GH Short Recap Thursday, August 3, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Aunt Stella tries to persuade Curtis that his family loves him and will help him deal with his diagnosis. Curtis is still sad and grieving the loss of the man he used to be. Trina opens up to Dex and tells him she is sad because Curtis doesn’t want to see her. Dex helps her understand that Curtis is sad because he can’t be her protector anymore. Dex tells Trina to let Curtis know; she is there for him, but he needs space to deal with his diagnosis.

Olivia tells Eddie about her days partying with Lois before she got pregnant with Dante and gave up her wild days to raise him.

Molly and TJ meet with the lady from the surrogacy service who will find a surrogate for them. Kristina bursts in during the meeting but leaves quickly after she finds out that the lady is there from the surrogate service.

Cody calls to find out when he can visit Sasha at Fern Cliff but is told he isn’t on the list of visitors Gladys gave to the hospital.

Ava searches Austin’s patient files and finds out Gordon Stevens was never Austin’s patient. Austin tells Ava that Mason made him treat Gordon. Austin wonders if Ava told Sonny she killed Nikolas.

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