Days Short Recap Monday, September 25, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Philip asked Rex if he told Kate what was going on. Rex said he hasn’t because he felt guilty for lying to her. He told Philip he wasn’t Victoria’s father. He said Xander is the father. Chloe overheard Rex talking to Philip. She hid behind a flower cart and continued to listen to Rex. Rex told Philip what happened with Sarah and the baby. Philip said he understood why Sarah wouldn’t want Xander to know about the baby. Rex said Maggie, Justin and Bonnie are the only ones who know the truth. He said they have all agreed to keep it a secret. Philip said he would keep it a secret. Rex said he appreciated him keeping the secret since it could be his chance to get Chloe back. Philip said he wasn’t going down that road again. He said he has accepted that she is with Xander. Rex asked him to officiate his wedding. Philip left to get ordained. Rex left to get Sarah and the baby from the hospital. Xander went to see Sarah at the hospital. He wanted to check on her and the baby. She said they were both fine. She wanted to know why he was there. He said he had something to tell her. She said she had something to tell him too. She told him to go first. He told her he and Chloe were getting married. She congratulated him. He asked her what she wanted to tell him. She said she and Rex were getting married today. He said it might be too soon after having the baby. She said she would be fine. She said they were having a simple ceremony at the pub. He told her about his plans with Chloe. He said he hoped Parker would like him. She said he would make a great father.

Kate told Roman that Sarah had the baby. He wanted to go see the baby. She said she didn’t want to go to the hospital because Rex didn’t tell them about the baby. He said she was being petty. She said something weird was going on. He said Rex has been acting weird. He asked if she did something to make Rex upset. Philip came in and told them he found out about the baby. He said he ran into Rex and he was going to come there as soon as he picked up Sarah and the baby. He told them about Vivian’s job offer. Kate left to talk to Vivian. Rex and Sarah showed up at the pub. Rex told him why they didn’t say anything about the baby. Roman said he understood but Kate was mad at him. Alex went to see Vivian at Titan. She told him she was running things and wanted him to come back and be her number two. He told her to shove it. She said she didn’t understand. He told her he didn’t like her because of what she did to his family and Maggie. She said she didn’t know he was so close to Maggie. He said he was. He said he didn’t want any part of her causing Maggie pain. She said he reminded her of his mother. He was surprised that she knew his mother. She said Anjelica was cutthroat and he was just like that. He said Victor told him the same thing. He said he wasn’t a traitor so he wasn’t going to work with her. She said working at Basic Black was the same. He left. Kate showed up and ripped into Vivian. She told Vivian Philip wasn’t going to work with her. Vivian asked if she wanted the job. Kate said she would never work for her,. Chloe went home and found Xander packing. He thanked her for accepting him. She broke down and cried. She said she couldn’t marry him because of Sarah. She told him that he is Victoria’s father. Maggie and Justin were glad they found Victor’s will. She wanted Justin to read it since he is a lawyer. The will said Victor realized he was still married to Vivian. He said he was going to rectify it soon. He wanted to make sure Maggie was provided for in case he died before fixing it. He said he was going to remarry her. He left her half of his estate. Maggie and Justin couldn’t wait to see Vivian’s face. He was curious about the other half of the will. He read that Victor left personal effects to various family members. He read that Victor left everything including controlling interest in Titan to a son he has never acknowledged. He was doing this to make up for never acknowledging his son. He planned to tell him when he got back to Salem. The name of the son was in a note. They were shocked when they saw the note. The son turned out to be Alex.

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