GH Short Recap Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Sonny tells Curtis about the connection between Pikeman and the WSB and then he thinks that the person that shot him was after Anna. Anna tells Felicia about the secret WSB operation in the 1980’s that she was involved in with Forsyth and that she thinks he took her copy of the report about the secret operation. Dante tells Sam Forsyth had a key to a bus station locker hidden in his shoe. Dante wants to see what is in the locker before he talks to Anna.

Mr. Brendan turns out to be the head of the WSB and he is also the head of Pikeman. Mr. Brendan tells the man that works for him he intends to get some leverage on Sonny to force Sonny to work for Pikeman. Brendan tells his man that Anna has to be eliminated since Forsyth didn’t do the job.

Esme packs up her things and gets ready to move out of Laura’s apartment.

Cyrus tells Ava he didn’t kill Austin. Cyrus tells Laura he will be gone for a few days to visit his mom.

Blaze comes out to Kristina, but she says she can’t come out to her conservative family.

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