B&B Transcript Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Rj: I– I– I still can’t get over what zende was saying earlier.

Ridge: I think he’s just concerned about his place in the company.

Rj: He’s concerned about his place in the company? He– no one’s trying to cut him out. He’s a vital part of forrester. He’s a forrester.

Ridge: He is a forrester.

Rj: Yes.

Ridge: But he’s not my son. In his perspective, that’s the thing that’s made all the difference. And I picked you because you’re my kid.

Rj: You think it’d make a difference if he knew the truth about granddad?

Thomas: What is happening here?

Hope: What are you talking about?

Thomas: You. You just get sexier and more beautiful every time I see you.

Hope: Hm. Well, I think you might be just a little bit biased.

Thomas: Ah, because I’m in love with you? You feel the same?

Hope: Oh, did I say that?

Thomas: Ah, yeah. A little bit. Little bit.

Hope: Oh. [ Chuckles ] Hey. Doing okay?

Thomas: Yeah. I– I don’t know. It’s just– the highs and lows.

[ Chuckles ] It’s like… you’re saying these wonderful things. I love you so much. It feels so amazing and then– and then I think about granddad and how we might lose him.

Hope: Well, it is awful to think about him being gone. I mean, I– I can’t even begin to imagine what that would look like.

Thomas: And we can’t talk about it with anyone. I mean, granddad doesn’t want anyone knowing, so I don’t know. Whoa. Hey. Is everything okay?

Zende: No. I’m upset, aren’t you?

Hope: Well, about what?

Zende: About hope for the future being put on ice so that rj can learn how to design with granddad.

Finn: You didn’t need to rush right over.

Li: Well, my son wants to see me, I’m there. What did you need? Patient consults?

Finn: No. Um, we need to talk about your sister and my cousin luna.

Bill: You look so familiar, but I– I just can’t figure out why. Have we met? Oh, you know what? I’m sorry. I– I should’ve introduced myself. I’m bill spencer. And you are?

Luna: Uh, hi. I’m luna nozawa and this is my mom, poppy.

Bill: Hi, luna. It’s nice to meet you.O.

Poppy: Hello, bil

Bill: You look so familiar, but I– I just can’t figure out why. Have we met? Oh, you know what? I’m sorry. I– I should’ve introduced myself. I’m bill spencer. And you are?

Luna: Uh, hi. I’m luna nozawa and this is my mom, poppy.

Bill: Hi, luna. It’s nice to meet you.

Luna: Nice to meet you.

Bill: And poppy. Hello.

Poppy: Hello, bill.

Li: Why would we need to talk about penelope and luna?

Finn: Because they’re here in L.A.

Li: Ah. That won’t be the case much longer.

Finn: Well, that’s not the impression I got from luna last night.

Li: Last night? You saw your cousin?

Finn: Steffy and I had her and rj over for dinner.

Li: Well, why would you allow that girl into your home?

Bill: Poppy, poppy… that doesn’t ring a bell, but I cannot shake this feeling that we’ve met before. Maybe a long time ago? New york?

Poppy: I haven’t spent any time there.

Bill: Oh. How about san francisco? I used to go back and forth on business there quite a bit.

Luna: Yeah, yeah. We’re from san francisco, so maybe you guys met there. Maybe you share a few friends.

Bill: Yeah. Maybe– maybe we had some friends in common. I went– went to same parties, bars. Of course, now you have your beautiful daughter.

Luna: Oh, that’s so nice. Thank you.

Poppy: It was nice to meet you, bill, but I don’t think we know each other.

Zende: We brought hope for the future back from the dead, the three of us, and it’s performed very well. We should be rewarded for that, not penalized.

Hope: Look, I’m not thrilled about the financial reallocations either, but I am trying to roll with it.

Thomas: Yeah, it happens. Right? One line gets put on hold while the other one launches.

Zende: I get that and I’m certainly not opposed to granddad getting back in the design game. But why would he choose to collaborate with rj?

Rj: I’m just saying that maybe we should tell zende about granddad. Then at least he would understand, you know, why certain choices were made?

Ridge: Well, I don’t think so. I think it’s time for me to honor my father’s wishes. I haven’t been doing that lately.

Rj: Um, what do you mean you haven’t been doing that lately?

Ridge: Well, I told steffy, I told thomas and that’s wrong. As far as zende is concerned, I think it’s gonna be fine.

Rj: I just– I don’t want any bad blood between us.

Ridge: It’s gonna be fine. We’re family.

Rj: Dad, we’re a family that’s about to lose its leader. (

Li: Gotta give credit where it’s due. Luna moves fast. Not only is she apparently dating rj forrester, she managed to get herself invited to your place for dinner. Ah, a chance to cozy up to the boss up close and personal.

Finn: Mom, steffy is an excellent judge of character. She’s a forrester. She’s hyper alert for any agendas. And she didn’t sense any of that on luna’s part and neither did I. I know you have issues with aunt poppy.

Li: Penelope.

Finn: Whatever. But they don’t carry over into my relationship with luna. I’m happy that she’s here working at forrester. And I expect that we’re gonna spend a lot more time together, so I made her a promise.

Li: What kind of promise?

Finn: That I would do whatever I possibly could to make sure you and her mother repair your relationship and get along like sisters should.

[ Li laughing ]

Li: Well, be prepared to break your promise because that’s not happening. Not in this lifetime.

Luna: I’ve– I’ve seen you in magazines, so I have to ask, are you– are you bill spencer from spencer publications?

Bill: One and the same.

Luna: You were married to brooke logan a few years back.

Bill: Uh… [ Chuckles ] Our relationship did get quite a bit of press, yeah.

Luna: Well, I’m an intern at forrester.

Bill: Oh, you’re kidding? Well, what a small world. You’re obviously into fashion.

Luna: Oh, yeah, ever since I was a little girl. I mean, I’ve made it my business to stay current on everything that’s going on both on the runway and behind the scenes.

Bill: And how are they treating you over there?

Luna: Oh, amazing. Everyone’s so kind.

Bill: Good. Good. Now, if that changes, you let me know and I’ll set them straight for you.

Luna: Okay.

Bill: You must be proud.

Poppy: Always. Luna’s the best part of my life.

Bill: I can see why. I just cannot shake this feeling that I know you. And I– I normally don’t forget names and faces.

Poppy: Well, maybe it’ll come back to you one day or maybe I’ll remember. But for now, I’m having lunch with my very busy daughter, whom I don’t get to see enough of.

Bill: Well, let it never be said that dollar bill can’t take a hint. Luna, it was nice to meet you. And nice to meet you again… poppy.

Zende: Rj was handpicked to design with eric because of ridge.

Thomas: I’m pretty sure dad had nothing to do with it.

Zende: Thomas, this naive look, it doesn’t look– it’s– it’s not good on you. It’s not even convincing. You, steffy and now rj have the edge around here. And what do you have in common? You’re ridge’s kids.

Thomas: Okay, zende, this is a family business. You got here somehow, right?

Zende: Oh, yeah. Thank you for noticing.

Thomas: Look, I’m sorry that you’re feeling passed over, but I know for a fact this was granddad’s decision.

Hope: It’s true, zende.

Zende: Guys, rj didn’t even want to be in the business. He told me as much when he came back, like, what, 20 minutes ago? Meanwhile, I’ve been here the entire time. I basically worked to resurrect hope for the future. And granddad starts a new line and I’m not even in the running to design with him? It really feels like rj has home court advantage because he is ridge and brooke’s son.

Ridge: I know it must have been difficult working with granddad knowing that his days with us are almost coming to an end.

Rj: No. I– I was grateful. I feel grateful for every single second that I’ve got to spend with him. It’s been– god, it’s been an honor to– to– to try to help him fulfill this vision. It was an honor that he even chose me to work with him.

Ridge: That’s my dad. He makes good choices. Picked the right man for the job. You know, maybe he was making up for some time that he didn’t have with you.

Rj: Then I’m glad I came back when I did. You know, he’s– he’s an incredible educator. This has been an– this has been quite the education, but, um… he opened up to me in ways that he never has before. And it meant a lot to me.

Ridge: Well, you will carry that with you for the rest of your life.

Rj: I will. And his legacy too. I’m gonna carry that with love and honor and pride.

Luna: Well, that was exciting. I can’t believe we just met bill spencer. You know, he’s a really big deal. Like, spencer publications owns magazines and television stations here. See? He hasn’t really changed much over the years. Are you sure you don’t remember seeing him?

Poppy: I don’t think so. I mean, I think I probably just look like someone he used to know.

[ Phone chiming ]

Luna: Oh, shoot. I’m sorry. I have to get back to work.

Poppy: Yeah, yeah. No problem. We can do lunch another time.

Luna: Are you sure?

Poppy: Yes. You go and be brilliant and important.

Luna: Mom, I’m just an intern.

Poppy: The best intern.

Luna: Oh, my god. I love you.

Poppy: I love you more.

Luna: Okay, bye.

Poppy: Bye.

Li: My sister isn’t who you think she is. She has you believing she’s some scattered little hippie chick, smiling her way through life. Luna doesn’t even know who her father is. So, you made a promise to luna you stand no chance of keeping. This reconciliation you want with my sister and me will not happen.

Hope: Got a minute?

Ridge: Sure. What’s up?

Thomas: Um, well, we were hoping we could convince you to breathe new life into hope for the future’s budget.

Hope: Yes, it would be money well spent.

Thomas: Yeah. Look and– and it’s money that you’ll get back with the new collection and so–

Ridge: I know. I know. And I don’t– I don’t doubt any of that, but you know that the money that was earmarked for hope for the future is going to dad’s collection.

Thomas: I understand that. It’s– look, we– the whole team is– is a little frustrated. And when we’re trying to– wheel spinning, right? And I was hoping maybe you might have some extra money lying around, but I totally understand granddad comes first. He is number one priority.

Hope: Well, especially now considering…

Ridge: I get your frustration, I do.

Thomas: Yeah. Our team is– is really frustrated. I don’t think I’ve seen zende so upset.

Hope: Well, I think his anger was directed a little more at rj.

[ Luna sighing ]

Rj: Hello?

Luna: Hi.

Rj: Hi. You already back from, uh, having lunch with your mom?

Luna: Yeah. It got interrupted. Uh, eric asked me to receive the french lace delivery, so I had to cut it short.

Rj: I’m sorry to hear that. I’m not sorry to see you though.

Finn: Look, I don’t pretend to understand all the dynamics you have with your sister, but luna is innocent. She is sweet and she is kind and she is trying to make something of herself. She’s willing to put in the time and the effort that it takes and I think that’s something to be admired.

Li: Having either one of them here is a bad idea.

Finn: Well, I guess I’m gonna have to find out for myself. ‘Cause now that luna’s in L.A., I wanna get to know her better.

Rj: I’m think about that a lot. The next time I’m gonna kiss you.

Luna: Well, it seems to be happening more and more often.

Rj: Mm. That’s true. Is that a problem?

Luna: No.

Zende: Ridge is looking for you.

Rj: Well, why didn’t he just peek his head in and ask me himself?

Zende: Maybe he wanted to save himself the walk?

Rj: Oh, okay. Well, um, we’ll pick up this conversation later.

Luna: Okay. Uh, do you– do you need something?

Zende: You have no idea.

Rj: Hey, you wanted to see me?

Ridge: Um, I– I always want to see you ’cause you’re my son and I love you, but not… I’m, um– okay. Uh, why are you here?

Rj: What do you mean, why am I– zende just told me that you wanted– he just peeked his head into the design office and said you wanted to see me.

Ridge: All right. All right. Uh, it– it doesn’t matter. I think– I’m glad you’re here. Maybe we should keep talking about zende and what’s going on.

Rj: You know what? Yeah, we should. You know, he’s– he’s changed dramatically all of a sudden. He used to be a very chill, easygoing guy. What’s going on with him?

Ridge: Well… he was on a path. He thought he was gonna be a certain someone and then you showed up and threw a wrench in it.

Rj: You know I didn’t do that deliberately. You know that, right? I– I– granddad asked me to do something, he needed me and I did it. And the reason why he asked me was because he had a very big secret and you know what that secret was.

Ridge: Yes. We all know what that secret is, but zende doesn’t know. He doesn’t know that granddad’s dying. You know what he sees? Some young guy with no experience coming in and taking a job that should have been his. So he feels he’s getting lost in the shuffle.

Rj: But that’s not true. He’s– come on. Zende’s a very talented designer. Everybody knows that he’s a talented designer.

Ridge: Everybody knows that. That’s what makes it hard for zende.

Zende: So, I couldn’t help but nohat secret was.

Ridge: Yes. We all know what that secret is, but zende doesn’t know. He doesn’t know that granddad’s dying. You know what he sees? Some young guy with no experience coming in and taking a job that should have been his. So he feels he’s getting lost in the shuffle.

Rj: But that’s not true. He’s– come on. Zende’s a very talented designer. Everybody knows that he’s a talented designer.

Ridge: Everybody knows that. That’s what makes it hard for zende.

Zende: So, I couldn’t help but notice, you and rj?

Luna: What about us?

Zende: Well, you’ve been spending a lot of time together. It’s pretty obvious you’ve been getting close.

Luna: Yeah, well, rj is a good guy. We just– we enjoy each other’s company.

Zende: Yeah, okay. Way to play it down. For the record, interoffice relationships are not really frowned on here. Basically, everyone has had one. My one piece of advice: Make sure the door’s locked. You are a terrific intern, luna. You came in here, you rolled up your sleeves. You basically handled everything thrown your way.

Luna: Well, yeah, my job is to do whatever anyone needs, so.

Zende: Is that so? I’m not sure if you’re aware of my– my background, my experience, but I went to the finest schools, went to forrester international in paris. My designs have been featured on runways around the world. I live and breathe fashion. And I suspect it’s the same for you.

Luna: Yeah. Yeah. How did you know?

Zende: I can tell.

Luna: I mean, I can only hope to be as good as you one day.

Zende: You know, it’s really nice to be appreciated. That means more to me than you know. Just, uh, keep in mind, rj isn’t the only forrester coming up around here.

Rj: My take on zende is very different than yours, dad. I don’t want to seem paranoid or anything, but, um, I think he’s out to get me.

Ridge: That does sound a little paranoid. There’s nothing that zende can take from you.

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