Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Suzanne
At Forrester, Hope and Thomas reassure Douglas that they’ll always love him, no matter what. Thomas thanks him for knowing that he has changed. They each hug Douglas.
Li visits Finn at home to try to get him to get rid of Sheila permanently. Finn tells her that he’s been having video calls with Steffy and the kids, but he really misses them. However, he’s unnerved by what Li’s hinting at, especially when she says that he should have let Sheila die when he had the chance. He assures Li that she is his mom and always will be.
Deacon and Sheila continue to make out. He keeps saying that what they’re doing is wrong, and he could lose Hope, and his restaurant, but he keeps giving in to her embraces. She talks about how she will get Finn back again. Deacon tries to make her see the reality of the situation, to no avail. Hope drops by while Deacon and Sheila are kissing on the couch. She knocks on the door. Deacon is shocked when Hope starts to open the door.
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