GH Transcript Friday, November 10, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


[ Ned vocalizing ]

If I can I just have to dive in I just have to dive in and believe

Brook Lynn: Okay, Ma. Spill. What did Tracy mean about you leaving?

Lois: Honey [ Scoffs ] Well, you know me. I’m not one to overstay my welcome.  Not that there’s much of a welcome with Tracy.  Of course, she is gone.

Brook Lynn: You’re going, too?

Lois: Honey, the only reason I came here was because of that awful tabloid story about you. But look at you now. You’re fine. You’re more than fine. And, you know, I thought I would get out of your hair.  My work here is done.

Brook Lynn: Your work here is never done, and I kind of like having you in my hair.

Lois: Brookie, my love. Hey. Always and forever I will be here for you. If you need me, I will drop everything for you. So you just say the word, sweetheart, and I will stay exactly where I am.

(Part missing here; we will put it up 11/20)

Eddie?! Can you hear me?!

[ Water splashing ] Oh, god. Eddie! Is that you?! Oh, god. Oh, god, what do I do?

[ Breathing heavily ] Oh, god, please let him be okay.

[ Breathing heavily ] It’s weird to hear you say I’m “fine.” It’s even weirder to realize I actually am. For once, I’m not in any crisis. Hear, hear. But that doesn’t mean I need you any less. Look, ma, it’s been amazing having you here — and a little bit strange while dad is going through this whole “eddie maine” thing.

[ Chuckling ] Strange for you? Growing up, I used to hear all these stories about eddie maine — the rock star, you know, the rebel. But I never saw it for myself until he performed at the savoy. It was like a childhood fairy tale was coming to life. Aww. Eddie maine was — and is — a huge part of your father’s life. And a huge part of my life. I fell for him hard — and he fell for me. Until I discovered that he was actually somebody else. What do you mean, it was your fault? Mac told me that anna, my friend, came home to find someone in her apartment. The lights were off, and the intruder seemed to have a weapon. Anna thought she was in danger, so she fired. And it turned out to be a 15-year-old girl. Oh, good lord. What was she doing at anna’s? We don’t know, but right now she’s in the hospital fighting for her life. Oh, dear. I still don’t see why you think you’re responsible. It was my idea that anna move in to my daughter’s old apartment. If I had just had her stay with us, none of this would have happened. Oh, felicia, you don’t know that. Maxie: Our spring line is all about renewal — updated colors, a softer palette, a whisper of nature. I mean, imagine sasha in this eden with a sweet baby animal by her side. The garden is ready, but where is the baby animal? Oh, it’ll be here. I-I promise. Unfortunately, the lamb I booked got laryngitis, but I called in a favor for a backup. In the meantime, why don’t you shoot sasha getting her groove on in this beautiful garden? I suppose we must. Come, sasha. Are you ready? So, apparently anna mistook charlotte for an intruder in her apartment. How is this even possible? I don’t have all the details yet. But I do know that anna is not reckless, so I guess she must have felt that there was a genuine threat there. Why was charlotte even in anna’s apartment in the first place? Honey, we just don’t know yet. We don’t know. When I left the hospital this morning, she had come out of surgery, but she hasn’t woken up yet. But she will? Yes. She is supposed to make a full recovery. Okay. Alright. Yeah. Thank god. Yes. Anyway, I’m gonna go back over to the hospital later and visit her. But, um… I don’t know. I just wanted you to hear it from me in person. Uh… actually, there’s something else that I need to talk to you about. And it is important. Papa? Nina. Yeah. You’re both here. Together. I wanted to be here when you woke up. How you feeling? My stomach hurts, and [Gulps] My mouth is dry. Oh, there’s, um — here. Here’s some ice chips. Just eat them slowly, okay?

[ Monitor beeping ] Charlotte, what happened? Do you remember? I think so. It was halloween. We were trick-or-treating, and then anna… anna shot me. Thank you for allowing me to stay here last night. I’m very grateful. Um, but I can’t hide out here forever, you know? I have to face valentin, and I — and I have to get him to understand. Anna, I know you want to confront things, but this may not be the right time. Valentin and I — you know, we’re different people, but we’re both fathers. I don’t think I would be ready, if it was me, to accept your explanations at this point.

[ Knock on door ] Dante. Hey. Good. Anna, you’re here. Come on in. You here to arrest me? Ned:

If I can

I just have to dive in

I just have to dive in

I just have to dive in I cannot believe you jumped out of a cake. Yeah, well, katherine bell nearly jumped out of her skin. Surprise!

[ Laughs ] That’s got to be the best revenge. Top 10. Well, I figured they both deserved a swift kick in the pants.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah, but still, I’m — I’m sorry you had to go through all that. Oh, boo hoo. That’s in the rearview mirror. I like to drive towards the future. You’re amazing. Oh, honey. I like to drive down the road, never know where it’s gonna take me, you know? Lots of funny places. Like here, for example. And what did I get? My beautiful, feisty, talented daughter, who’s keeping the musical flame alive. See? It all comes full circle. Living the dream. At least trying to. Well, that’s all we can do. Except your dream happens to have a road full of a lot of potholes, so you just got to make sure that those potholes don’t kick you off course. Felicia, let’s just get one thing straight. No crystal ball in the world could have predicted that girl being at anna’s apartment. Well, you’re right, but, recently, someone burned down anna’s house. She’s been stalked and threatened, and I should have seen the danger signs. How? What happened at anna’s place was a crime. But your heart was in the right place, offering her a fresh start. I just wanted to keep her safe.

[ Voice breaking ] I never imagined this. Felicia, felicia, you — you’ve been a good friend to anna. The real culprit is out there. And let’s just pray that they’re soon behind bars. Grandmother, if this is about my father… don’t bother.

[ Sighs ] I realize that you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he’s been absent from my life for too long and now he’s done the same thing to ace and I just don’t have it in me anymore. I don’t have it in me to forgive him. You’re not gonna do yourself any good by feeding this anger, of course. I know, I know, which is why I’m channeling all of that energy into taking care of ace — because i can be there for him and I can make sure that he feels safe and secure. And he doesn’t need a father because he…has me. I am so sorry to interrupt. Kevin told me that you were both here. I have news that can’t wait. Hey. It’s okay. It’s okay. I didn’t know anna would shoot me. It was an accident, charlotte. A terrible, terrible accident. She — she thought that you were an intruder. She didn’t know it was you. Is that what she said? I saw her this morning, and she feels terrible. She’s so worried about you. She thought that someone was breaking in, and she — she fired in self-defense. What did anna tell you, papa? There’s no warrant out for your arrest. Look, anna, I’m here as a friend and to let you know about some stuff from the pcpd. Don’t compromise yourself for me. It’s nothing that would compromise myself. It’s the contents of charlotte’s backpack. But before we get into that, I wanted to know — how do you think she got into your apartment? I don’t know. Do you think there’s a chance that maybe you didn’t lock your door? What do you think? Given everything that I’ve been through the past few months? Anna, I don’t know. I’m trying to help you. Maybe you didn’t lock your door. No, I’m just saying — I locked the door. That’s what tipped me off that there was an intruder. Because when I got back from seeing robert, the door was unlocked. And I thought that maybe this person that had been terrorizing me was inside. And that’s why I pulled my gun. And made the worst mistake of my life.

Dupixent helps you du more

with less asthma. Alright, sasha, ready to return to eden? Relax and make friends with the camera. We are here to capture the essence of you, eh? But no pressure. Okay.

[ Speaking spanish ]

Muy hermosa, que linda.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Camera shutter clicking ] Uh-huh. Very nice. But what is with your shoulders? Loosen those bones. We are in paradise. What’s there to worry about?

[ Camera shutter clicking ] Beautiful. Flow. Yes! Now you are with us.

[ Chuckles ] Anybody order a baby alpaca?

[ Camera shutter clicking ] Esme, uh — I think I found the perfect place. It’s on the ground floor. I mean, it’s right by a park. Wait, what? It’s a tad pricey, but it’s so safe. And if you’re still willing to chip in, and with my earnings from the invader, I think it’s the perfect place for me and ace. I have an appointment in 45 minutes. Cancel it. You’re not taking ace anywhere. Charlotte, I haven’t spoken to anna. I haven’t left you. I’ve been too worried. Okay, papa. I know that you left jake and the others on halloween night. And I know you changed your halloween costume. Why did you do that? Why did you go to anna’s? How did you get into her apartment? Voicemail. That’s all you can do for now. I’m worried about mac. He may be the one who has to arrest anna. And my brother-in-law, robert — will he be the one who has to prosecute her or recuse himself from the case? It’s all a big mess right now.

[ Sighs ] You need a breather. Why don’t you take tomorrow off? No, no dice, stella. If I don’t stay busy, I’m gonna spend the entire day worrying about anna. You’re right. Drink your tea. One of the items found in charlotte’s backpack was — was a key with a — with a keychain in the shape of a shoe. Does that ring any bells? It sounds like the one maxie gave me for her apartment. Did you lose it? Must have. Yeah, I did. Um, I didn’t know that I had until I was taking some things to the apartment and I realized it was gone. And so the super gave me a duplicate. When is the last time you had the key? Um… I think I showed it to valentin. Charlotte was there at his house. What? Okay, now you’re confusing me, ma. I feel like I’m getting mixed messages. No, no, not at all. All I’m saying is, the music business is… it’s like the roller derby, right? There’s a sweet jackpot, but it’s ruthless. I mean, you think that you’re ahead, and then all of a sudden, here comes mary choppins on the left. She’s got an elbow jab. Boom! Mary choppins? You know my motto. No fight, no win. There you go. So, are you and blaze ready to go into battle? I feel like we are. I mean, with blaze’s chops and my songs, I feel like — like this is my chance, you know, to — to really build something from the ground up. Yes. And that is a long way to go. And there is a much easier life. Your granny’s gift of deception. Ned: Ahh

if I can

I just have to dive in

I just have to dive in

and believe my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dihting! I need morning! Okay. Alright. I just texted brook lynn, thanking her for borrowing the alpaca. Could you go get him, cody? We need him for the next setup. Look away, “sash-**.”

[ Camera shutter clicking ] Just like that, “sash-**.” Cody? Perfect! Breathe in the air. This is eden. Spencer, I’m gonna go look at that apartment. Unless you’ve changed your mind about helping me with the rent.

[ Stammers ] Grandmother…

[ Sighs ] No, honey, I haven’t changed my mind. I’m looking forward to seeing it. What? What? Just a minute. And after I’ve seen it, if we think it’s a safe place, I will co-sign the lease. Esme, we’ve been through this, okay? You’ve thought about moving out before, and I think that you came to your own realization that ace was better off where he is. He’s happy, he’s in a safe home, and he’s surrounded by family. Spencer, a lot has changed since then. I am more confident as a mother now, and ace and i are ready to be on our own. How do you know what ace is ready for? Spencer, I am his mother. My job is to make decisions for him. I have to go. I have an appointment. No. How could you do this? Charlotte, what were you hoping to find at anna’s? You know, valentin, charlotte — she just woke up. She’s — she’s doing great. She — she just needs to rest, okay? So maybe our questions can wait and she can focus on getting better. It’s okay, nina. I want to tell you what happened. Papa needs to know. Sonny: It’s pretty obvious charlotte used that key to get into your apartment. I’m just trying to figure out how she got it, you know? I mean, did she find it? Did she take it? Why would she take it? That doesn’t make any sense. Well, maybe the other items from her backpack could shed some light. What items? Spray paint. Same brand, same color that was used to write “murderer” on your front door. Thank you for taking the time to sit with me, stella. I know there are a lot of people that count on you. How is curtis doing? Curtis is a fighter. But every time I look at him, I see the pain behind his eyes. He had such a zest for life — running, boxing, dancing. Like the sisters said, “he was the greatest dancer.” Not anymore. I’m sorry, stella. Is that why you’re staying in port charles and not going to london to be with your cousin? Yes… and no. Was that a subtle “don’t quit your day job” jab, that you don’t think that I have what it takes to take blaze over the top?

[ Chuckles ]

Au contraire, honey bear. No. The song that you and chase played for me has the perfect hook. I just want to make sure that you understand what you’re setting yourself up for. What happened to “do what you love and the money will come”? Of course it will come, but it is a 24/7 job, no weekends, no holidays. Or you can have an easier life — deception. Too many bad memories and lost friendships. Why not just take the company back and just hand it over to your friends? I mean, that would really spite tracy. Not that you and I would ever do anything purely for spite. Who, us?

[ Both chuckle ] So, what do you say, brookie, hmm? Want to stick it to granny?

[ Woman vocalizing ] Brook lynn: Don’t you recognize us, daddy? Ned: I am not your daddy. My name is eddie maine. That’s all I know. You are ned quartermaine. I’m not ned. Stubborn as ever. Classic quartermaine. Olivia: Remember us. Remember who you used to be. Nothing is going to change me into someone that I’m not. Olivia: There are people who still need you. Your mother and your daughter and our son. Ned quartermaine isn’t just a name. You are my husband, and we need you back. My beautiful wife. I am holding on to you, and I’ll be damned if I ever let go. Ned:

The siren waits for me eddie!

[ Gasping ] Eddie!

[ Inhales sharply ]

She whispers so silently ultomiris is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis there’s a lot of red spray paint in the world. Just because charlotte had the same brand, the same color doesn’t prove anything. I mean, it was halloween. So, you know, kids are tagging everything at that point, right? Graffiti? Yeah. Well, that would explain the other costume she had in her backpack, but — what — what if it’s worse than that? Because I’ve identified, I think, the person that’s been targeting me, and he’s from my early years at the wsb. And this individual is ruthless enough to co-opt a child. Anna, hold on — and what if he is using charlotte to get to me? If that is the case, then — I-I have to talk to valentin. Whoa — what, are we just gonna let her go? I switched my costume because I didn’t think papa would like me going as one of my tarot card characters.

[ Sniffles ] He doesn’t like when I do the cards. I never said that. I can tell. Whenever I ask to do a reading on you, you say no. Charlotte, you still haven’t said why you went to anna’S. I found her key. She showed it to us. It must have fallen out of her purse. I just wanted to give it back. I knocked on the door, and no one answered, so I let myself in. I was gonna leave a note, but… that’s when she came in and shot me. Okay. That’s enough. Charlotte needs to rest. I only wanted to help, papa. Are you angry with me? No. No, no. I love you. I will always love you no matter what. Papa, please. I only wanted to help. Shh. Nina’s right. You need to rest.

[ Monitor beeping ]

[ Door opens ] She’s lying. About everything. She’s awake. She is alive. All this other stuff, it can wait. You’re right. That’s all that matters. Thank you for being here for charlotte. I’m just a phone call away. I’ll be back tomorrow. Cody, what are you doing here? Hello? Who is this little guy? Meet ferdinand, named after my favorite bull. But don’t — don’t tell salvadore. I don’t want him to know. Okay. He might throw him in a ring or something. I promise. Hey, sweetie. He is so cute! Yeah, he’s super gentle. Hi! Look at his eyelashes. Yeah, he does not need any makeup. Hey, bud. Right, buddy? Hey, buddy. Aww.

[ Chuckling ] Stay just like that.

[ Camera shutter clicking ] Perfection. No, no. Salvadore, wait. We need to get the alpaca wrangler out of the shot. Are you mad? This is what makes this shot authentic!

[ Camera shutter clicking ] Felicia: Well, that’s not fair. What’s the “yes” and what’s the “no”? Really, felicia, it’s nothing. Nothing. Come on. I’ve been pouring my heart out to you. You said that part of our job was to listen. So consider this training and let me listen to you. You playing my own card against me? Uh-huh.

[ Laughs ]

[ Sighs ] Alright. While I was in london visiting my cousin wanda, I met someone special. What? Who? George. Charming, sharp, and oh so very british. Proper in every way. Oh, that’s very exciting.

[ Laughs ] Was he a friend of wanda’s? No, no, he was a regular at our favorite italian spot. And I noticed he was looking at me, and he was a bit of alright. Anyway, we exchanged glances. And then one day I went to pay the bill, and they said, “the gentleman who just left took care of it.” Can you imagine?

[ Chuckles ] So I went right out, and there he was, looking at me, waiting. What happened? What didn’t happen? He became my tour guide. We roamed the city together. Galleries, gardens, you name it. It was like something out of a movie. Magical. You fell head over heels, didn’t you? Oh, felicia. More than I could have ever imagined. But…? George proposed. You turned him down. I did. Why? Because accepting would have been — would have meant london for life. And as much as I love george, my family, my heart, my essence, they’re — they’re all right here. That was maxie. They borrowed the alpaca for a photo shoot. Ferdie is such a cute alpaca. Look, ma, I know you’re just looking out for me, and so is chase, but I — whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You never said that chase was on the same page that I was. Yeah. He had the same idea that I should just walk into deception like a trojan horse. Oh! I knew that guy was a keeper. There’s a catch, ma. Tracy! She’s not stupid. She did exactly as I predicted. She made herself president of the board and made it impossible to vote her out. Tracy is not all that, okay? Please. With your smarts and a little bit of cunning, you can make things right for your friends. I don’t know. My love, come here. The best way to get rid of the queen is from inside the castle, not from outside the gates. So you take the job… and you let destiny do its work. And always make sure that you get a fresh manicure every week, okay? Except on thursdays. You know thursdays are bad luck.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Woman vocalizing ] My husband and I have never been more [ Monitor beeping ] Anna’s whistling in the wind. It does not make any sense to me that a wsb agent tells charlotte to go to her apartment with a backpack full of spray paint. I don’t know what to think. I mean, when charlotte was staying with us, you know, yeah, she was quiet and reserved, but she was polite and gracious. I mean, did she fit in 100% with the kids? Not really. But she hung out with rocco a lot. I mean, she went out of her way to hang out with danny and scout. Okay, so? She’s had a complicated life, right? I mean, she wasn’t always an angel. Is charlotte capable of targeting anna? I don’t know. But the evidence is pointing that way. But like you said, it’s a far-fetched idea to think that there’s some mysterious person from anna’s past that’s secretly pulling the strings, right? Why are you trying to help esme take ace away from me? She is not taking ace away from you. She’s not. She is — she’s creating a home for herself and for her son. But esme can’t take care of ace alone. He needs me. Yes, I think he does need you, and he always will —

always — as — as his big brother, not as a substitute father. Ace doesn’t have a father. I know, and that is really unfortunate. But you and esme are not a couple, right? And you’re not ready to commit yourself to esme. So what’s best for ace is that they make this change now, before he’s old enough to remember that things used to be different. You’re wrong. Ace needs to stay with me.

[ Sighs ]

[ Camera shutter clicking ] Salvadore: A raw, rugged man. An ethereal vision and a baby alpaca with trust in its eyes.

Una visión de fertilidad. Okay — a glimpse of paradise reborn, before the serpent, before temptation’s bite.

[ Stammers ] Salvadore, cody is not a model. Neither is the alpaca. It’s an alpaca, and he’s a man.

[ Camera shutter clicking ] Did you not hire salvadore to be salvadore? This. This is what they’ll be talking about. Salvadore’s vision of spring! Cody, uh, you good? Yeah, sure. Why not? Enough of this talk. You, “sash-**,” whisper to the alpaca. Be its mother. You are teaching the alpaca life. And you, wrangler, never take your eyes off her. Yeah. Not a problem.

[ Camera shutter clicking ] This is perfect. Luke was always one of the good ones. Yeah. And bobbie’s got it rough, having to go through this with tracy. ‘Cause tracy’s a snake. I mean, she’s a smart snake, but, mm… I sort of feel bad talking about how to get tracy out of deception when she’s, you know, going through something so personal. It feels wrong. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Please. Tracy will be the first one to say it. Family is one thing. Business is another. And with business, you got to be tough as nails. I guess you’re right. And like you said, tracy is a snake. Mm-hmm. So, how do we de-fang her? Hmm. Well, that is the million-dollar question, isn’t it? I guess I have to stick around a little longer and help you figure it out. Works for me.

[ Laughs ] Besides, I’ve always had a thing for snakeskin boots.

[ Both laugh ] Ned:

I just have to dive in

[ Woman vocalizing ]

I just have to dive in if I can I just have to dive in I just have to dive in <

On the next “General Hospital” —

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