Y&R Best Lines Friday, June 9, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Daniel: Summer, that was a mistake. We need to be handling this out in the open, not encouraging her to run and hide from the cops. I mean, it’s just making things worse for all of us.

Summer: I wasn’t about to let her sacrifice her freedom for my– chance.

Daniel: Chance at what?

Chance: I’m done playing games. Where’s phyllis?


Ashley: We’re getting married.

[ Tucker chuckling nervously ]

Tucker: Don’t everyone talk at once.

Devon: Yeah. No. I– I don’t know if we believe you, that’s all.

[ Laughing ]

Abby: I mean, is– is this real or is this for–

Tucker: It’s–

Abby: Diane and uncle jack’s benefit?

Tucker: It’s very real. And the wedding is going to happen very soon.

Ashley: Yeah.

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