Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Molly and TJ get bad news from Dr. Navarro when she tells them that the endometriosis has damaged her eggs and the chances are extremely low that they can have a viable embryo using her eggs.
Molly decides to take a break from the baby situation and just concentrate on TJ and living her life.
Jordan tells Portia to fight for her marriage and stop thinking about a kiss between her and Curtis that didn’t mean anything. Jordan tells Portia that she hopes she and Curtis will be happy. Curtis tells Trina that he kissed Jordan, but it was a mistake because he wants to be with Portia.
Cody, Sam, and Spinelli team up to try and get Gladys to drop the charges against Cody by making her think they have proof that she put the necklace in Cody’s pocket.
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