Y&R Short Recap Thursday, May 11, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Sally and Nick argue because he doesn’t think that she should take the job with Adam because Adam is only trying to control her. Chloe agrees with Nick and tells Sally that if she takes Adam’s job offer she won’t go with her because she doesn’t want to work with Adam again.

Ashley and Jack argue about Diane and Tucker again and Jack tells Ashley that he thinks she has trust issues that is why she can’t fall in love with anyone.

Adam tells Nick that he loves Sally and he will do anything to help her. Adam asks Nick if he loves Sally or if he only likes her because he wonders what will happen when he stops liking her.

Daniel and Summer argue because Daniel wants to tell the truth so Diane won’t go to jail. Summer wants to wait until they figure out a way Phyllis won’t go to jail.

Tucker tells Diane he will give her a new identity and help her run so she won’t go to jail. Diane tells Jack she considered Tucker’s offer, but Jack tells Diane that she doesn’t need to leave because they will prove that she is innocent.

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