Y&R Short Recap Friday, May 26, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Chloe and Sally persuade Devon and Lily to hire them to redecorate the Chancellor Winters offices.

Chance tells Christine about the tear and mascara-stained program from Phyllis’s memorial service that he found inside the dumpster of the motel where Jeremy was staying. Chance tells Christine he will let her know when he gets the DNA results back from the lab.

Sharon gets a postcard that has the same handwriting as the note on the champagne bottle that was sent anonymously to her. Sharon tells Nick she thinks it might be from Cameron Kirsten, so Nick and Sharon ask Chance to investigate the, situation.

Phyllis wants to stay hidden so she doesn’t cause trouble for her family, but Summer tells Phyllis she will help her do anything she needs to do so she can come home to her family. Cameron Kirsten checks in to the Athletic club

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