Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
At the DiMera mansion, Megan was talking to Stefano’s portrait. EJ walked in and wanted to know who she was and what she was doing there. She said she had a right to be there. She called him baby brother. He said he heard about her being released from prison. He said he didn’t expect her to be there. She said she was a DiMera. She said her place was in the house and business. Kristen ran into Gabi and Stefan. She told them she was free. Gabi yelled at her for working with Li to brainwash Stefan. Stefan told Gabi not to make an enemy out of Kristen since they could use her vote. Gabi apologized to Kristen. Kristen said they could make it up to her by taking them home with her. Brady talked about Kristen to Marlena. He was upset about Kristen being in his life because of Rachel. Marlena said his family was there for him. Eric showed up to tell them the charges against Sloan cleared since her brother was the one going after Paulina and Chanel. He said he wanted to make her feel better by having the dinner she wanted with Marlena and John. He said Brady was invited too. He said Brady could bring anyone he wanted. Brady said the only person he would bring would ruin everything. He said he wouldn’t bring Kristen, but he would go to dinner. Anna was on the phone with Nicole. She told Nicole no one would hear about the pregnancy from her. While she was on the phone, Tony was there. She got off the phone. He asked who she was talking to about a secret pregnancy. She said she was the one who was pregnant. Tony asked how it was possible. She said Rolf.
Sloan and Nicole ran into each other at the hospital. They got into an argument until Kayla showed up. Sloan wanted to check on her brother. Nicole told Kayla Sloan knows she is pregnant. She told Kayla that she needed a paternity test right away. Kayla said she could get an accurate result next week. She said she needed a cheek swab from one of the potential fathers. Megan told EJ that all of Stefano’s heirs had a right to the mansion and a vote to who runs the company. He said she was dead for 30 years. She said she had faith her lawyer will sort everything out. She used her vote as a way to get his help. He wanted to celebrate her return. She asked about the rest of the family. He said they would be home soon. Tony told Anna what she would have to give up if she was pregnant. He wanted her to tell him the truth about the pregnancy. He asked if Nicole was the one that was pregnant. EJ told Stefano’s portrait that he needed to keep Megan on his side. Kristen showed up with Gabi and Stefan. Gabi said they invited Kristen back. Megan introduced herself to Stefan and Gabi. EJ told them they were going to have a dinner in Megan’s honor. Anna admitted to Tony that Nicole was pregnant. She asked Tony not to say anything because Nicole didn’t know who the father was. Tony said EJ had a right to know. She asked him not to say anything until Nicole took a paternity test. EJ called Tony to invite him to dinner. Kayla gave Nicole a kit so she could get the cheek swab. When Kayla left, Sloan showed up and found out about Nicole’s situation. Sloan suggested that she get the swab while EJ was sleeping. Nicole said she couldn’t risk him waking up in the middle of it. Sloan said Eric was a sound sleeper so she could get the swab from him. Nicole hesitated about the idea. Sloan suggested they get a swab from both of them to double their chances of success unless she wanted to tell Eric and EJ the truth. Sloan said she didn’t need Eric distracted from supporting her. Nicole said EJ would be upset if he found out he wasn’t the father. Eric showed up as Nicole reached into the kit to give Sloan the swab. He wanted to know what was going on.
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