Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Sonny asks Carly if she saw Austin when she went to see Drew at Pentonville. Carly tells Sonny she did see Austin but she doesn’t know who he was visiting. Carly tells Sonny she assumed he was visiting a patient since he was carrying his medical bag. Sonny asks Carly to let him know if she sees Austin at the prison again because he thinks Austin is hiding something and he wants to find out what Austin is hiding because he doesn’t trust Austin.
Jordan visits Curtis in rehab and tells him someone burned down Anna’s house. Curtis thinks that the shooter didn’t intend to kill Anna maybe the shooter just wanted to scare her and his injury was collateral damage.
Ava advises Portia not to let Curtis push her away to keep telling him she loves him and his injury doesn’t change her feelings for him.
Dante asks Sam to check on Cody because he is acting crazy so that he can get into Fern Cliff to rescue Sasha. Mac tells Cody that Dominique was also wrongfully committed to Fern Cliff, and he tried to get her out just like he is trying to help Sasha. Sam refuses to help Cody get committed to Fern Cliff.
Lucy and Maxie tell Gladys that Deception is being sued by an anonymous company. They are claiming that Deception stole the idea for the Receptor from them. Lucy and Maxie tell Gladys that Deception stock has been frozen and can’t be sold.
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