Days Short Recap Thursday, August 17, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Chloe went to the Spectator to talk to Xander about his marriage proposal. He got the call that Victor died. He grieved over him while she listened to him. He talked about how their relationship was up and down. Xander became very angry at Victor for the way he treated him. He regretted that he couldn’t make up with him before he died. She wanted to know if there was something she could do. He wanted to be left along. She told him that she loved him and that she was thinking about his proposal. Xander thought about the good memories he had of Victor. Roman told Kate about Victor. She was shocked by the news. She remembered the good and bad times. She said they were kindred spirits. Roman didn’t share the same sentiment as Kate did for Victor. He loved her and understood her loss. He told her to call Philip, but she refused to do it. She thought he would want to come home. She thought he will be arrested. Roman tried to change her mind, but she didn’t want to tell him. Roman promised not to say anything, but he was going to try to change her mind. Later, Chloe went to see Kate at the pub.

Steve and Kayla talked about Victor dying. He thought it was good thing. She knew he had his reasons for not liking Victor, but she felt sorry for the people Victor loved. Steve talked about the time he worked for Victor. They were thankful to Victor for helping them get together by bringing him to Salem and assigning him to spy on her. Abe was working on the flashcards when Belle showed up. She said she arrived after getting his call. He told her that he wanted to get his job back and needed her help. Paulina showed up and told him to forget about getting his job back and focus on his recovery. Abe didn’t want to do that. They started talking and Belle came up with an idea that could work for them. Rawlings demanded that Shawn arrest Paulina for assault. She poked him in the chest. He tried to convince him that he was being unreasonable. Rawlings told him that he would lose his job if he didn’t arrest Paulina. Later on, Abe and Paulina invited Rawlings over to talk. Abe told him that he was making Paulina the mayor. Belle went to the police station and told him about what happened with Abe and Paulina. She got a call from John. After she got off the phone, she told Shawn that Victor was dead.

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