GH Short Recap Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Drew and Carly awaken from a romantic New Years Eve together and Carly can’t believe he is home from Australia. Drew tells Carly that he decided to come home early because he lost patience with the way the deal negotiations were going with this company he wants to buy so he left his team to close the deal. Carly thinks Drew isn’t acting like himself and he explains to Carly that he had a lot of the time to think while he was in prison. Drew tells Carly that he has fallen into the role of peacemaker for the Quartermaine family and he has never felt comfortable in that role.

Scout wakes up and tells Sam (temporarily being played by Lindsay Hartly) that she had a nightmare about going to her new school and she tells Sam and Dante she doesn’t want to go to the new school. Sam tells Scout she doesn’t have to go to the new school and sends her back to bed. Dante and Sam have a talk. Sam decides that she did the right thing by not forcing Scout to go to the new school. She will tell Drew, but she worries about telling him because she thinks he has changed since he got out of prison.

Lois tells Sonny that his family knew who turned Drew and Carly into the SEC. Ned tells Sonny he was not the informant and Michael asked him to keep it a secret to keep peace in the family. Michael tells Sonny he kept it a secret because he loves him and he didn’t want to hurt him and Willow. Michael asks Sonny to let this go because everyone is happy. Sonny tells Michael he wants to know so Michael blurts out that the informant was Nina just as Nina and Willow walk into the Savoy.

Olivia and Lois have a huge argument because Lois had no right to tell Sonny the truth. Lois worries that because she opened her mouth she may have lost her best friend.

Carly gets a call from the Amsterdam Embassy and the person on the phone tells her Bobbie has died.

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