GH Short Recap Thursday, February 1, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Tracy helps Brook Lynn and Chase have their dream wedding in Port Charles. Tracy persuades Lois that a formal wedding with a string quartet will be beautiful. Tracy agrees to fly all the wedding guests to Coney Island for a fun rehearsal dinner party the night before the wedding.

Adam is finally able to tell his father what he wants to do with his life with Felicia, Carly, and Joseph standing by his side for support. Adam tells his father he is going back to PCU and he will get a job and put himself through school to study music not medicine. Adam tells his father that they will talk on the phone soon. Adam’s father tells him he is making a mistake, but he backs down and leaves.

Michael wants to resign from Aurora since he can’t help Drew with his revenge plan against Nina. Drew tells Michael he respects his honesty and he passed the test, so he tears up Michael’s resignation letter.

The French police presume Spencer and Esme are dead after they both went into the water after Spencer stopped Esme from injecting Trina with the same drug with which she injected him. Trina believes in her heart that Spencer is still alive but, eventually, she says a painful goodbye to him. Curtis tells Laura that the police told him that they will search for Spencer and Esme’s bodies for forty-eight hours and if they don’t find the bodies they will assume that the bodies floated into the English Channel.

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