Y&R Best Lines Monday, May 29, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Lily: Hello. The only thing you’re gonna find at the bottom of that coffee cup is a case of the jitters.

[Lily laughing] Are you still not sleeping?

Daniel: Is it that obvious?

Lily: Well, only to the trained eye.

Daniel: Do you want a cup?

Lily: Um, no, I’m good. I’m gonna be charged and centered.

Daniel: Yoga?

Lily: Yeah. You wanna join me?

[Daniel chuckling] No? Okay.

[Lily laughing] You know you can always call me, right? Even if it’s the middle of the night. I really wish there was something to do to help you


Victoria: Good morning, Billy.

Billy: Ooh, la, la! What do we have here? Who the heck are you?

Victoria: Same me I’ve always been.

Billy: No, this is a decidedly different Ms. Newman than I’ve seen in a very long time. You got a little pep in your step.

Victoria: Well, it could be the shoes. I had them flown in from Milan.

Billy: I noticed the shoes. It’s not your shoes. No, this is–

Victoria: A woman on the top of her game. So, how’s everything going at jabot?

Billy: You’re trying to change the subject and I can’t let that happen because it’s me.

Victoria: You know, I was having such a lovely morning until I ran into you.

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