Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
Chad called Gwen to ask for her help. Xander wanted to know what Sarah was trying to pull in their case. He found out that Sarah called Brady to testify for her. She told him that she did it because he got Eric to testify. Konstantin wanted Theresa to kidnap Sarah’s baby. She wanted to know where to take the baby. He wanted her to do it or he would tell Alex what she did. Sarah and Xander continued talking about what they planned to do to each other in court. Chad knew Gwen had trouble getting the money she wanted from Dimitri’s family. He offered to give her money. Gwen didn’t understand why Chad wanted her to sell her half of the paper. Chad wanted to know how much she wanted. She hadn’t decided yet. Sarah planned on telling the judge how Xander passed Kristen’s baby off as his. He told her that he did that to spare her the pain of losing her child. She said that he was doing that to her again. Theresa took Victoria out her bassinette. Maggie saw her, but she was wearing a hooded jacket. Therea ran out with the baby. Maggie noticed Konstantin on the floor. She told him what happened to the baby. Konstantin told her that someone hit him from behind.
Sarah told Xander about the things Brady planned to say to the judge about him. Maggie called her and told her that someone took Victoria. Sarah accused Xander of kidnapping her. She thought he set it up so she could look like an unfit mother. Xander denied kidnapping her. Xander and Sarah arrived at the mansion. Maggie told them what happened. She apologized for allowing it to happen. Sarah cried in Xander’s arms. She wondered who would take their baby. Konstantin ran up to Theresa demanding the baby. She thought he wanted to reap the benefits of finding the baby. He demanded that she hand over the baby. Theresa gave the baby to him. He wanted her to punch him. She hesitated until he started talking about her. Theresa punched him in the face. Sarah wanted to know where her daughter was. She was afraid she was hurt. Xander wanted to go look for her. Konstantin brought Victoria back to Sarah. Xander told Konstantin that the police were going to question him about what happened. Konstantin said he didn’t see the person’s face. He warned Maggie that people would be after her now that she’s Victor’s widow. Xander and Sarah were grateful that he saved their daughter. Maggie helped take care of Konstantin. He kissed her. Sloan called Xander about the custody battle. Sarah couldn’t do it and wanted him to postpone it. Xander considered dropping the case all together.
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