Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Tucker tells Adam that he will never run McCall Unlimited because he intends to sell the company to Devon. Adam tells Victor about his conversation with Tucker and Victor decides to go talk to Devon in person. Devon is thinking about buying McCall Unlimited as a safety net in case he loses the court battle to buy back Hamilton Winters from Chancellor Industries. Devon tells Victor that if he can persuade Jill and Lily to sell him Hamilton Winters he won’t buy McCall Unlimited. Victor tells Devon he will see what he can do.
Abby is embarrassed when she comes downstairs to Seconds living room wearing his shirt and sees her father talking to Devon.
Nate goes up to the room Victoria got for them at the Grand Phoenix and politely tells her that she doesn’t want to have sex with her because he doesn’t want to ruin their working relationship. Nate tells Victoria that he is very attracted to her, but he is very committed to Elena.
Audra tells Tucker that she wants Nate and she intends to get him away from Elena and Victoria. Nate assures Elena that he loves her and is committed to their relationship. Elena thinks Nate is getting too defensive and she worries that he is lying to her. Nate assures Elena once again that he loves her and they make love.
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