Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Josslyn (temporarily played by Courtney Fulk) invites Adam to spend Christmas Eve with her at Carly’s house since she doesn’t want him to spend Christmas Eve alone.
Curtis tells his family he might be admitted into a trial procedure that might help him walk again.
Spencer tells Portia he never knew what love was until he met Trina who makes him a better person. Portia asks Spencer to stay and make Christmas ornaments with them and then hang them on the tree.
Violet tells Jake she overheard her daddy and Uncle Chase talking and she thinks her daddy is going, away. Jake takes Violet to talk to Finn who explains to Violet that he isn’t going away. Finn tells Violet he has to go to court because people think he made a mistake, but he did nothing wrong. Finn assures Violet he will not go away.
Anna and Valentin break up due to circumstances beyond their control even though they still love each other.
Kevin overhears Charlotte talking to herself saying that she is proud of her wound that she got protecting her family. Charlotte wears a necklace that Victor left for her that belonged to Helena. Kevin tells Laura about Charlotte’s necklace and what he heard her say to herself.
Spinelli tells Maxie that a pipe burst in his apartment and it is flooded. Maxie tells Spinelli he can move into the guest room until his apartment is fixed. Spinelli persuades Maxie tell him pay rent. Maxie leaves to go fix the guest room. Felicia thanks Spinelli for going along with her plan to help Maxie get some extra money without making her feel like she is taking charity.
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