Y&R Short Recap Thursday, February 1, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

A drunk Nikki arrives at Jack’s office and tells him she had three drinks when she learned that Jordan may have broken out of prison after the fire. Jack takes Nikki to a meeting. Nikki and Jack return to her office so she can do some work and Victor arrives when Jack is about to leave and he wonders what Jack is doing in Nikki’s office.

Daniel tells Heather they can’t be together until he talks to Lily. Lucy is listening behind the door and is glad that her parents will soon be together.

Ashley and Traci talk to a waiter at the cafe in Paris and he tells her that Tucker was rude and he got angry but he didn’t break a wine glass or turn over a chair. Ashley insists that Tucker paid the waiter and the waiter insists nobody paid him. He only told the truth. Ashley calls Tucker and tells him she knows he paid off the waiter. Traci calls Jack, and tells her Ashley was upset and she ran off and she can’t find her.

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