GH Short Recap Thursday, September 21, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Brook Lynn tells Eddie that she is going to have a meeting with Blaze to see about being her manager. Eddie tells Brook Lynn that he is going to sing at the Savoy tonight. Brook Lynn suggests that Eddie ask Olivia to go hear him sing. Eddie goes to the Metro Court to ask Olivia to go with him to the Savoy. Eddie tells Olivia he is singing tonight and he and Olivia hug. Eddie hesitates about asking Olivia out because Olivia is upset that the security footage from Anna’s hotel room has been wiped from the computer server.

Valentin tells Nina that he needs to spend more time with Charlotte, but before he can decide what to do next, he needs to find out if Charlotte burned down Anna’s house.

Willow returns to work at the hospital and helps Sam get a copy of the toxicology report from when Sasha was brought in after stabbing Cody. The report shows Sam that Dr. Montague gave Sasha dextroamphetamine which when combined with her antidepressant pushed Sasha over the edge.

Cyrus tells a guard to lie to Drew and tell him that Austin was visiting a prisoner who was in solitary confinement for stabbing a guard. Cyrus later tells Drew that the warden is planning to lock down the prison to avoid a scandal because she is being considered for a promotion. Cyrus tells Drew to stay out of trouble.

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