Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, May 24, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nick: We need to talk about some budget issues with some of our newest acquisitions.

Victoria: Oh, really? Is that what you’re so anxious to discuss with me? The budget issues?

Nick: Yes, vic. Actually, that is why I’m here.

Victoria: Because I get the feeling that you actually want to turn this into another lecture.

Nick: Why? Because I just happen to walk in on you and Nate yet again?

Victoria: Walk in? On what? Some chemistry? Oh, how dare we.

Nick: I didn’t say that.

Victoria: No, no, you don’t have to say much. You just glare at me and grit your teeth. You know, I’m actually impressed you were able to hold back for so long. You obviously didn’t hold your opinion back from dad. He was more than happy to interrogate me after you riled him all up.

Nick: Well, it’s not like mom wasn’t gonna tell him about it anyway. And what’s the deal? Is your new hot relationship with Nate a big secret? Well, Elena knows about it and she’s certainly not keeping it to herself.

Victoria: It’s not a secret. But I would’ve


Ashley: Tucker’s a part of this family.

Jack: The hell he is.

Ashley: Diane is your fiancée. Tucker’s mine.

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