly befits someone of your talent.


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