Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
The residents of Genoa City celebrate New Year’s Eve.
Christine and Danny are happy about what the future holds for their rekindled relationship and they go out to dinner to ring in the new year.
Daniel spends New Year’s Eve with Heather and Lucy watching romantic comedies and eating junk food. Daniel tells Heather that Mattie is not going to college this quarter so she can get professional help to deal with the trauma of the fire and the death of her advisor.
Lucy wakes next morning snuggled up with her parents on the couch and she leaves her parents asleep on the couch.
Heather and Daniel wake up and Heather gives Daniel a kiss, and says Happy New Year.
Tucker and Ashley argue about what happened the day they broke up in Paris. Ashley tells Tucker that he yelled at her, broke a glass, and threw a chair on the floor in a public restaurant. Tucker tells Ashley he would never hurt her and he tells Ashley he put the glass down hard on the table and it broke. Tucker also tells Ashley that he knocked the chair down with his foot when he left but he was never violent with her. Ashley and Tucker spend New Year’s Eve drinking alone.
The Baldwin/Fisher family and a few friends join Michael and Lauren as they renew their vows with Kevin officiating the ceremony. Michael and Lauren say their vows to each other and kiss at midnight.
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