GH Short Recap Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Marshall visits Curtis at the hospital and they play Go Fish while they have a talk. Curtis tells Marshall he is scared to go to rehab because he feels like if he learns how to live life in a wheelchair he is giving up hope that he will be able to walk again. Marshall tells Curtis he doesn’t have to go through this alone. Curtis admits to Marshall that every time he sees Portia he is reminded of the life they could have had together, and it hurts to think about it. Jordan arrives to visit Curtis and asks him if he remembers anything about the day he was shot because she wants to help solve the case.

Trina moves back home to support her mom and Curtis. Spencer comes with Trina to help her move her things back into her room. Portia sends Trina to her room asking her to take some things out since she has been using her room for storage. Portia tells Spencer she is worried about Trina and doesn’t want him to because of his uncle, Sonny. Spencer tells Portia he is nothing like his uncle Sonny and he will always protect Trina. Portia asks Spencer to leave without saying goodbye to Trina because she wants to spend time with her daughter. Spencer leaves and Portia tells Trina he had to take off then she and Trina talk about how they will make the house accessible in case Curtis decides to move back home after his rehab.

Alexis and Gregory do some ax throwing to get rid of stress. Gregory opens up to Alexis about his ALS having gotten worse and he is afraid to spend time with his family because they may notice the symptoms of his ALS. Alexis reminds Gregory that he once told her he wanted to live his life until he couldn’t do it anymore and she thinks that is exactly what he should do.

Olivia talks to Carly about her situation with Ned and to take her mind off things Carly shares memories with Olivia about their fifteen-year-old friendship while the audience sees flashbacks of their friendship.

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