B&B Short Recap Thursday, September 14, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Eric tells RJ again how happy he is to have him helping him. RJ thanks him for teaching him. Eric has a phone call, so he and Donna leave RJ and Luna alone to flirt. She admires his artwork. He’s reminded that she follows him on social media, so he looks for her, but he finds that she has a private account. They go to Forrester. RJ talks to a guy named Ginge about alterations on Eric’s designs.

Hope brings a dress into Thomas’ office to try on, but she locks the door and decides to undress in front of him, and then they have sex.

Ridge and Brook keep discussing how Eric should retire, but they’re glad that he got RJ into designing. Brooke teases Ridge about all of the not-so-subtle hints he’s dropped over the year to try to get RJ into it. Ridge wants to try to convince Eric not to do his new collection, without hurting him or RJ. Ridge goes to see Eric, while Brooke chats with RJ about what’s been going on with him, Ridge and Eric. Ridge admires Eric’s designs and RJ’s artwork. He thanks Eric for mentoring RJ and getting him to design (when he failed at it). Eric reminds him about his new collection. Ridge tries to get Eric to work together on the designs with him and Thomas (to make it a family thing), but Eric won’t give up control to Ridge. They decide to have a runway competition and let the buyers decide. They shake hands on it.

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