Days Update Thursday, February 15, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Brady goes to the DiMera Mansion with balloons, flowers, and a teddy bear. Kristen answers the door and acknowledges that he went all out. Brady says it’s all for Rachel because she is his valentine.

Xander is handcuffed to the chair in the interrogation room as Sarah enters the room.

Everett goes to the Spectator office where Stephanie asks if he’s seen him. Everett says no as Chad comes out from the back from having stayed in the office and asks who they are looking for. Stephanie says they were looking for him as she hugs Chad and thanks God that he’s okay.

Ava and Stefan go to the police station. Jada thanks them for getting there so quickly. Stefan says they are happy to help in any way they can. Ava asks if she knows how Harris is doing. Jada informs her that Harris made it through the night but he did suffer serious internal damage so he’s not out of the woods yet. Stefan asks what she needs from them. Jada responds that she has some questions. Stefan says the answer is no, they did not notice any unusual activity at the Bistro last night. Ava asks if Jada knows why Harris was shot. Jada says not yet, but they have a person of interest in custody and they reviewed Harris’ phone messages which revealed someone sent him a text message, luring him to the docks. Ava asks if they know who sent the message. Jada responds that Ava did, shocking Ava and Stefan.

Stephanie tells Chad that they were so worried. Chad thanks them for the messages and apologizes for not responding as it’s just been a little insane with the horror of what happened and getting everyone settled at the Kiriakis Mansion. Stephanie points out that he’s still at work. Chad says he luckily had a change of clothes in the back. Everett asks what they can do to help. Stephanie urges Chad to lean on them.

Xander asks how Sarah is doing. Sarah responds that she’s exhausted and confused as she doesn’t know what’s happened. Xander says he doesn’t either and asks about Victoria. Sarah says she took her to Maggie at the Kiriakis Mansion. Xander swears on their daughter’s life that he did not do this as he has nothing against Harris Michaels, so he did not shoot him and she has to believe him.

Kristen brings Rachel in to the living room to see Brady. Rachel runs up and hugs him, wishing him a Happy Valentine’s Day. Brady presents her with the teddy bear and asks how her school party was. Rachel says it was really good as she got 22 valentines. Kristen asks Rachel about Brady’s Valentine’s card. Rachel says it’s almost ready but she has to add one more thing to make it perfect, so she runs back to get it. Brady tells Kristen that he’s grateful that she let him come for this. Kristen calls him Rachel’s special valentine and acknowledges that he has been ever since she was born. Kristen comments on being envious since today is a day to celebrate romance and she’s been feeling the absence of that in her life more than usual. Brady says there’s a lot of reasons for that and hopes she doesn’t have any delusions of them getting back together. Brady assures Kristen that she will never be getting Valentine’s gifts from him.

Ava swears to Jada that she did not send that text message. Ava shows her phone. Jada says that texts can be deleted, so there will be a warrant issued to check her phone records. Ava says that’s fine as she has a strong alibi that she was at work all night and she can check their security footage. Jada says her phone number could have been ghosted and they will investigate all possibilities. Jada adds that she’ll be in touch if any more questions arise. Jada thanks them for coming in and exits. Ava can’t believe that Harris thought that she texted him and declares that he got shot because of her. Stefan encourages that it’s not her fault. Stefan offers to take Ava to lunch since she hasn’t eaten but Ava says she’s not hungry and walks out of the station.

Brady asks Kristen what is taking Rachel so long. Kristen says Rachel is working on his card as she wants it to be perfect. Kristen asks about Tate. Brady says he’s better at a juvenile rehab center so he and Theresa hope to see him tomorrow. Kristen questions Theresa going with him. Brady points out that she is Tate’s mother. Kristen asks how she could forget.

Xander assures Sarah that having her and Victoria in his life has changed him and he knows he’s capable of being the man he wants to be. Sarah doesn’t doubt that. Xander says he’s grateful for that but he also knows she’s given him more chances than he deserves, so if she’s here to say goodbye, he doesn’t blame her. Xander admits that Sarah and Victoria are probably better off without him.

Chad thanks Stephanie and Everett for their support. Stephanie asks how Doug and Julie are doing. Chad says they were in shock, but they were both very brave and just grateful that no one got hurt, especially the kids. Chad mentions that Doug and Julie are out picking up clothes for the kids for the week. Stephanie asks how Thomas and Charlotte are. Chad says they are good and still went to school to not miss out on the Valentine’s festivities. Chad adds that Marlena is coming by later to talk to them. Stephanie informs him that she picked up some slippers, pajamas, and teddy bears which Chad says they will love. Stephanie gets a text about the geocaching event and she has to get a permit before the event can start. Chad forgot that was today and asks if they have coverage on it. Everett assures they are all good. Chad thanks him for being on top of that. Stephanie says she will go deal with the permit issue and hugs Chad, repeating that she’s so relieved that he is okay. Stephanie then exits the office. Everett then asks Chad to tell him what’s really going on. Chad admits that he thinks it was arson and someone was trying to kill them. Chad says it was a normal night and the kids had just gone upstairs where Doug was going to read them a story before bed. Chad adds that he and Julie went upstairs to go to bed and then they heard some noise, came back down and saw the fire with smoke everywhere. Chad says that Julie luckily got Doug and the kids out while he tried to extinguish the flames but couldn’t, so Julie dragged him out and they watched the house burn down from across the street. Chad says the fire department came and put it out. Everett tells Chad that he’s so sorry for what he’s gone through and asks if he fears for his safety. Chad confirms that he does.

Kristen questions Brady seeing a lot of Theresa lately. Brady admits he has more than usual because of the situation with Tate. Kristen points out that they are also working closely too. Brady tells her not to take this chance to badmouth Theresa as he’s not interested in hearing her take, especially when it could be influenced by jealousy. Kristen admits that maybe it is as she’s been bereft of romance for quite a long time, so knowing that Theresa is getting a lot of Brady’s attention and she also has Alex wrapped around her finger, so she’s a bit envious. Kristen doesn’t like going to bed alone night after night and assumes Brady is too. Kristen asks if he’s okay with that. Brady assures that he is. Kristen knows things have been a little rough between them for the last few months, but says times are changing and it seems they are changing. Kristen feels they have grown up in the past few months and are starting to understand each other a bit more, so she was thinking they could explore the possibility of a relationship again. Brady says it’s times like this when he just knows that she is certifiable.

Stephanie goes to the police station and tells Jada that she’s amazing for reminding her to get the sign off from the parks department. Jada says she knows how important the event is and that they could all use some light hearted fun after the last 24 hours. Stephanie asks how Harris is doing. Jada admits he had a rough night, but she heard he’s stable. Stephanie says she’s praying for him. Jada says that’s all they can do right now.

Ava goes to the chapel and lights a candle as she begins to pray. Ava knows she might not deserve God’s grace, but says Harris sure does. Ava prays for God to give Harris the strength to survive. Stefan enters and sits next to Ava, holding her hand.

Sarah tells Xander that she realizes she has every reason to walk away right now, but she won’t and she can’t because she knows the man that made love to her last night, who adores his daughter, is incapable of killing another human being in cold blood. Sarah states that if Xander tells her that he didn’t do it then she believes him. Xander thanks her and declares that her and Victoria are his life. Justin then arrives, announcing he is Xander’s attorney and wants to speak to his client. Sarah thanks him for coming and tells Xander that she told Justin what happened. Xander complains that the cops just showed up at his door and arrested him for no reason as far as he could tell. Justin is sure it was a shock, but says he is here now and the family is here for both of them. Justin says when he left the house, Maggie and Julie were taking turns with Victoria while Doug was reading to Thomas and Charlotte. Sarah asks how they are doing. Justin says as well as expected. Xander questions what he’s missing. Sarah informs him about the fire at the Horton house which shocks Xander. Justin says they are all staying at the Kiriakis Mansion now. Xander guesses that explains all the sirens he heard and wonders what the hell happened in Salem last night. Xander says that Doug and Julie must be devastated. Sarah comments that it wasn’t just their home, but part of the history of the town and the spirit of Salem.

Stefan tells Ava that it’s kind of surprising to find her in the chapel as he never took her as the praying type. Ava responds that maybe he doesn’t know her as well as he thinks. Stefan asks if there’s any news on Harris. Ava says she stopped by the nurse’s desk but they wouldn’t let her in as they said family only, so she figured the only way she could help Harris now is to pray.

Stephanie asks Jada what she and Rafe are doing for Valentine’s Day. Jada says they haven’t really talked about anything but work with Harris being shot and all the craziness. Stephanie responds that she would love it if Jada and Rafe joined her and her guy for a Valentine’s Day dinner. Jada calls that really sweet. Stephanie says her guy and Rafe are both very funny. Jada agrees that they are in. Stephanie declares that she can’t wait for Valentine’s Day with two of her favorite people.

Everett asks Chad if he still feels threatened. Chad confirms he does and reveals that he got a call while watching the house burn down from an unknown number and a distorted voice that said “maybe next time, you’ll listen”.

Brady questions Kristen wanting to explore the possibility of a relationship, reminding her that when they were together it was a train wreck and since they’ve been apart, it’s been a nightmare for him since he hasn’t been able to see his daughter. Kristen asks if he doesn’t think people can change and that something wonderful can still be there, waiting to be ignited. Brady says not in this case and talks about her being malicious, vindictive, evil, and inflicting pain. Kristen admits she’s behaved badly at times but she did it because she loves him and she was desperate not to lose him. Brady questions that excusing her doing rotten things. Kristen says it’s not okay, but understandable. Brady brings up everyone else that Kristen has screwed over and lives that she tried to ruin. Brady talks about Kristen drugging Eric, forcing him to have sex with her, and recording it to make sure he was ousted from the priesthood. Kristen stops him and says they don’t want Rachel to hear him. Brady shouts that she raped his brother. Kristen calls that harsh words and says it doesn’t fit with what happened between them. Kristen adds that Eric has forgiven her. Brady argues that Eric may have said that to her, but no human being can forgive something that cruel and destructive. Kristen brings up Brady threatening her with a gun in front of their daughter and asks if that’s not cruel and destructive. Brady blames her provoking him but says he was never going to hurt her. Brady states that stealing a fetus and implanting it in herself was probably her most diabolical thing. Kristen argues that she did it out of love. Brady asks if that exonerates her. Brady declares that Kristen’s idea of love has nothing to do with love, but with possessiveness, revenge, and selfishness. Brady adds that Kristen keeps claiming to have changed but she keeps making the same mistakes. Rachel then runs back in, yelling for Brady to stop and not speak to Kristen like that. Brady apologizes but Rachel argues that they always say sorry and they always fight. Kristen tries to say that they don’t but Rachel says that’s lying. Brady says they have a complicated relationship but they both love her. Rachel shouts at them both to shut up. Rachel then rips up her Valentine’s card for Brady and says she hopes he’s happy now. Kristen tells Brady to just go. Brady tells Rachel that he loves her and he’s sorry as he then exits. Kristen hugs Rachel and tells her that it will be alright.

Everett tells Chad that it looks like their article struck a nerve with Clyde after all but proving it won’t be easy. Everett worries that Clyde has the means to continue his campaign of terror for quite some time. Chad says he cannot let that happen as Clyde murdered his wife and tried to kill him and his kids, so he has to finish this. Everett tells Chad to let him help him finish it as they have more of a chance of success if he helps. Chad says it won’t be pretty. Everett responds that he’s all in for down and dirty if it means getting Clyde out of their lives for good.

Ava tells Stefan that it’s so hard not to be close to Harris right now. Ava asks if Stefan thinks Clyde will go after Gabi or Tripp now. Stefan says no, since they had nothing to do with the raid or the article, so the best thing they can do is stay put and lie low until they hear from Clyde. Ava worries that they will never be free of Clyde. Stefan declares that they made their choices and as long as that son of a bitch is breathing, they are at his mercy.

Justin tells Xander to walk him through last night as he understands he went for a run. Xander confirms that he did and it was late as he usually runs earlier, but he needed to clear his head. Justin asks where he ran. Xander says he went through the town square and passed by the Bistro on his way home. Justin asks if he heard anything. Xander says he heard nothing until he got home and then it seemed like sirens were coming from all directions. Justin questions Xander about the “is it done?” text on his phone. Xander says he has no idea. Justin assumes the police will get a warrant for his cell phone records. Xander admits that a few days ago, he got a call, asking him to eliminate someone. Sarah is shocked while Justin questions him just mentioning this now instead of going to the police. Xander knows he should have. Jada comes back in to the room, so Justin tells her that he wants his client arraigned now, so they can set bail and get him out. Jada responds that she wouldn’t be getting his hopes up. Jada then opens a box and presents a gun.

Stephanie joins Everett in the town square, where people are participating in the geocaching event. Stephanie comments on the turnout. Everett says she did good. Stephanie informs him that she invited her friends to dinner tonight as they’ve been going through a lot and she knows that they could use a care free night. Stephanie adds that she’s been wanting to introduce them to him as he’s responsible for the smile on her face as they kiss.

Brady sits outside the DiMera Mansion, questioning how he could let this happen again.

Kristen encourages Rachel to drink water and calm down. Rachel complains that she doesn’t want to calm down and asks why Kristen and Brady always have to fight.

Ava asks Stefan how she let this happen to her. Stefan responds that he let it happen to him too as they both felt they had no choice since Clyde got to them when they were vulnerable. Ava doesn’t like vulnerable as she’s supposed to be strong and fierce with no one intimidating her. Ava admits she was weak and now the last thought in Harris’s head is that she needed him. Ava states that Harris was on the dock because of her as she starts to cry. Stefan encourages that they are not alone in this and that they will get through it together.

Sarah questions the gun. Jada responds that it was recovered in Xander’s apartment last night and ballistics just confirmed that it’s the same gun that shot Harris Michaels.

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