GH Short Recap Friday, November 17, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Trina talks to Marshall and Curtis about Spencer. Curtis and Marshall advise Trina to talk to Spencer and ask him if he is going to make his relationship with her a priority. Spencer talks to Josslyn about his relationship with Trina and how much Ace needs him in his life. Josslyn tells Spencer that he needs to grow up and make a difficult choice for the first time in his life. Josslyn tells Spencer that this situation isn’t fair to Trina, Esme, or Ace.

Jordan accepts Laura’s job offer to become the deputy Mayor permanently.

Carly tells Michael and Willow she can’t accept Anna’s offer to sell her back the Metro Court because she doesn’t have the money to buy it. Michael offers to loan Carly the money, but she turns down his offer because she wants to buy back the hotel on her own. Carly tells Willow she appreciates Anna’s effort to make peace with her.

Austin goes to Dante and tells him that he is going to give them all the evidence they need to prosecute his boss as long as he gets an immunity deal and he doesn’t have to testify in court. Robert tells Dante that he agrees to give Austin immunity as long as they can put his boss in jail. Austin arrives home and asks an unseen person “what are you doing here?” The person shoots Austin and leaves him on the couch covered in blood. The audience sees black shoes walk out of Austin’s house.

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